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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by whirlwen

  1. I am 4 days post-op and anticipating the questions that will arise when I return to real life. I told very few people that I was having wls and I know that a few weeks or months out, people will start noticing the weight loss and asking about it. I have also wondered how I can eat around my coworkers and friends without them noticing my drastically altered eating habits. I am curious how others have handled it. Right now I feel like I don't want to share this with many people, but I also think it will be difficult to keep private in the long term.

  2. I am only three days out from surgery, so most of my time post-op has been spent watching movies. Before surgery, I created a stash of things I can do instead of eat: knit a pair of gloves and a scarf, read one of several books I am interested in, work on my meditation or spiritual practice. I plan to keep adding to this list as I come up with new things. One thing I found pre-surgery that really helped is to focus on my breathing whenever I feel the need to eat to satisfy head hunger. It amazes me how stress and emotional eating goes hand in hand for me.

  3. I am currently unemployed and planned my surgery to take advantage of some time off before beginning my job search. I am three days out and feel like I could probably go to work (if I had a job!) after a week or so. My question is, how do you deal with having a drain when you return to work? My drain is bulky and shows under my shirt and is constantly pulling down my clothing. Plus, I am terrified of getting it caught on something!

  4. I had mine on the 9th and I am still experiencing a ton of gas and haven't pooped since the day before surgery. I am finding it really difficult to gauge hunger and fullness because all I feel is gassy! I get up and walk every hour or so and it helps some with the gas, but it seems like the smallest sips of liquid cause gas pains. I hope this resolves itself soon. Healing thoughts to all of you and please post if you find relief for the gas/poop issues. I plan to call my surgeon if things don't improve over the weekend.

  5. Okay, more TMI--the urinary incontinence disappeared a few hours after the last post I made, which was fabulous, but now I am constipated. I find that any time I take a drink, I get gas pains and have to walk them off. They are more annoying than painful, but I think they would improve if I could have a bowel movement. I will call the surgeon tomorrow if I am still having issues.

    Other than that, things are going quite well and I am not having much pain. I am having a hard time figuring out when or if I'm hungry and then again when I am full. I imagine it will just be something I will learn with time.

    Hope all is well with the rest of you and please keep us up to date on your progress!

  6. Surgery went well. Been up walking this morning and am pretty sore after. Only used the pain pump three or so times during the night and am trying not to use it now.

    TMI alert: having a problem with urinary incontinence. I've peed myself several times because it doesn't feel like I have to go. Maybe because of the catheter during surgery?

    Anyway, hope all is well with the feb 9thers! Sending healing thoughts your way!

  7. Hi all! I'm leaving for the hospital in about 45 minutes to get sleeved! Wish I had found this board before. I only had to do a 1 day pre-op diet and it went better than expected. I somehow lost 7 pounds in the last week despite several "goodbye" meals. I have Isopure drinks on hand as well as premier Protein and biochem whey Protein. The Isopure tastes pretty nasty the first couple times but you get used to it and it really does fill you up and give you a lot of protein.

    Good wishes to all who are getting sleeved this week! I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you!

  8. I started the process back in October 2014 and am having my sleeve tomorrow. At first I was bummed it took so long, but now I see it as a blessing. Learning the new habits took time and I was able to take the time to incorporate each one into my lifestyle. I spent the time doing lots of reading (wish I had known about this forum sooner), mentally preparing, and doing things to make my post-op weeks as easy on myself as possible (making freezer meals for my family, catching up on housework and paperwork, etc.) Don't worry, it will be here sooner than you think!

  9. I wish I could answer your questions, but I haven't had my surgery yet. I have been very worried about regaining the weight as well. My mother-in-law had gastric bypass about 10 years ago and has regained a lot, if not all, of the weight. What I've learned from watching her is that you have to make the lifestyle changes--it is not a miracle cure. I have followed (almost) all of the surgeon's and nutritionist's suggestions to a T (the only one I have been fickle about is the exercise :) This is my only opportunity to get this right, so I am determined. You can do it, too!

  10. I'm not going to miss the feeling of walking into a room and thinking everyone is thinking about how fat I am.

    I'm not going to miss being the fat friend.

    I'm not going to miss being too self conscious to dance, feeling like people are laughing at me.

    I'm not going to miss my weight being everyone's obvious go-to insult when **** hits the fan.

    I'm not going to miss immediately taking down family pictures I've been tagged in on Facebook because of my bad self image.

    I'm not going to miss my terrible asthma.

    I'm not going to miss all my pants fitting on me like a rubber band fits around a marshmellow (lol)

    I'm not going to miss the disgusting amount of guilt and disappointment I feel when I fail yet another diet.

    I'm not going to miss the debilitating back, knee, and ankle pain I feel after a good day of hard work.

    I'm not going to miss avoiding hanging out with friends, and making new friends, for fear of being judged by my weight.

    I'm not going to miss wearing a sweater all year long because it's the only thing I'm comfortable wearing.

    I can't wait until my outsides match my insides<3

    I can't wait until I'm more than a pretty face.

    I can't wait until my body doesn't have to lug around all this nonsense.

    I cant wait until there's room between my body and the arm rests in movie theater seats.

    I can't wait for cheek bones and collar bones!!! :]

    I can't wait until I'm not judged for my waistline.

    I can't wait to be able to take a bath, and still have room for more than just a couple cups of Water in the tub lol

    I can't wait until my weight doesn't hold me back.

    And I can't wait to see where this takes me. Let's do this damn thing ;)

    Okay, that is the best description of the way my pants fit--like a rubber band around a marshmallow! It is something I have been so looking forward to since I started this process!

  11. I am having my sleeve tomorrow and I have to say that it was the hardest decision of my life. I have struggled with my weight since about age 10 and have dieted and regained so many times that my body just flat out refuses to diet or lose weight any longer. Like so many uninformed people, I thought it was the easy way out. But at age 46, the thought of continuing this struggle wore me down and I made myself a deal at the beginning of 2014--I would try my hardest to lose weight on my own and if I wasn't seeing some success by summer, I would consider WLS. I walked 3 miles a day, and tried Weight Watchers and Sparkpeople and just couldn't stick with any eating plan and ended up yoyo-ing again.

    The thing that made the decision for me was when I thought about what my life would be like if I didn't have the surgery, I felt depressed and anxious. When I thought about having the surgery, I was nervous, but I felt hopeful. It truly was a gut feeling (no pun intended). Do your homework, but then listen to yourself, the right answer is inside of you!

  12. The way I look at it is I have fought a good fight. I have put more time, energy, money, emotion into weight loss than any other single endeavor in my life and though I have often thought of myself as lazy, slovenly or unmotivated, I know that in reality, I have been anything but. The world we live in has put a stigma on WLS, but I am choosing to see the courage and strength it takes to make this choice! You are not a failure, you are amazing!

  13. Not having to shop for clothes from catalogs! Walking into stores and having a huge selection of clothes to choose from.

    Participating in life and not worrying about if I will break a chair or fit into a seat at the movies

    Riding rollercoasters (I'm surprised how many people are excited about that)

    Not getting out of breath climbing stairs

    Not sweating with every little exertion

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