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"with the band"

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by "with the band"

  1. "with the band"

    Help!! I Gained 2 Lbs

    Don't worry - 2 lbs. is probably just water or weight and muscle changes....
  2. "with the band"

    Question for July Bandsters

    I was banded on July 25th and have lost 38 lbs. to date. Problem is most of those I lost before a month ago and for the past month I have really stalled. I am sore on my port side and have trouble sitting - feel like i am ramming something into my rib and I need to sit up straight (which I could use - but it's a bother to feel this) and I cannot sleep on my stomach. I really need to exercise as this is the one thing I should be doing but I am not. Seems all my loss has been stalled and I feel a little freaked out cause I have a whole room full of size 12 clothes waiting for me to wear on my Hawaii cruise April 9th for 2 weeks. I will be so bummed if I don't reach my goal by then. I really need to get on the exercise routine. The one problem I have had is with swallowing - it feels as if something is in my throat and I get pressure also that feels like pain in my esophagus. They have been treating me for reflux but they really don't think I have that - They just don't know and I have been bothered and frustrated continually since about 3 weeks after surgery. It's a pain and keeps me from normal life. I don't know what it is but it is driving me crazy. I have hiccups sometimes, I have never thrown up and I seem to have very little restriction - but I don't feel like overeating. Mentally I want this to work and my resolve has been really good. Good luck you guys - I hope all goes well for all of us. God Bless us brave pioneers....
  3. "with the band"

    New in Illinois

    welcome Merry - I was banded in Ohio but will be moving to Illinois soon and living in Rockford. I will need to find a doctor to follow up with for fills, etc. Good luck with your journey.
  4. "with the band"

    Honey, I'm Home!

    glad to hear you are home and feeling well. Don't worry - second thoughts will creep up almost everytime you are "not sure" about the band. I guess time will help us to trust the band and not regret this invasion to our bodies. Everytime I feel like that I try to reroute my thoughts to thinking of the band as a help - then my mind rests easier and those rejection thoughts clear up. Good luck.
  5. "with the band"

    1 month post op and LOVING IT

    good for you girl - don't let the typical slow down discourage you - just remember the key element here is lifestyle change and exercise to keep the momentum going. Isn't it great to have hope.
  6. "with the band"

    Is this normal?

    I know that electrical shock type feelings are the body's interpretation of pain. I get these in my right side. Just had a gall bladder ultrasound today trying to figure out why.
  7. "with the band"

    My Surgery is for this Thursday!!! I'm Nervous

    Don't worry - you are choosing by far the safest route and I am sure you know that you need it or you wouldn't have it scheduled. This is a large site and not everyone has problems. If we all went back and counted our problems from before surgery you would be able to see the benefits we have experienced because of the surgery. Good luck - remember when you wake up you will have the "edge" you never had before to fight and "WIN" this weight loss battle.
  8. "with the band"

    My band hurts - why?

    DeLarla - sorry to hear you are going through this uncomfortable time. I think I know about that feeling in your throat. I'm not sure. Try to sleep...that's what I do everytime I feel like the day and the band discomfort is too much.
  9. "with the band"

    Im Very Confused I Dont Know What To Do

    I think you only have 6 months to complain about this type of thing. Thank goodness it didn't cause any further complications for you.
  10. "with the band"

    Monday 10/10 surgery update!

    take care hope you feel well real soon.
  11. "with the band"

    New Lap Band TOMORROW

    hope all goes well - we will be thinking of you and hoping you have a speedy recovery. Someone told me before surgery - just think that when you wake up - you will finally have the edge that you have been wishing for through out all your days of diets and failure at dieting. When you wake up - you won't be in this fight alone. That was comforting to me.
  12. "with the band"


    You will always remember and be amazed that the very same people who pay attention and talk to you once you lose weight are the people who would have looked through you as if you were invisible when you were at your heaviest. It will never cease to amaze you...and it will leave you feeling a little sad that the world is really like that...but it is. Try not to take it personaly and realize that people are just victims of stupidity and ignorance of weight as a disease and of the human suffering that goes along with weight disease. Try to just let it go. Good luck as you uncover the layers of reality.
  13. "with the band"

    My Whinge for the Day

    Don't let it get to you. You started out on the right track...and you will succeed - just keep it up. Vent anytime.
  14. "with the band"

    Having port removed on Friday

    hope you heal and that all goes well. You will be in my prayers. Take care.
  15. "with the band"

    Has anyone had a cold prior to surgery

    Same thing happened to me 10 days prior. My nurse at the hospital told me to call my Dr. and get a script for that real strong antibiotic that you take only two or three pills and you are sure to knock it out. I think it is call Z-pack (Zythromax) or something. Maybe someone else will know what I am talking about. The anestesia guy told me he would not do it if I was not well and did not get this script to clear me up before surgery. You should call your family doc and ask them about it. It does matter with anestesia.
  16. "with the band"

    Are you a closet bandster? & Do you regret your decision?

    I was watching tv yesterday and there was a young girl on there complaining because she hated to watch fat people who had lost weight recieve prizes, etc. for losing weight. On the view yesterday - the young one "Elizabeth" was going on about how she was introducing guest who had lost weight "the good old fashioned way" as if our way was somehow "bad". She offended me in her ignorant statement. Some people will always be ignorant - some people will always be cruel and hateful....just try to trust your instincts and trust your life information with only those who you feel you can trust. Just remember that their ignorance is not your problem. It's best to just be "better than that".
  17. "with the band"

    It been 1 year

    That is soooooo good for both of you. It is great to see the progress that you have both had. Take care and good luck with your journey down slim lane.
  18. "with the band"

    Has anyone had Plastic Surgery on their Arms?

    I wish they would invent a non-surgical way to combat this bat wing syndrome.....I hate the way it looks.....it truly trys me as a soul.
  19. "with the band"

    Im Back from the Lap Band Conference

    I also have been drinking milk to try to avoid this throat reflux crap problem and have noticed that I have lost more this last 2 weeks. I believe the dairy 3 times a day rule completely.
  20. "with the band"

    Did anyone else see it? (Cold Case on CBS)

    I know - it is so sad....it made me ill knowing how true it must be.
  21. "with the band"

    Sugar Addiction

    Thought the docs all say - no pop after banding....you guys are a lot braver than I to do things they told us not to......
  22. "with the band"

    A Dilemma

    I was in the same position - and i ATE LIKE CRAZY trying to qualify when I really didn't need to - I had the co-morbidities - sore knee - real easy to have when you are heavy and snoring - gee - so many people have that - I am sorry now that I put on that extra 30 lbs. - i had to lose that still....real silly of me. Good luck and try the quarters....stuff your bra with them - tuck them under your stomach, etc.....much better than losing the weight you don't need to put on.
  23. "with the band"

    Great chocolate snack that's healthy!

    Great healthy idea.....gonna try that.....gotta go back to the store
  24. "with the band"

    I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nykee - Aside from all the band problems you may have - being too tight....your true problem is not realizing that you are "so worth" having this tool "in your hands". You are trust worthy and with this "tool" you now have the power to fight the "fat war" that has raged against the health of your body. You can say no to the cheetos - when you feel satisfied. Until you loosen your band and take in Proteins and veggies and fruits - you will stay on the carbohydrate race of surging and dipping. The mashed potatoes are deadly...the cheetos are useless and the Cookies are not necessary. Instead of cookes - slice a peach or an apple and bake in the oven till tender. Sprinkle with a little brown sugar and brown....here is a sweet treat you can have with a little sugar free fat free ice cream....it will certainly be easy to digest and a satisfaction much better for you than 10 - 12 cookies. Instead of the cheetos - try some kashi Cereal to munch on. A small portion. Try Breton crackers with cheese or meat slices and get a little creative with your Snacks - they are your time to eat something good and good for you...make them worthwhile. I like hummus to dip and I like pimento cheese spread. I try to get Protein in everything I take in. Nykee - you are having the recurrence of your diet nightmare - you actually have responsibility here. But you have the "tool" you never had before....learn to use it as it was given to you to save your life. I have recently felt the ability to eat much more and my "fear" of eating has subsided. I have to have a postitive attitude that instead of trying to outsmart my band - I am going to learn to use it to my advantage. I just need to realized that I must control it...I must realize that it doesn't control me. Nykee - please examine your own post to see that this is more of an emotional thing - you want to not have responsibility here...you have to accept the fact - that you do and no one ever said in these lap-band pre-op meetings that we wouldn't. You knew that. Now just accept it and realize - you do have the help...you just need to tweek it a little right now to help you. Take care and know that you can be an expert at using "your tool" - You can turn away from the mashed pot and cheetos....look at all you did to have the surgery and to prepare for it.....you risked your life - now heal it - nurture it - accept it. Nancy
  25. "with the band"

    Natural Cures

    what does the book say to do for acid reflux esophaghitis.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
