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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. I thought I would come back here and update after having my first consultation last week. Dr. said I was a good candidate and at a good weight. Would be fine if I didn't lose anymore but if I did to not lose more than 5 to 10 pounds at the most. This dr (Dr Peter Fisher in San Antonio) doesn't do implants if he can get away with just a lift but he said there was simply not enough tissue/fat left for him to just do a lift on me. He had me try on a bra with some implants (450cc tear drop shaped silicone) that filled out a 38D and put my shirt back on. I felt like they looked a little too big but I am not doing the breasts first anyway, so I have some time to discuss that. First procedure we are going to do is Brachioplasty & LBL (which includes extended tummy tuck with muscle repair, mons lift and reduction (if necessary), outer (lateral) thigh lift, buttock lift and fat transfer of buttocks and hips as needed). This is an 8+ hour surgery!! I am very anxious about that! My 2nd procedure will be breast lift / augmentation and extended medial thigh lift. Procedures must be at least 3 months apart.....
  2. Daisee68

    LBL scheduled...pre-op advice?

    I think I am scheduling mine for September. I fear it is a little early (I will only be 15 months post-op) but dr said I was a good candidate and was at a great weight for it. (He said I would be fine if I didn't lose anymore but if I was going to lose more to do it before surgery and to only lose 5 to 10 pounds most.) I am scared and anxious too! Will be anxious to hear how your procedure and recovery goes!
  3. Daisee68

    Thigh Lift - What Kind?

    @@Spiceyfrog - I had my first consultation last Friday. Dr said so much that I didn't take it all in but I remember that he said that spiral thigh lift would not work for me as I had too much loose skin hanging to my knee (I think that was why). I also have bad saddlebags where the skin actually folds down some. I believe he said that if I just had the inner thigh loose skin, that spiral lift might work but that given my situation, I would not be happy with just spiral. Have you received any surgeon's opinions yet? Dr I have chosen is Dr. Peter Fisher in San Antonio who specializes in excess skin removal. His results are great. He does consults over the phone I think. You could send him pics and see what he says. Website is peterfishermd.com
  4. Daisee68

    Impacted Stool

    Maybe you are taking too much fiber? I know that sounds counterintuitive but I found taking fiber supplements made mine worse in the beginning. How far out are you?
  5. Daisee68

    Jerky Quest

    @@bigmamaAfrica - I copied the following from Wikipedia: "Biltong differs from jerky in three distinct ways: The meat used in biltong can be much thicker due to the slower drying time in dry air conditions; typically biltong meat is cut in strips approximately 1" (25 mm) wide – but can be thicker. Jerky is normally very thin meat. The vinegar, salt and spices in biltong, together with the drying process, cure the meat as well as adding texture and flavour. Jerky is traditionally dried with salt but without vinegar. Jerky is often smoked; biltong is never smoked." Granted it is Wikipedia and not always correct but I thought I would pass it along as it says the biltong is typically thicker. Not sure how far out you are, but if not very, be careful as it may be too tough to properly digest.
  6. Daisee68

    How long did Cigna take to respond to you?

    LOL! Hang in there! I think they are usually pretty quick. Mine was unusual - submitted at noon on a Friday and approved by 10 am the following Monday!
  7. @@Lisa1996 - Not gonna lie. It definitely takes discipline (which most of us didn't have pre-op - well I know I didn't!). Some days are better than others. Transitioning to denser foods (which you aren't to yet) will help. Meanwhile, I find my stomach will growl (or gurgle) sometimes when I am just thirsty, so make sure you get fluids - it will help. You just gotta hang in there! The first 6 weeks or so can be difficult as you figure things out but you will hit a stride and never look back!
  8. One other thing to keep in mind is that your calorie restriction is so very limited that sometimes it is difficult to have enough energy. Some folks actually don't lose during certain phases because their body goes in to starvation mode because they are burning WAY too much and eating WAY too little. You will be able to walk, but as other said, it is major surgery and just as you would with any other major surgeries, you need to give yourself a little break and give your body time to heal.
  9. "Full" is definitely different after surgery but "satisfied" will likely come when you start to eat more dense meats. But caution to pay attention to portion sizes. Some days I can eat more than others. Don't eat for more than 30 minutes and stick with your portion sizes recommended by your NUT. You are still new at this. Promise it gets easier / better.
  10. Daisee68


    My 2nd through 3rd week was rough! I was more tired and more nauseas. I think it is something about that magical 3rd week (my 3rd week after my hysterectomy was awful too!) And just a heads up if you haven't read it yet, there is a very infamous 3 week stall for most people, so stay off the scale or at least don't panic!
  11. Daisee68

    How many nights in hospital?

    One night and I was bypass.
  12. Daisee68

    Can eat more at certain times.

    I am 11 1/2 months post-op and have the same issue - sometimes different days, sometimes within the same day, sometimes it depends on what I am eating. Just make sure to pay attention to your portions recommended by your NUT for now.
  13. So I emailed the dr that I had the consult with and he said he can break up the procedures in to 3 separate surgeries but that it is not cost effective. He said he does 8 to 12 hour surgeries once or twice a week. He can bring in an assistant surgeon if needed at extra cost (which I may request be done just to cut down on time). He is booked until mid-August, so I still have a little time for my weight to stabilize. (Wasn't sure I wanted to do it during the summer anyway.) Also, they have referred patients to an after care nursing company who will come to the hotel once a day (or however long you pay them for I suppose) to help with the drains, wound care, transport to follow up appts, etc. They are sending me that info so I can check in to pricing. (That will help tremendously so I can send my family home after a few days.) The hotel they refer out-of-town patients to are very used to working with him and make arrangements to get recliners or lift-chairs delivered to your room for duration of the stay. BTW, I was super impressed that I emailed the dr my questions on late Sunday night and got a personal response from him within about 30 minutes. I also emailed the surgery scheduler and she responded by 9 am. this morning. Really like the way these people work! My local WLS support meeting was having a plastic surgeon speak tonight. I was gonna go (but didn't). I looked up that drs website and his results are nowhere NEAR as good as Dr Fisher's results! Made me even more resolved to make Dr. Fisher my choice.
  14. Daisee68

    Cheese Please

    I would not have survived if it wasn't for cheese! Seriously. I am sure of it! My most recent treat (11 1/2 months post-op) is a sort of caprese salad with grape tomatoes and garlic herbed goat cheese. Holy cow!! It is SO good! I eat an ounce of it (fits in my particular food budget) and that goes a very long way. Sharp cheddar has been a regular part of my diet from early on. As long as it is well chewed, it is fine. I have gotten shredded cheese (not melted) stuck before when I didn't chew well enough...
  15. For what it's worth, I am about 11 1/2 months post-op bypass. I was scared to increase too and she told me at about 8 months to start increasing (and I was at 800 calories per day). She has me up to 1200 right now but I am nearing my goal. I find that at 1100 calories I still lose (and I don't workout as much as you do). It gets easier. You don't want your body to only get use to surviving at 750 calories or maintenance is going to be really tough. As @@Inner Surfer Girl, try adding some Protein Snacks. I still have a Protein shake once per day (30g protein) as a snack. Sometimes I add another snack and sometimes I don't. Just sort of depends on what else I have eaten that day. I am told that 1200 calories will be my lifetime calories, but that seems a little low to me given my height and build, but I will deal with that once I get to goal (6 more pounds).
  16. 750 calories at 11 months post-op is too low especially if you are working out hard. What does your NUT say about where you should be now with calories and Protein ? Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  17. @@csawesome - Hey Checkout Poshmark.com. There are a lot of 18/20's on there. It is used clothes and I have had a great experience. I was able to buy some, sell some and even resell the ones I bought that no longer fit! You can search by brand if you know which brands you like (i.e. Lane Bryant, Avenue, Torrid, etc.) and size. Otherwise, I would say your wardrobe sounds about right. I went through pants faster than anything.
  18. @JaimeLogical - I know you had your first surgery back when you lost the first time. You say your results stayed great even though you regained. What are your thoughts on waiting or going forward now? Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  19. I have another one - NOT sweating so much! It used to take NOTHING for me to break a sweat and then it wouldn't stop. Now I have to work pretty hard to sweat!
  20. @@CowgirlJane - Thanks. That makes me feel a little better
  21. Daisee68

    Pant sizes?

    26 (I had a pair of 28's I was wearing but they were a little too big). I am now in 14's in some and 12's in others. I still have a lot of thigh/butt loose skin, so it makes pants harder. Believe it will be a little bit smaller after plastics but I would anticipate not going below 10 (maybe 8 in some things?). I am 5'10" with a pretty big frame though and don't want to be any smaller than that. I was in 26 last January and in 14's by this January.
  22. It is a little early, but I think you will be ok. I would make sure to take a lot of stuff with me just in case. When I went to Mexico in February (8 months post-op), I took Protein powder (1 scoop in a baggie), Protein Bars, nuts, Jerky, etc. Things I knew I could eat if I couldn't find something just right. (Not sure you will be able to have nuts and jerky at 2 months post-op but just an example). I ate a lot of chicken (with sauces scraped off), soft cheeses, eggs, etc. I think some places also have yogurt though that is not something I tried. You will also be able to walk a lot more which will help. I don't know that you will want to drink alcohol that early but everyone has a different opinion. Definitely talk to your NUT before you go to get some more ideas about what you can eat.
  23. Daisee68

    The BIG picture

    Congrats! Great job! I have the same successes and it is truly amazing! Keep up the awesome work!
  24. @VSGAnn2014- Thanks and I appreciate and understand your advice and actually not sure I disagree. A lot of what is running through my head is about how to best work it in with work timing-wise but not sure that is the best reason to have surgery (and I had the same thought last year when I had the bypass at the busiest time of my work which still went fine - and then despite my efforts to work from home after surgery - I got laid off in December...) I promise I will take your advice under sincere consideration. Let me ask you this though - do you think there is any chance that having the excess skin removed earlier and feeling like I am more "normal" will perhaps give me more incentive to maintain? (I have actually lost 160 pounds from my highest weight so skin is pretty significant - especially in the rear / thighs and pants are VERY difficult to get on. Additionally, I am only 48...)
  25. @@Christinamo7 - Well I have often heard many doctors (plastics and bariatrics) said you had to be at a stable weight for at least 1 year before they would do plastics. My NUT says you will typically be your smallest at 18 to 24 months post-op and then will experience (most likely) a weight gain (albeit hopefully very little). Even the plastic surgeon said I would need to make sure to be stable after surgery because a significant gain or significant lose after plastics could affect the results. I think my NUT is concerned about potential gain. I'm kind of thinking my therapist really knows me best since I have seen her the most so I will definitely spend a lot of time talking to her about it before I make an decisions.

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