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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Daisee68

    Should I just self-pay?

    I was thinking the same thing about paying for the sleep study. My surgeon actually got on the phone with Cigna ND eventually they approved a home sleep study so at least we are making some progress. Looks like from other members here that Cigna does typically approve the surgery so I just have to be patient. (Not something I am great at. )
  2. I've told a lot of people but I am a bit of a talker and tend to share my life very openly. And I have had great support (every one but one person and I expected that one and she will be supportive in the end). With each person I have told, I have felt more comfortable with it and excited about it. I told my boss last week (wasn't intending to but there you go) and he says "Congratulations. That's awesome!" That made me feel even better. I am a people pleaser though so maybe that has something to do with it. It all depends on your personality.
  3. Daisee68

    Craving pickles!

    Ok, I might be way off here, so take this for what it's worth, BUT when I am dehydrated (this is pre-surgery, I haven't had mine yet), I actually drink some pickle juice. Runners use it too. The theory behind it is the electrolytes in the salt (I think), SO having said that, how about drinking some Powerade Zero? It doesn't have any calories but does have electrolytes. I might help with the dehydration and the salt craving. You might check with your nutrionist if you aren't sure if that is something you can drink but just a thought.
  4. Daisee68

    Pre op diet?

    Assume you are using Protein drinks? Is it possibly a lactose tolerance issue? if you are drinking whey Protein Drinks that is a dairy product. You might try switching to a different Protein Drink.
  5. Daisee68

    Any ladies in my boat?

    I had a hysterectomy in October 2013 and seriously best decision I ever made. You do have to rest quite a bit, so it would seem right to have it after the bypass. I got a ton of information and support from a forum similar to this one called Hystersisters. Highly recommend it. All kinds of great info. Good luck!
  6. Daisee68

    Serious Question. How is WLS the "wrong way"?

    I have been pretty lucky. My family was SO supportive when I told them I was thinking about it. My closest friend at work instantly responded "can you imagine being rid of the diabetes?" not "can you imagine being skinny". All of these are people that have struggled with weight at some point (though on a much much smaller scale that me) so I think they understand the real struggle of it all. My best friend though, who is very thin, instantly judged me. And I knew she would. I even said to her first "I have something to tell you and I don't want your opinion, I just want you to know." "Can't you go to a dietician first?" she said. Yep, done that (and will be doing that for the surgery). "What about a counselor to work out your issues?" Yep, done that (and doing it again for the surgery). "How about Weight Watchers, you always did good at that?" Yep, until I didn't and gained it back. Of course this is the same person that when I told her I had to have a hysterectomy told me I was crazy and shouldn't do it (as if there is something I could do to "cure" those problems) and when I had to have radiation to kill my thyroid for Graves Disease, she said "I wouldn't do that. It sounds dangerous." Meanwhile my heart rate was 120 and that was going to kill me. The problem is that she just hasn't ever had to deal with the health issues so they just don't make sense in her mind. She will come around and she will be supportive (in her way which honestly isn't very helpful but the best she knows how), but in her mind it is definitely the easy way out because she sees it, I think, as someone else doing the work for me. A surgeon physically changing my anatomy so that I am physically unable to eat as opposed to me being in charge of what I put in my mouth. And, when I see it from her perspective, it does sort of seem an "easy" way. Let's be honest, how long would it take me to lose 150 pounds through Weight Watchers? I'm doing this because it is faster. Because it will finally get the job done. Yes, I still have to work at. Yes, it is and will be very hard. But in some ways, I do think it is easier than say Weight Watchers (or other calorie restricting program). At least I hope above hope it is easier because what a disappointment it will be if I spend all that money, take that time off work, risk my life with anesthesia and still have the same struggles as I did going through Weight Watchers and end up right back where I started...
  7. Congrats! Glad it went so well and you are on your way!
  8. Still sorting out whether I should go through with this or not, and the biggest fear I have is failing - or in my eyes - losing the weight only to regain as I have done every other time. I have seen so many with long term success but unfortunately have met many who have gained the weight back and honestly are worse off now because of the malabsorbtion. Is this a normal fear? If so, how did you get past it? And what was your difference that made you successfully keep the weight off / get & stay healthy?
  9. Thanks all! The advice really helps. I have got to look at this as a tool and forced life change (in many ways) and not just a diet. I met with psychologist today for my evaluation and she said a lot of stuff that made sense. I am going to meet with her probably 5 or 6 more times before surgery so she can help me sort through my food issues. I meet with nutritionist tomorrow for 1st meeting. Each step I get closer definitely helps and advice from all of you has really made a difference.
  10. Sorry @@Mommabird, I gotta ask - you have lost 74 lbs since surgery in December (so only 2 months) and you are a slow loser? I can only hope I have half that much success in that amount of time! (Looking forward to reversal of diabetes too though!)
  11. Daisee68


    Congrats!! I am just starting the process and can't stop talking about it, so I can only imagine how excited I will be when I get to that point!
  12. Daisee68

    Cigna Healthcare

    @Luvin_Life125 posted this link in one of my posts. It was really helpful. https://cignaforhcp.cigna.com/public/content/pdf/coveragePolicies/medical/mm_0051_coveragepositioncriteria_bariatric_surgery.pdf
  13. Have you met with a surgeon yet? A lot of times their office is very skilled at reading these requirements and will help you make sure they meet all of them.
  14. It is not written very well but it does so monthly for 6 months documented which I think is referring to your dietician visits.
  15. I would agree that is a bit vague, but by being "supervised" I would bet it is more than just one appt. I have Cigna and they specifically require 4 visits with a dietician over a span of 90 days with at least 30 days in between each appt.
  16. Daisee68

    Should I just self-pay?

    Thanks so much for this. Knowing Cigna did finally approve you and within 5 days makes me feel much better. I was just so thrown by them not approving the sleep study. That document is really helpful! And even in there it says you need to rule out sleep apnea as part of pre-surgery requirements. Obviously my surgeon's office just didn't provide the correct info. You are both right that I need the time before to adjust anyway. Really appreciate the advice! Feeling much calmer about it all this morning!
  17. Daisee68

    Cigna Healthcare

    Mine is same as above - 4 nutritionist visit over span of 90 days and psych evaluation. My dr told me Cigna only recently reduced from 6 months of nutrition visits to 3.
  18. Just wanted to say that I am so very glad you posted this! I just started the journey last week and with sleeve in mind, my surgeon informed me it was not a good idea due to acid reflux. She said we would do an Upper GI first and then I would understand. I have had a hard time getting my head around bypass, but I am starting to get there and this post really helped me feel more comfortable with that decision. I have a long way to go - psychological evaluation, sleep study for possible apnea, Upper GI, 4 visits with nutritionist (at least 31 days apart), and stress test, but honestly I am very thankful for the process as it gives me time to adjust and make some positive changes. So happy to hear others went through this same decision process - especially due to reflux!

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