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Posts posted by lvan83

  1. I started at 282lbs, wore a size 24. I am now 210lbs and wear between a size 14/16 in regular women's sizes. I had my surgery about 3.5 mths ago. I can tell I'm transferring to a full size 14. I am completely stoked as I haven't worn a size 14 in over 10yrs!!! I'm so excited to be so close to under 200lbs. Life is GREAT!!!! :-D

  2. I had the gastric bypass on Dec 31st 2014 and I'm now about almost 2 months out and I feel great. When I started my journey into a healthier lifestyle I weighed 410 lbs now I'm 316 lbs and still losing. Eating hasn't been bad at all of course like any normal human being I had my doubts and bad days but as time goes by it gets easier and I know I did the right thing for myself. Just sharing hoping to give some positive vibes to everyone out there going through this experience.

    Good for you!!!! So happy for you, keep up the great work!! :-D

  3. I'm 16 mnths post RNY and I've been sitting at the same weight since 13 months post op. I found out last week after feeling like crap that my 1yr labs were off and I was mildly anemic,I was told my labs were ok but it seems they were looking at old labs. So when I went in feeling bad and wanting to eat everything I saw (they said PICA) that chances are I'm really really anemic now and they started me on Hemoctye prescription till the new lab comes in. I really want to reach my goal weight by my birthday in March it's 125lbs and I'm at 133. I was told to take it easy till I got my levels of Iron and D3 back up. Is there anything I can do to maybe kick start my body again?

    I WISH I was 133lbs!!!! OMG that would be an amazing weight for me to be at! *sigh* I envy you.

  4. I had my surgery on 1/6 and took 4 wks off. I'll be back at work on 2/9. I really feel like I've needed it because there have been many times I have felt sick/nauseous and glad I was at home to deal with it. Not to mention my energy levels have sucked and I haven't been able to sleep at all. So I'm working on both of those and hope to have them figured out by next weekend. :-/

    I spent two days in the hospital as well.

  5. I am almost 4wks post op. The week after my surgery I could sleep. But since then I cant. This is NOT NORMAL for me. I normally sleep like a bear. I'm one of those people who can sleep anywhere at anytime. I love my bed! But I just can't sleep now. This is without mid day naps too. Does anyone else have these issues?? My psychiatrist prescribed me trazodone but it hasnt worked. Only other meds i take are my antidepressants, and they don't cause restlessness. Ugh all I want is to sleep and my brain won't shut up!

  6. Does anyone else fantasize about bad food? I'm 3wks post op and I know I would never eat any of that bad food now. I don't want to feel sick or fall back. But the thoughts are always with me. I find myself thinking about burgers, pizza, etc. Food advertisements are everywhere too! It's on tv, it's on billboards, I see it when I drive by restaurants and can smell fries in the air. It's the hardest mental challenge I've ever faced. :(

  7. I went ahead and announced it to a group of people at work that I feel comfortable talking to about me having the surgery. I mean I was going to be on LOA for 4wks anyways and I didn't want them to think I was sick....especially coming back and having lost 50lbs. That way I got rid of all the questions in advance and now I just have polite comments on my progress. I wasn't oblivious to how unhealthy my body was. I always felt beautiful and I'd still be fat if only diabetes wasn't in my future. I understand being a private person. But when people see others losing weight it inspires them to do better themselves. We live in an obese world. Inspiring others is wonderful. Nod your head and smile with a thank you. Just my opinion. :)

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