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"with the band"

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by "with the band"

  1. Don't do it....you just risked your life to save your life - don't let any unneccessary complications cause you future grief. Give your body the right time to heal. If you need something talk to your nutritionist - steak is not the answer right now.
  2. "with the band"

    Can We Talk About Sex?

    Tried about a week later - and realized how sore my ab muscles really were. After that we just took it easy and things have been moving along fine since.
  3. I think I read once it takes a full year for gum to dissolve if it is swallowed....can anyone verify that? We used to tell the kids that so they wouldn't swallow it...LOL.
  4. "with the band"

    Freaked Out About A Flipped Port!!!

    no - but thanks for the freak out - that's all i needed. Sometimes this is like one big scary movie.....
  5. "with the band"

    Most Embarrassing Moment Anyone?

    Isn't life grand......too funny.
  6. "with the band"

    I want the good and the bad

    I have been banded just a short time and the only bad is the reflux i have experienced and I haven't even had a fill yet....it has been driving me crazy.
  7. My left side is still sore in the left front of my body and it hurts to sit alot and feels as if I am sitting on "it" in that area of the left ribcage. Is this still normal to have pain and discomfort here like that?
  8. I will maybe be relocating to Illinois soon from Ohio and want to find a Dr. there who does lap-band to continue my care with. Do any of you know anyone to suggest. Thanks, Nancy
  9. "with the band"

    Help I need advice!

    I am going on a cruise in a week and I have been told they have ensure protein drinks available if you ask pre-boarding. They will also puree for you and they make wonderful cream soups that you will be able to have and they have sugar free ice creams and sorbets...they will do anything if you just ask them. Have fun.....make sure you have meds and get trip insurance in case you have medical emergency while out of the country. It would be worth it at this stage I believe. I got it for myself and I had surgery 7/25/05. Take care, nancy
  10. "with the band"

    Negative/jealous Vibes From Others

    Kat - people are just scared cause they don't like the unknown. I am sure she thinks she is being a friend to you. Everyone is always jealous of me and I always think that's crazy cause none of them could even begin to have walked in my shoes. I just be better than the petty crap around me in this world. It makes so much so simple in life. Don't let anyone tell you what trip to make....life is a single file line. nancy
  11. "with the band"

    Esophagitis - Throat Problems

    Who has had these and what are the symptoms and ways you may have dealt with this. What is the difference between prevacid or prilosec or nexium - which is the best for the reflux gas in my throat that gives me a problem. It doesn't burn - just messes with my sphincter and makes me feel like I keep having to try to swallow - I have been just miserable and the doc said - that it should go away that things just aren't going down as well as they would hope. What does that exactly mean - I am still not truly sure. Just wanting to vent......
  12. "with the band"

    So Sick and Tired of This Battle

    I will pray for you and I am sure that you will make it through. Don't give up and don't turn back.
  13. "with the band"

    Hi! I am new too

    welcome to our forum I too am relatively new. Good luck = I hope all goes well with your surgery. let us know how you are doing.
  14. "with the band"

    SHOCKED to discover...

    Alex - what were your symptoms - reflux - always since being banded or just after a fill.
  15. I was Banded or as I say (I had my stomach handcuffed) on July 25, 2005 in Maumee, Ohio at St. Lukes Hospital with Dr. Duckett and Dr. Oweiss. I think I am doing ok - I'm down 33 lbs. from my start of my 1200 calorie diet on July 5, 2005. I have had some problem with reflux - we are not even sure - cause it's not the typical reflux symptoms....I have been praying this will straighten out and stop as I never had these type of problems pre-band. I just wanted to be able to walk (I have bad arthritis in my right knee and I was starting to walk like my grandma used to). I felt so vulnerable - like I couldn't run away from anything if I needed to.... I am hoping to find hope and comfort reading on these boards - I feel like my whole existence has been wrapped up in this crazy Quest to conquer this terrible disease of obesity. Pray for me and I will pray for all of you also.
  16. "with the band"

    I hate fat people!!!

    Yep Julie D. - I feel exactly the same way - I want to save everyone and tell them that there is hope. I try to control myself - cause I would have been mortified had someone done something like that to me at any time.
  17. "with the band"

    Looking for July 2005 bandsters!

    Yep - I grew up always living right off of River Rd. the river that runs along the Maumee River here. It is a beautiful place.
  18. "with the band"

    Looking for July 2005 bandsters!

    "Band" Cuffed 7/25/05. Started at 238 - now down to 200 and my goal is 145. I am not going to get a fill at all if I can help it (my choice and what I feel is right for me). My doc saw me yesterday and told me to come back in 6 months that I was doing fine.
  19. "with the band"

    Okay this is day 3 and I am starving!!

    Gabriel - don't worry - everyone has fears and second thoughts....part of the process I guess. Diva- Just keep drinking something....experiment with different flavors till one does the trick and satisfies you. I know it seemed like my flavor instinct changed from day to day what Protein shake I could tolerate. (Not a big fan of them in the first place). Take care.
  20. "with the band"

    70 Stubborn Pounds

    I also struggled over doing the band - not doing the band. I know when I go to my lap band meetings - the other ladies must look at me like - "What are you doing here?" - but after yo-yo dieting up and down a 90 + pound ladder all my life - I figured - I also needed this tool. I have only been banded since 7/25/05 and after losing 38 lbs. I am only 55 lbs. from my goal weight. That is exciting. I know I wouldn't be headed in that direction had I not pursued the band. Good luck to you and I hope you do what is exactly right for you. Take care.
  21. "with the band"


    I can relate - just because your not at a certain weight doesn't make you feel like you need the help any less. I know I went on a eating binge trying to "qualify" after my 1st visit with the doctor. I wish I hadn't - cause that was just weight I had to lose. Not too good for me either. Take care and I hope all goes well for you. Let me know how you do. I will keep you in my prayers.
  22. It's been 4 weeks since surgery and I am still on soft diet - on the 8th of Sept. I am supposed to be able to eat normal food again. My question is - Why would I ever need a fill when I feel so totaly restricted right now and can hardly eat any more than 1/3 to 1/2 cup of food at a time. I never seem to feel hungry. I cannot imagine needing a fill. Does this all change over time - or am I just this way because it's only 4 weeks out. Also, my side (front) is still sore (must be where they stitched to the muscle) is this still normal? I cannot bend over - just does not feel good at all in that area if I do. I have to sit up straight or it bothers me. (I spent a lifetime not sitting up straight....now it bothers me if I don't) I am still having throat problems - (going to see my surgeon tomorrow). The tests (Esophagram) showed no signs of Acid Reflux and they don't really think my symptoms are just that. Sunday I went and got some Gas-X and have encountered a gaurded sense of releif in my throat although it is till creeping up here and there. I have been studying what caused Gas and all the lactose in the milk products, the potatoes (mashed) that I have had during this soft stage, these are all things I never ate before and possibly they are causing me this gas. My lap-band nurse said she doesn't understand why it would be up in my throat - I'D LOVE TO KNOW..........I'D LOVE TO FIGURE IT OUT! All I can say is that I have prayed and prayed for relief and I am thanking God that he has given me some. Hopefully the Doc will have some words of wisdom or comfort for me tomorrow. I am getting ready for a anniversary cruise with my DH in 19 days and I truly don't want to be bothered with this throat thing. Pray for me. I have lost 39 lbs. and I am so excited - the scale went down to 199 today.....hope is on the horizon. I have 54 more to go. My goal is to be a size 12 by April when DH and I are going on a 15 day cruise to Hawaii. I have two (count them - TWO) closets full of Hawaii clothes in SIZE 12. This forum has been very helpful and I am addicted to reading things here 3 or 4 times a day. It keeps my mind on the program and what I am doing here with this thing. You are all great and it has been a pleasure to read and get to know all of you.
  23. "with the band"

    Eating too Fast

    I also cut my food up really small - in tiny minute pieces that I eat with a small fork. I only use my small fork, a baby spoon, and a sharp knife so that I am sure to eat small bites. It is amazing how much flavor you can get chewing a tiny piece of food. I also have a kitchen timer with a little turtle (reminding me to go slow) and a seashell (reminding me that I love to go on vacations and wear pretty clothes). The turtle and the shell is glued to the top of the timer and I turn it on to 30 minutes (my dr's recommendation) and try to put my fork or spoon down between bites. If my food gets cold I warm it up in the microwave (I hate cold food). If I am not eating enough to make it last the 30 minutes I try to chew a piece of sugar free gum (the small squares) for the remaining minutes so that I am still chewing and releasing the digestive saliva for that whole 30 minutes. Mentally - it has been ok - sometimes I get up and do something silly - like wash a pan - whatever to break up the 30 minutes. When I have eaten faster - I don't think it has set well with me. I am very crazy about not getting something stuck - and these small cut up bites help me to feel SAFE.
  24. Great - thanks - I keep hoping this is a temporary situation with the throat. Thanks again.

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