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"with the band"

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by "with the band"

  1. Why is it some of us have reflux after banding and never had it before. Today I just read that some meds (Nexium and Prevacid) included cause weight gain.....what's up with all this???? I never had to take meds before but now have to take prevacid and eat tums all day long.
  2. "with the band"

    -4 this Week--& this is HOW

    Good for you Kare - You have motivated me to get up and walk on my treadmill. Thanks. Nancy
  3. "with the band"

    Has anyone reached a plateau?

    I lost like crazy at first and have stalled to a huge stop for at least two months. That is way too long. I have started to exercise - and my muscles are dead right now. I really think I have to get up and move.
  4. "with the band"

    Suddenly conflicted over getting banded....

    I too have lost great amounts of weight - only to fail at maintaining the loss. That's why I chose to get the band. I needed something that would give me the lifelong edge to fight the ineveitable creep back of weight that I always would experience. I don't feel bad about that decision - I feel like I have admitted to myself that even though I am great at losing if I try - my body has a sneaky way of grabbing back at every ounce I lose. Not all my fault - long line of survivor genes in this family. Ha Ha. Is this the first time you have attempted to lose weight and have succeeded? If not - looking back at your own history could tell you what you might expect. Good Luck.
  5. "with the band"

    Weeeeeeeeeeeee 50lbs gone forever...

    so good for you - I can't wait to hit that mark.
  6. "with the band"

    Texas State Fair and Fletcher's Corny Dawgs

    What's that old saying "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels..."
  7. "with the band"

    This is why I'm dying for a soda

    Lisa - I love diet pepsi soooo much - I know how you feel. I used to think silly things like "will there be diet pepsi in heaven" (for real) I used to give it up for Lent and that would be the only time I went without it. My dietician has figured out that it is my lack of drinking diet pepsi that has me dehydrated because I certainly don't drink the same amount of Water or anything else since quitting diet pepsi this last Lent season when I was getting ready for surgery. I know how you feel. If I wasn't so scared, I would have one right now. (I even took a small sip of DH diet pepsi this afternoon....it tasted kinda sweet) Try to associate the diet pepsi with the worst thing you can imagine. Maybe call it by the name of the person you like least, think of it as if you are doing your least favorite chore, associate the diet pepsi with anything that will turn you off.....this will help to kill the desire you have for it. Right now you are obsessing over it - like a lover being kept from his/her object of desire.....that is never good. Try this - maybe this will give you the edge you need to shake this..... Good Luck, Nancy
  8. "with the band"

    Jumping In

    welcome - congrats on your decision and the bravery to go through with it. Finding the money is good also. We are all here for you....fire away with any questions.... Nancy
  9. docs fixed a hiatal hernia on me also at surgery for banding. Have suffered with acid reflux (not typical symptons though) since 3 weeks after surgery. This coupled with a feeling of pressure and pain in my neck and shoulder on the left. Very bothersome.....
  10. "with the band"

    New to the forum

    The best me answered all your questions.....so Welcome to Band Land.... We are glad that you found this place....to me - I don't know what I would have done without it since july...I always have somewhere to go to look at stuff to help me deal with whatever band-adventure I am on that day. That has been helpful to say the least. It makes me feel like I am not alone in this unknown venture. That is somehow comforting to me to be able to listen to others and talk when I need to. Good Luck. Nancy
  11. "with the band"

    Ok, what's the deal here?

    GIve it time and definitely wait till you come back from Hawaii. Tell me how you like it - DH and I are going in April for a 15 day cruise to Hawaii. We can't wait. I have a whole room full of size 12 hawaii clothes I need to fit into....I really need to keep exercising so that I can hopefully wear them by then. It's only 6 months away now and I still have 50 lbs. to lose to wear a size 12. I really am trying to use that as a great reason to get up and exercise.
  12. "with the band"

    negative study re : Lap banding

    That is all very interesting. I pray none of that happens to any of us.
  13. "with the band"

    Sex with the Band *G-rated*

    Feels fine - at first I was sore (unable to do certain things - he he - like lift my legs up over my head) Did I really say that....Oh my goodness..... Getting better and better. I sometimes don't even remember the band now. I can hardly believe that. I was feeling it constantly - but it seems to be fading away from my constant thought waves.
  14. "with the band"

    Two Year Anniversary

    That is so cool Megan - I am so proud to know others like you on this journey. I have spent so much time in sadness over weight - that this site gives me hope and happiness thinking of the changes for the better that we all have a chance at. I am so glad for you. Take care.
  15. "with the band"

    How do you get a picture of yourself accepted?

    Penni60 - Thanks so much for helping me (non computer savvy girl) with my pic. Your kindness is appreciated. Nancy
  16. Sandy - I am also from outside of Toledo - and I went to Dr. Duckett and Dr. Oweiss of Northwest Surgical Specialists in Maumee, OH. They do lap-band exclusively. They are wonderful surgeons in their own right and are highly respected in the area. If you are anywhere near Toledo area go to them - they are top notch and specialize in this. If you need anymore info - let me know and I will set you up with a phone number, etc. Good Luck. They have the tools to use the arbitrators to help fight your insurance. They have a seminar once a month with infor that you can attend.
  17. "with the band"

    Anxiety/Panic attacks

    I thought about that a lot pre-banding. Now since the band I only think about the band if I have a unknown pain or something. Automatically I will think - is something wrong with the band. I really thought I might flip over a foreign object - but i seem to be fine. I try to look at the band as my friend - my very expensive little helper.....it changes my perspective. Good luck.
  18. "with the band"

    Underwear Creeping

    DeLarla - Why don't you use some good old fashioned honesty on her. Tell her how her actions offend you and how you don't understand for the life of you how a person can be as ignorant of anothers struggles and be so blatantly obtrusive in your weight loss effort. Let her know how you try to respect the common ground of your shared space and that you can't possibly understand what she gets out of the mean childish destructive behavior that she perpetuates on you in this common ground. Ask her kindly to see that her actions are harmful and useless and that as grown adults sharing common space - things needed to be said. Sometimes talking calmly, sensibly is a put down enough for others to get the MESSAGE. If not. Try to find out slyly through conversation what type of smells she hates and start bring those smells around her. Talk about things that make you sick, learn her things and then use them to show her what she is doing to you. But - above all my motto is KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS....it just confuses them so much - they don't get any joy out of pushing your buttons - so they stop and move on to an easier target - thus leaving you alone. That's my favorite tactic....works everytime. Take care - I look at the underwear thing like a gauge - keeps you aware of things. Thats what I think and why I won't go back to the granny panties either.
  19. "with the band"

    Attention!!! Any July 2005 Bandsters

    I was banded July 25, 2005. I have lost 40 lbs. to date. A lot in a small amount of time. I have definetly slowed down and have started exercising to jump start my loss again. I am trying to get by with no fills and really think that I can control this with the help the band gives me. I truly am game for the retraining of my mind about eating and exercise. I know I have to do the work and use the band as the tool that it is.
  20. "with the band"

    Affraid To Eat

    I felt exactly the same way - you will find out for yourself and start to feel more comfortable. I believe that caution is important and being afraid is not so much a bad thing in this journey....caution and going slow - chewing and chewing will be your friend. Take care - you will be fine....these feelings are very normal in my experience. I said the very same thing to my nutritionist. I was afraid to eat. I was banded on July 25, 2005 and just now this past month have been less afraid. I feel restriction and I don't know if it is mental or just fear. Whatever I feel it and I eat different and think different since surgery.
  21. "with the band"

    I'm a go!!!!

    Good for you....you are part of the hope now....
  22. "with the band"

    Band Questions

    Tropicana, You are on the right track. The band will not work by itself and is designed to give you the edge that you mention. You have to resign yourself to self control and choosing to work with your band instead of around it or against it. The upper part of your stomach has sensors that tell your head that you are full.....until the food in your regular stomach reaches that level - you don't feel full - most people with weight issues have a larger stomach from overeating and thus it takes more to fill up the stomach to feel full. The band allows your food to stay in the upper portion of your stomach after you eat while it is digesting to get through the smaller stomach opening created by the band and you feel full - allowing you to have the edge that helps you to eat less. Following the band rules is very important as drinking liquids will push the food through the opening faster. You must chew your food and eat tiny bites. Basically, every time I ever tried to diet - I would do good and all with the diet but it never works and stays working. I never had the edge that I have now with the band. I used to wish I could have something so I would not be able to overeat. That's what the band is. I truly believe without my own determination - the band is useless and a detriment to me. Please remember that when deciding - you must work with the band....not against it. Without my diet concious mind - this would not work. Face it - anyone can drink too many calories or eat too many soft things that they can get down - to outeat the band......but I have plans and this fat "me" isn't part of them. Good Luck.
  23. "with the band"

    Unbanded............... To many problems

    soooo sorry for you and all the pain and trouble you have had. I wish you success with losing on your own - possibly try the bandsters rules without the band - Eat slowly Eat small bites exercise.... I hope that your body heals and that all is well with you. Take care.
  24. "with the band"


    like aaamom says - you have us. Explain to whoever may ask you that you have developed a great support system through this site. Also - my doctor has a lap-band support group made up of his patients. We meet once a month. It is very helpful and I wouldn't miss it. Maybe your docs will have such a program also. Good luck and remember - you have us....by the way, nice to meet you - my name is Nancy and I was banded July 25, 2005.
  25. I finally got up and exercised. I was banded July 25th and haven't exercised since. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to but since my weight loss has stalled since last month I figured I better do something. I spent 15 minutes on the rowing machine and 15 minutes on the treadmill....now I just need to keep doing it everyday and not make any excuses. Tell me what are you guys doing for exercise and do you see a difference in your weight loss. I have to get this thing moving because I have a whole closet full of size 12 clothes that I bought last year in anticipation of having my lap band surgery and losing my weight by April 9th when hubby and I are going on a 2 week cruise to Hawaii. I really truly want to wear these clothes on this trip (as I don't have 2 weeks worth of cruise clothes in another size) and I don't want to spend the time self loathing myself because I fail yet another goal. Give me some good wishes and some good tips. Nancy

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