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Posts posted by MyNewLife28

  1. I am nine months out and I STILL have days when I regret having been sleeved. But most days, I just deal with it. Overall, As long as I can use it to help me achieve my weight goal and keep it off, it is worth having it. But if you read my past posts, I have really been upset about it more than not.

    Most people eventually get over the regret period and that will likely be your own experience - just hang in there.

    Why do you regret it?

  2. I am 10 days out. I feel terrible. Having that feeling of " what the hell did I do". "Worst mistake of my life". I am only on Clear Liquids. When I drink I get this feeling , spasm intermittent pain to my stomach which goes away fast but takes my breathe away. Has anyone else had this? I feel like I will never be able to eat again. I have to stay on liquids until June 1. Then to puree. I am so scared. The pain is terrible. I have many friends who swear this is the best thing ever. They keep saying this is temporary. I hold my faith in that and keep going. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your support.

    Maybe you are drinking too much too fast. Try slowing down...

  3. I have a bunch of ulcers in my esophagus and it is per-cancerous. It is called a Barrett's Esophagus. I informed my gastro doctor about weight loss surgery and of course, I can't be touched at this time. They are going to scope me again on July 17th

    She does not want me to do WLS and wants me to really consider it. She would like me to try a monitored WL program first. She told me that they really move things around in your body and that it will not be the same. She has also said that she has seen people in her practice that have had the surgery that did not lose the weight. I specifically asked her if they had bypass surgery and she said yes.

    Is it possible to have bypass surgery and not lose weight and be the same size as before the surgery?

    I have to be honest that I have considered not doing the surgery. I keep thinking, that bypass surgery is a tool, which it is. So my thoughts were, if this surgery is a tool, then I need to learn how to eat properly, change my habits and lose the weight without the surgery. Since I found out about my esophagus, I have put cokes down. And that is a big step for me.


    Just food for thought... If you have precancerous ulcers they could be in your stomach and if you bypass your stomach there's no way to do a scope to make sure you don't have anything in there nor will you ever get any Cancer there. I would seriously consider what she is saying and talk about it with all of your doctors.

  4. @MyNewLife28 Thats so funny, I've never met anyone else who has an adversion to sweating!! My mom teases me that I have a fear of sweat. I actually think she's right. I HATE it. Not the exercise, just the sweating. And those stares you get from people when your sweating.

    For me walking and hiking will have to be my fun activity. Thankfully summer in alaska is great for both.

    I have hyperhidrosis which is excess sweating so I'm more aware of it and always sweet more than the average person. It sucks. I've let it control so much of my life. I'm kinda hoping I'll be like a lot if the people and be chilly after surgery. I'd like to see how the other side lives ;)
    You are going to be in for a big surprise! Like the few of you that have expressed the hatred of sweating, I feel every word you speak of,lol. I had my surgery on April 13, 2015, and Ican tell you I don't feel hot like I use to and its surprising to me, I want to embrace it but afraid the heat will come back, ha ha ha.

    I thank you all for the words of encouragement to workout, to find something that you like to do. I need to get started on a regular regimen. GLA

    I sure hope it is that way for me!!!!!! Surgery is tomorrow for me... Eeek!!

  5. I would just like to pose this question... Why would you feel the need to drink so soon after surgery while your stomach is still healing? Why would you take a chance after coming this far to mess things up and possibly hurt yourself? Even though there may not be evidence that it will hurt you, why would you chance it? You could wait at least a couple months out until your stomach was fully healed. Who knows what kind of affect alcohol has not only on your new stomach but your other organs because the digestion in your stomach is now different. Those are just some of the questions I would ask. Just because you can, doesn't mean it's good for you. If you need to drink that badly that you can't wait until your stomach is fully healed then I think there may be a problem.

  6. I went to the grocery store today to shop for my post-op diet. OMG!! All I could think of when I was in the store and looking at things was "well I will never get to eat that again..." "I wish I had eaten that before getting on the pre-op diet..." "how will I live without eating those again?"

    What an ordeal! Has anyone else experienced this? It made me want to cancel my surgery!

    Help - comments appreciated.

    I was feeling sorry for myself too! Don't worry! You can still eat some of it just a ton less than before! And other things you like try to find healthier versions! Make it a game!

  7. Hi. I'm on a 6 Protein drink a day pre-op. It's so hard. My surgery is May 18th. And had my bloodwork done this morning. Where can I find the Facebook group? Thanks!

    I'm new to this app but there is a post call may sleevers where are you and there is a couple of people on there that started a secret Facebook group. Lessofjess is one of the ladies and if you message her your Email and surgery date she will invite you.

    Pre-op is killer. I keep counting the days down... It's soooo hard.

  8. I would LOVE some fruit right now!!!!! I had a horrible headache the first 2 days. I feel better now but still hard not having my fruits and veggies and CHEESE! Glad this part is only temporary and I can get back to my preferred Proteins after surgery.

    I hear ya! I luckily didn't get a headache but I salivated over ever food I seen. I took a nap when it was too overwhelming! I'm glad I'm over the hump! Have you joined the May/June sleeves group on Facebook?

  9. In my thinking (I haven't had the surgery yet I have a week and a half to go), I would think that not being able to overeat would be a good thing. For me, I have a hard time stopping when I'm satisfied so this tool would be useful because it would make me stop because I feel full.

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