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Alora VSG Begonia

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Alora VSG Begonia

  1. I found sometimes that shortly after surgery extreme hunger feeling at night was actually Acid. Don't know if it's the same for you but in those weeks I needed to take some prilosec every day and having a tums around bedtime seemed to really help with that hunger feeling. sleeping with my upper body slightly inclined helped too but mostly it was the acid-reduction that helped. If it's not the acid maybe a little benedryl to help you sleep a little deeper. I find that helps me too when my cravings are a little stronger during that time of the month.

  2. People were kicked for criticizing other's food choices and it wasn't just that one time. That's a rule in our group. I'm unfollowing this thread now but I hope you guys are able to support each other with people who don't mind having boundaries crossed. If that's the kind of support you are looking for you are correct in seeking it elsewhere. Good luck on your journey to health.

  3. Oh lord. Please start your own group. I'm sure you will be excellent at it. Lol. If anyone wants to join we have four new additional admins to soften my tyrannical rule .

    I'm not even going to respond to this insane rant but we are still accepting members and have about 43 people currently (about two more joined after the above person left) Everyone is very friendly and you are welcome to join us. Thanks everyone.

  4. @@tbkent ... I would like to have a private FB group as well. It would be so much easier for me to converse and share on. I would make a new FB solely dedicated to WLS though because I don't want every person on my Facebook knowing my business.

    Please friend me on my facebook and I'll add you facebook.com/AloraVSGBegonia you can also find me by searching "Alora VSG Begonia" The group is designated secret. You can unfriend me afterwards if you have any concerns but you have to be my friend at least temporarily for me to add you to the group. :-)

  5. I am so glad I found this post. I was worrying about this with my little one. :) I was wondering if it was even worth it to keep pumping s little just to keep my supply up while I'm in Mexico. I won't go nuts since he's a little older but we aren't ready to wean just yet. Thanks ladies!

  6. I have a question. What if it WAS the easy way out? It isn't but what if it was? WHO CARES. What does he want you to carry a wooden cross across the public square and pay penance for you sin of being overweight? Give me an effing break. This whole notion that fat people are some sort of moral failures is so messed up. If there WAS an overnight pancea that required no surgery and no work on my part, I'd probably use that too. Why is MY BODY someone elses example for moral failing. Your health issues and decisions are none of anyone's freaking business. I think that's why people love that Biggest Loser show. they just love watching us cry, and puke, and basically get whipped and humiliated in public for just existing in these bodies. It makes me very mad.

  7. Both of the places you are going are famous for their seafood. You're probably going to be fine food wise and will get plenty of exercise because there will be so much to see. The Peruvian ceviches and such and plenty of non breaded fish in Greece. Get some grilled sardines or something for me. I'll be over here green with envy. :)

  8. I like cron-o-meter it also will connect to Fitbit but I like it because it's less popular and so I don't have to interact with my Facebook friends trying to friend me on it all the time lol. I'm kind of a private person. The other thing I like about it, is it tracks all your micronutrients so it's easier to see when there's a glaring deficiency in your diet.

  9. Hi all, there's a chance I might not be living in NY in a few months so instead of chancing it I'm just having the VSG done in mexico on April 16th. I'm sort of relieved because I was just on the border at 40bmi and now I can start my healthy lifestyle right now instead of waiting and worrying about staying at that weight until this summer. I'm still going to do my sleep study and my nutritionist/psychologist meetings because I think it'll be good mental preparation and my insurance covers it anyway, but I don't want to risk having to move and start the process over again with another insurance company in another state with another doctor. Not to mention, I'd rather do the recovery in early spring and actually enjoy my summer. lol!

  10. I have this exact fear. I'm right at 40 BMI right now. I do have reflux/GERD, and my feet hurt a lot, but I think my blood pressure and sugar are ok. We will see when I get lab work done, but they were actually fine a year ago and 20lbs ago.

    I'm worried that if I don't lose weight, or gain weight, I'll be considered non compliant and not get surgery, and if I DO lose weight, I'll be too low of a BMI and won't get surgery. I've been trying to lose weight since I was 13, and I'm almost 39. If dieting worked long term, I'd DO that. Do they really think that obese people just never tried losing weight before?

    I have to admit, when I wrote this I was still going through my insurance but I've since decided to do it out of pocket in Mexico. Now I can just start my weight loss program now instead of waiting till July or August and I have a lot more wiggle room with my weight. I was sort of sitting at my holiday season weight when I got weighed in the first time and I just cannot maintain that for 6 months without going insane. My natural weight the rest of the year is like 15 pounds lighter. I can't get much lower than that but that puts me at a 38-39 bmi which is too low for insurance. I just no longer want to fool with it. I'm impatient. Best of luck!

  11. *Most* insurance require you to have one of he following to qualify for surgery under. 40bmi

    sleep Apnea

    High Blood Pressure

    High Cholesterol

    Type 2 Diabetes

    Venous Stasis Disease (Collection of Blood in the Lower Limbs)

    Soft Tissue Infections

    You'll have to call your insurance since every plan in different. Asthma is a good one to put on your letter of necessity but it isn't usually a qualifying for comorbidity. Learning disabilities aren't a weight-related issue so wouldn't be relevant.

  12. Would requesting a female sleep technician help your anxiety? Maybe your insurance would cover a sleep study at home. Some of the pulmonologist (sp?) have a machine that tests you at home. There are a lot of orthodox and Muslim women where I live so I know they make it possible for women to feel safe when alone. Hope you're able to figure out a way to make it work. That sounds like it's really stressful for you.

  13. You probably need to call your surgeons assistant/ surgical coordinator and ask them. I didn't see anything in the UHC requirements about needing to lose weight but I didn't see anything about gaining either. Have you been tracking your food on fitness pal? There might be a blind spot you're having with measurement/cal intake. I know when I was still gaining earlier this year I realized I was getting WAY too many calories from my Creamer and sugar in my coffee. Like I was literally doubling my Breakfast cals with my coffee intake alone. Sometimes getting your weight to at least stabilize just takes having an honest look at what your intake is and seeing if there's any tweaks you can make to at least get it to flatline. My trick was just switching to milk from half and half and not using sugar anymore (I prefer no sugar to fake sweeteners.) I do think that the Insurance could look at consistent gaining across the 6 months as a negative so better to be safe than sorry! But again, you should ask your doc office.

  14. I was told the same thing by my weight loss facility which is NYU Langone (ie 6 weigh-ins, 5 months of actual attempt time.) Did you gain weight higher than your starting weight or just a little weight back from your loss over the past 6 months? I can't imagine you'd be cancelled by a 3 or 4 pounds but I would email your surgical coordinator about it.

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