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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ABrandNewKae

  1. Hi! :)

    I carry a lot of my weight in my bum & thighs, too!

    I've noticed that as the weight is coming off, the cellulite is increasing and feels much more noticeable now, versus when I was 50 lbs heavier.

    I've joined a gym because I know exercise is very important to help tone & build muscle, but has anyone ever tried firming creams or anti-cellulite lotions???


  2. Hi! :)

    When I began this wls process, I completely kept it a secret & only my parents knew. It wasn't until later, when dates were chosen for appointments and I was closer to my actual surgical date, that I mentioned it to a few more family members and my best friends. The more I talked about it and actually said that I was having wls out loud, the more comfortable I became with the idea and the less embarrassed I felt. However, I have chosen to not plaster my news all over Facebook because there are many people that I'm "friends" with that I don't want to know.

  3. I, like many others I've seen post, had trouble with the ricotta bake and with Tomato sauce in general. I tried the ricotta bake twice and tho it does taste super yummy, it gave me horrendous heartburn. I thought that maybe I was just eating too fast or not chewing enough, but then I tried something else that had tomato sauce in it & quickly realized what the culprit was. The worst heartburn I've had in my life. Felt as if I had drank battery acid! My whole chest, neck & throat were on fire. Miserable :( I'm now very apprehensive about trying it again anytime soon.

  4. I'm 1 month post op and was *craving* the fizzy feeling of seltzer Water that I drank alllllll the time before my surgery (I haven't been a pop lover for a very long time). So I poured a tiny amount in a little glass filled with ice and let it sit for a min. It got rid of a lot of the bubbles which is good for my tummy but still had enough fizz to satisfy my tongue lol 2 sips was all I needed or wanted! Had lots of burps, but no tummy discomfort :)

  5. I have pain too!

    I'm 2 weeks out tomorrow & am experiencing *tremendous* pain in my

    largest incision on my right side. It's a stabbing pain & feels like in literally being stabbed over & over. It hurts as bad as it did day one. No redness, discharge or anything to indicate infection, however, there is a lot of swelling. The swelling increases throughout the day, seems to get worse with increasing activity & looks the worst by bedtime. I've continued to use ice packs and take my pain medication around the clock, but it doesn't really seem to touch this incision pain. I can't cough, laugh, sit, stand or even roll over in bed without wincing from the pain. The first 2 days post op in the hospital I was vomiting non stop. It's was miserable throwing up with 5 brand new incisions and a tiny new tummy! I know that definitely caused my abdomen & incisions to hurt more at the time, but I'm not sure if that had caused the pain to last this long. I have my 2 week post op appointment scheduled for this coming Tuesday so I will definitely talk to my doctor then, but in the meantime I figured I'd throw it out to you guys :) any info would be great!

  6. HEY GUYS!!!

    So happy for everyone! We did it! We're officially sleeved!

    Well.... I had a terrible time in the hospital lol Overnight 2 nights, couldn't stop vomiting blood (which I was told was normal by my dr) and just couldn't rid myself of the nausea. :( Took several different antiemetic(sp) meds and compazine was the last & only drug that stopped the vomiting. It was terrible. You don't realize how much you use your abs when you throw up, and then throw in 5 fresh incisions... yikes!!!

    Feeling better every day now tho yay! :) No problems drinking or gas thankfully. I'm still having really bad pain at my largest incision site. Laying on my back with my abdominal binder, ice & a pillow on top of my belly is the most comfortable position I can be in. Still waiting to poop...lol stool softeners should hopefully kick in and get everything moving again. Pain meds cause Constipation and so does large amounts of Protein so that makes things a little tricky.

    Even though I had a rough start, it's still the best decision I have ever made! I can't wait to see where I am in a month! Clothes are already starting to fit different :) :) :)

  7. I am so scared to even dream of being a size 8. But my sister is the same height and is at the weight I have set as my goal and she is in a size 6! I have not worn anything smaller than a 12 as an adult and that was a flash in time when I was 23 yrs old. I'm twice the age and twice the size now at 47 yrs old and a size 16. I think about buying a size 8 and hanging them where I can wish on them everyday.....hmmmmm Might just have to do that!!!

    Anything that motivates is a positive thing in my opinion! Your goal is totally realistic! Good luck to you!!

    You go Bobby! Do it! Do it! :)

  8. I have surgery in 3 days. I'm 5'4" and my healthiest weight post high school was 138 pounds and I was a size 12. I was in the military. As soon as I stopped that daily exercise is when I started ballooning. Anyway, I was searching for a size 12 goal pants this weekend and I didn't find anything that jumped out at me. Then, like magic, there it was. The perfect pair of Vera wang pants. For 5 Flipping dollars! How could I pass them up! The issue is...they are a size 10. The dream size. The size I've always wanted to be. So I bought them. Am I being unrealistic? Or do a lot of people actually surpass their goals and get thinner than they were in high school?

    GOOD FOR YOU GIRL! Shopping is becoming fun again, isn't it??

    I bought myself a pair of Lululemon yoga pants in a tiny size 8! I can't tell you the last time I was below a size 14 (or even a 16!) much less a single digit size haha but I bought them for motivation anyway! I keep trying them on (they only go above my knee right now lol) and they keep creeping up higher ,little by little, with the more weight I loose. Clothes can be a huge motivator! I hope that you ☆rock☆ those Vera Wang pants soon! ♡♡♡

  9. I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow. I have been excited and still am. I don't think I feel nervous but I can't stop crying since yesterday. I am attributing this to starting my pre-op diet this week, as well as cutting out all caffeine. Did anyone else become very emotional for the day or two before surgery?

    I'm having my surgery tomorrow too! I also can't stop the tears slipping out of my eyeballs hahah! Very emotional process. I hope everything goes so smoothly for you tomorrow! ♡♡♡

  10. You guys made me well up with tears! So sweet! Thanks for all of your support! It really and truly means so much to me! I'm excited, nervous, anxious, happy and a bit emotional lol I can't wait until this time tomorrow, when I'm all done and recovering with my brand new tiny tummy :)

    ☆☆☆GOOD LUCK☆☆☆ to all of my surgery brothers and sisters!!!!! This is our time to *SHINE* guys!!!

  11. Heyyy Everyone! ???? I'm Kaeley!

    So excited to have surgery buddies! Yayyy!

    The pre-op diet BLOWS! Lol

    You aren't being a downer @@jojo23 you are being honest! Lol

    I've been doing a lot of research about pre-surgical diets and have noticed that there are a lot of different rules to follow for everyone. Like, for mine, I'm supposed to have 4 shakes a day and only eat fresh raw veggies and take Metamucil everyday. Fiber overload. Gross. I'm almost done with week 1 (of 2 I'm such a baby lol) and by day 3, I was standing in front of my fridge at lunch time and literally burst into tears. I couldn't take chomping on another f'n carrot or choking down a handful of sugar snap peas. I have quickly discovered that one of the most important things to have during this whole bittersweet process is a solid support system! I whined to my mom about everything and she went with me to the grocery store to pick up some different veggies and different flavors of shakes, just to switch it up a bit. My Mom is also doing the pre-op diet with me, not that she needs to lose an ounce, but just to support me???? pretty amazing!

    I've been strict on myself, too about the diet because there is a reason why we need to do it and I don't want to have any diet slip to push back my surgery or anything like that. Know what I mean? However, lol I did push my boundaries a bit by eating a avocado mixed with fresh salsa for dinner (it's on the no list bc it's high in calories). I felt like a badass...lol It's been a life saver tho. The avocado gives that mouth feel (from the oil/fat maybe?) that satisfies me so I don't feel completely deprived lol maybe try that? I'm not a Dr tho, so do what you're supposed to do haha

    You don't like the shakes?? Bummer! I like them. They get boring drinking the same 4 a day for 14 days, so I bought sugar-free flavored syrups (like Torani, etc.) And add a teaspoon or 2 to a shake. It's kinda fun lol you have to be creative with this process. I use a blender with ice when I'm using the powder shakes to get it freezing cold and really smooth with no grit. Grit is gross lol

    I hope your headaches get better soon! ????

    Are they from dropping caffeine from your diet?? I've heard that can happen.

    Are you getting sleeved now? Do they remove the band and do the sleeve at the same time?

    Cut yourself some slack. You've obviously worked your ass off up to this point because look where you are today! 10 days away from the beginning of your healthy new life! You should be proud of yourself! I'm not saying go out and Celebrate with a case of pop and a big Mac (mmmmmmdroolmmmmm) haha! but when you are struggling remember how far you've come and how close you are! TEN MORE DAYS!

    @@VGB how many weeks have you done? How long do/did you have to do it? Any pointers to get thru week 2??

    I'm super chatty lol I love having people to talk to about this stuff!

    Great to meet you guys!

  12. Not in any particular order ????

    ☆ When I started to look at the size of a chair, and what it was made of, wherever and whenever I needed to sit somewhere & the constant fears of breaking a chair or not fitting in a booth at a restaurant or fearing not being able to fit in a desk at school.

    ☆ Standing up in a best friend's wedding and being the obvious "fat bridesmaid".

    ☆ Seeing how poorly the ^^^ bridesmaid dress fit me and how large I really looked, when the wedding pictures were released online for all of the wedding party & wedding guests to view...yuck.

    ☆ Going on vacation last August with my family and needing the largest tube to float in the lake with everyone (I called it the plus size tube lol).

    ☆ My heart breaking as I watch my (already overweight) Father continue to gain weight, develop diabetes, having to use a c-pap machine to help him breathe at night, breathing heavily & wincing when he goes up and down stairs (one step at a time) because of his hip and knee pain and struggling as he slowly gets in and out of a car. I love him so much & want to see him healthy, and I hope that my weight loss journey inspires him to want to get better.????

    ☆ Being sick & tired of being seen as: the "fat friend", the "chubby girlfriend" (as my EX liked to use as a term of endearment), or the "heavier girl" when someone describes me.

    ☆ I'm over my friends trying to make me feel better about myself by saying things like, "You're just big boned", "You have a larger frame so of course you are a little heavier" or "This (clothing brand) runs big, so it should definitely fit you". {I love them to pieces & I know they love and care about me too and only mean well!}????

    ☆ After being diagnosed with multiple neurological disorders this year that has left me bedridden at times, A bad breakup after a 3 year relationship with the guy I was living with and planning on marrying because he couldn't handle me being sick and was disgusted with weight I had gained, having to leave the best job I ever had because of my illnesses, losing my insurance and having to move back in with my parents (I'm so lucky to have the best parents!), I've decided to TAKE BACK the control of MY life!

    Getting this surgery is the drastic positive change that I *desperately* need in order to improve the quality of my life tremendously. I was the heaviest I've ever been in my entire life summer of 2014 and I cannot wait to see how much I will weigh, what size I'll be and, most importantly, how much better I will be feeling (both inside & out!) this year! 2015 is gonna be my year to shine! ????

  13. Hi Everyone!

    This is my very first time posting here ????

    My surgical date is set for Monday Feb 16th (12 days! Yay!) And I had a few things I was curious about so I figured I'd ask you guys! PS: I'm having the vsg procedure done

    How much weight should I expect to really lose in my first month??

    Any good recipes for pureed meat? ? The idea of pureed meat grosses me out for some reason lol!

    How quickly do you go through clothes/ how often do you get to buy smaller clothes??

    Thanks! ????

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