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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Sunshine3073

  1. My bypass surgery is tomorrow morning at 10:30.

    I've done the clear liquid diet with Protein shakes for two weeks now. Yesterday and today just Clear liquids and no Protein Shakes. Yesterday I did the GoLytely purge but not much other than liquid came out. I feel no energy but have been drinking to get rehydrated. I'm ready! This past two weeks has been one of the most difficult things I've had to do and I am not really hungry anymore. It's been a long road to get here as I've been contemplating the surgery since 2011.

  2. I thought it would be fun to tell nobody other than my family and my boss (needs to know) and just see what people would say about my weight loss. I thought I wanted to see the looks on their faces when I revealed that I had WLS. Then I decided that I would tell people when they ask what kind of surgery I'm having when they find out I'm going to be off work for 3-4 weeks after the surgery. What I've found is that very few people are actually supportive. If I had to give it a percentage, I would assign the supportive people to about 2% out of those I've told. The others just sort of grimace and ask WHY or why don't you just lose it on your own? They simply aren't educated about WLS and any information they have is from long ago when more people used to die from complications.

    Because of the awful reaction from people (who are all slim I might add) I have decided not to tell people any longer. They just aren't supportive.

  3. I have been told different things so I want to get the "straight skinny" from those in the know! Here are my questions.

    1. True/False: My doctor says my taste buds may change after surgery and foods I love now I may not like.

    2. Will my appetite REALLY go away? Will the feeling of being hungry all the time disappear?

    3. I'm totally addicted to food. While I have been able to mostly control it over the past 3 months, there are times when I have NO WILLPOWER and stop at Culver's on the way home from work for a big, greasy double cheeseburger and a soda! Will I be able to break this after the surgery?

    I'm so worried about this. I'm already having a hard time with the liquid diet. I'm on my 2nd day now and I feel HORRIBLE!

  4. Thank you Mountaingal. I'm really struggling! I wanted to stop for a Culver's double cheeseburger after work. It was all I could do not to! I came home and made some Idahoan mashed potatoes with skim milk instead of Water and made them thin enough to drink. It helped.

    I asked my husband if he would make dinner for him and our son before I get home from work while I'm on the liquid diet, which he didn't do. Then he told me about how on the Today show this morning how they had a couple who used My Fitness Pal to lose over 100 lbs. Duh, that's how I lost the 26 lbs! Oh and THANKS for not making your dinner before I got home at 5:45 pm! We TALKED ABOUT THIS! I don't think they want me to get the surgery and are trying to undermine my goal. That infuriates me that I really don't have the support I need. I'm doing this for ME. I need support from my family. Not cool!

    I thought I'd planned well for this day to start the liquid diet, but seems I didn't. We're going to the grocery store in just a bit to find more items that I can consume throughout the day.

    I was told the first few days are the hardest and if today is any indication, I believe it!

    The liquid diet is the last thing I need to do not only in order to have the surgery, but to prove to myself I can do it, that I DO have the willpower and can overcome this challenge.

  5. My surgery date is August 26. I'm having gastric bypass. I lost 26 lbs by changing my diet in the last 3 months. Today I started the liquid diet. My stomach was very upset this morning. I had a Premier Protein shake for Breakfast and felt horrible. Maybe it's mental because I consumed those for Breakfast sometimes before today. For lunch today I had a chicken Soup unjury shake with 1% milk, which tasted like chicken broth. I'm also drinking Water, as much as I want. I figure that may make me feel fuller during the day.

    I'm on a full liquid diet for two weeks, which includes pudding and yogurt, but most items are sweet, not savory so I'm feeling a bit urpy and hungry. I think a lot of the hunger can be attributed to the reason why I'm overweight, which is that I just like to eat......anything. I'm totally addicted to food. I'm a Midwestern gal and love my food!

    The doctor told me that my taste buds may change after surgery and I will probably not crave the things I crave now. I sure hope he's right, but just in case, I have scheduled an appointment with a psychologist to help me with my addiction and relationship with food.< /p>

    I sure hope I can stick to this liquid diet!

  6. My insurance requirement was 3 months. I started my journey in March 2015 and my surgery is scheduled for August 26, 2015. I also moved out of state in that time so had to get set up with a new doctor. The process needs work. I'm a healthcare administrator and have been in healthcare for 24 years and I have to say that my process has been grueling! I'll give you some examples.

    One of my insurance requirements is to have approval from a psychologist. The psychologist I was referred to by the bariatric doctor required me to have a follow up visit with her counselor, her requirement, NOT the insurance companies, before she would approve me for the surgery. This is their standard procedure.

    The dietician the bariatric doctor referred me to doesn't approve patients at their first visit, even though I had three months of supervised dieting that was successful and I follow diligently. I also have everything that goes into my mouth logged on My Fitness Pal. She made me come back a second time and nothing had changed, but she finally approved me. So this makes two unnecessary appointments. I finally got a surgery date after I had to reach out to the scheduler, not the other way around. Even though I've met all the requirements, the healthcare providers have made it that much more difficult than it had to be.

    My surgery is through a Center of Excellence for bariatric surgery, so there is no better choice and my insurance company requires a center of excellence.

    I've lost over 25 lbs since March and have kept it off. I have exceeded their requirements. I believe the extra unnecessary appointments are a racket to make a little more money from their patients. I'm not happy.

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