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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bacon

  1. @s_suther thank you for your prayers. Surgery went real well. I feel better than I have in months. Crazy to think about just 2 hours after being cut on. O hope you all are well.

    I am planning on continuing with this weight loss center along with my current plan. I was 239 on their scale before surgery today. Down from 301. I can not believe I let myself get that heavy again. Praising the Lord for the info and success I have found.

  2. @2babutterfly, I had an emergency unfill a couple years back. Things were ok. Other than being super tight every few days. In March my diabetes got out of control and I started a diet to control my blood sugar. Started losing weight and my band started giving me great amount of shooting pains. About 4 times a minute. Memorial day I was working in the yard and started vomiting and dry heaving for the better part of 5 hours. I promised my wife I was having it removed. Fought this thing 11 and a half years. I'm just spent. Hope this group becomes active again and I can stay a part of it.

  3. Continue to do your research. Keto is safe. Many say it is not. But when you become fat adapted, you will burn fat. This means cholesterol numbers improve. Yes improve. I successfully reversed type 2 diabetes, lowered total cholesterol. Lowered LDL, raised hdl and lowered Trygliserides.

    As far as macros, just start by reducing total carbs to 20. Start reading. Ketogenic diet is sustainable. Cracks me up people saying otherwise.

  4. Hey y'all. Work been crazy busy. So been moving there. Weather been crap in southern ohio. Haven't walked much outside of work. Did hunt the dogs last Saturday night. 3 mile hike.

    We bought a camper! So we are planning some hiking trips this summer. Really want to be active.

  5. This new job is keeping my moving pretty much all day. In light days, I park farther away from delivery spot to get few extra steps in. High Protein low carb is the focus for me. Hunting the dogs when I can. We usually end up walking a couple miles a night when we hunt. Excited about it!

  6. Where my peeps at?

    Ok the last two days I've been eating a bit much. Still all low carb foods, just more than I need.

    Work has been super stressful and the hours have been long as usual.

    I'm working my night off tonight because I took off Wednesday to see my little boy play baseball. I am so proud of him. He is 6 and plays on a team with all 8 year olds. It's not that he is so good, they just stacked his team and he fell into it. Nevertheless he is doing pretty good. The other night, he got two hits. The last one, he hit it and they tagged the runner in front of him for the third out. Kody kept running and crossed home plate screaming "home run! Home run!" No one had the heart to tell him different. It's a good thing too, we are short on bail money...lol

    @2batterfly hope all is well. @s_suther you rock in or what?

    Sent from my SM-S120VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. In the past, weigh ins usually triggered a binge for me... but that was in the past. I did weigh in today. Down 6 pounds since unfill . I was hoping for 40... lol..
    Focused on positives it's been 7 days of working a plan without binging.
    Prayers for you all. @2babutterfly .

  8. Just a small victory to share.
    We built our kennel up off the ground 24". (It keeps them out of the dirt and elevated above snooping predators ) waste falls through so once a week I rake everything out from under it. Well I always said I should have made it taller. It was hard for me to bend over and rake . Today I noticed it was a lot easier. I am able to bend over a bit easier. I know Ii mave miles to go, but it was sso encouraging to me today.

  9. Not really realizing it, I've adopted a low carb eating plan. I guess if you really think about it, if you get your Protein in first and not over eat, you'll kinda be there.

    We attended a wedding yesterday. Eating was on point. I was concerned I'd be tempted with sweet treats, but I have not had the desire for the junk.

    I work tonight. I am going to try to get a walk in.

  10. @2babutterfly prayers for you.
    We found out the girl up the street was diagnosed with leukemia. She was born exactly 12 hours to the minute later than our first son. So we've been very close. It has been a gut shot to our souls for sure. I am excited however to see God work. We have a awesome community that will surely rally around them. Please pray for Olivia.
    My eating yesterday and today has been good. I worked another 14 hour shift and got home late morning. Did some work on the kennel and cleaned it out. A short nap and off to t ball. Got to coach my youngest along side my brother. Blessed man. We ate after the game and that went well. Have a good un..

  11. Had a good day eating yesterday. I did not get a morning walk in. I did a 14 hour shift and was pooped. I did walk back and forth while loading and unloading. So I call it a win.
    I didn't pack much of a lunch today. Plan on stopping and getting a subway salad. Off tomorrow, so a walk is planned and a nap then yard work.
    How's everyone else? All are welcome here...

  12. Yesterday was spot on. All daily goals met. Same plan today. Small meals, walk in the morning.
    I am going start my search for a new doc, but truthfully I'm in no hurry. I really want to prove to myself I can lose with little or no fill.I really think I'm close to green zone with no Fluid.
    How's everyone else?

  13. @2babutterfly we will be praying for you. That's really tough life stuff. Wow. I have literally seen the healing had of God at work just this month. Really big brain tumor type stuff. His mighty hand has healed. To Him be the Glory.
    @s_suther I know the binge struggle. I've spent nights crying out to God that he would take the desire for food from me.
    His grace is sufficient for thee. I've found listening to podcasts from good bible teachers to help. Find that one or two that make you think theologically. John Piper John MacArthur Matt Chandler. Alistair Begg. Paul Washer. Love these men and how they make you think of a Really Big God. Just a suggestion.

    I took a job last fall running gas locally again. So no more road. The company I went to sought me out to help build up their night shift operations. It's been a good fit for all of us. This is my 3rd job since losing my job in November 2015. I feel this has got to work out.

    Let's make this happen.

  14. @s_suther what I'm scared and unsure about is whether to have the band removed or a revision or stay the course with it. I'm afraid of not having my "tools" and gaining weight and getting totally out a control.

    My wife is the only one who has not told me I need to have it removed. I know she supports me either way. The rest of my family doesn'tremember the 120# I lost just the 60# I gained back.

    It's tough @ get together when you only eat 1 small plate and hear the comments about something being wrong with you. But back when I devoured three plates, I was out of control. It's a catch 22. I know they are well meaning, but it does hurt.

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