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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by rakes4321

  1. Wondering if anyone has ever dealt with abdominal spasms from your port to your midline.

    I got my hand in 06. In 11, I was training for a half marathon....after the race, I started having these seriously major muscle spasms at my port. It continues to today. I have to be very careful how I use my abs...movrment the wrong way will set it off. Even sitting up to get out of bed or sitting in a chair....i was at a dinner party and had to excuse myself 6 times during the course of dinner because sitting in the chair set it off....i can't take this anymore! I this enough of a health risk to get this thing out of me and have insurance pay for it?

  2. Hey, we are Air Force and I had my surgery at Wright Patterson AFB in January. 5 weeks after my surgery, Tricare "Okayed" paying for fills, before that, you were on your own for fills. I am 6 ft and had a BMI of 36. I also have (or had at the time, I just had another sleep study and I don't have it anymore!) sleep apnea and had to be on CPAP. My PCP was a hinderance! She actually told me that the military didn't do that surgery and even if they did, I would n't qualify. So, she wanted to send me to the psych clinic to get meds! So, I pushed for a consult with the endocrinologist, who happened to be friends with the general surgeons that DO do this surgery for the military. I would call the Tricare office and ask them WHY you were denied. The regulation states that your BMI must be at least 35 and have ONE of the three co-morbidities.......Diabetes, High blood pressure, or sleep apnea. I'm not sure, but I think that what you might be running into is the particular facility that you are stationed at. WPAFB only started doing these surgeries in March of the previous year. The surgeon had only dont about 50 or so lapbands when he did mine. There is a fully functioning hospital with emergency room at WP. Before that, you couldn't get it done. I think that you may have to be stationed at or travel to a base that has a hospital. Which, from what I understand, aren't very many, only 3 or 4 in the country. Maybe, like the fills, at a later date, they will give people referals out for the surgery. Before they changed the fill thing, my surgeon said that I could just fly back, because we just PCSed to California, and he would do my fill. So, be encouraged......wait for the results for your sleep test. If that comes back positive, you DO qualify, that is not the issue......it's whether or not they will pay some civilian doc 30,000 to do the same surgery that they can get military docs to do for a lot less. So, I would try to work this angle with tricare..........if I can get to a facility that does the surgery, can I get it done? Hope that helps.


  3. In regards to a Vitamin, I take the adult Centrum, one daily; which is what my doc prescribed. Pill to pill, they are the same, with the riboflavin being omitted from the Centrum. But I am not taking as much as you are. I'm not able to ascertain when you have had your surgery, but if your surgery is indicative of your join date, you would be right on the mark for drinking so many Protein Shakes. But as you get out of all of the eating restrictions and are supposed to be eating "normal" foods, (my doc, anyway) prescribes not drinking your calories or Protein. I am still amazed at all of the different approaches that docs have with the same proceedure! I hope your "non-hair loss" continues! But if you had your proceedure done in June, it is a little premature for your body to "see" the full effects of what it has not been getting- or just the sheer shock to the system. Please keep us posted on your abundance of hair. I hope you keep it all, of course, I will be extremely jealous!

    Have a great week!

  4. From what I understand from my doc, and others that I have talked to is that it doesn't start showing up until month 3 or 4, and that's exactly when it started. Supposedly, it should only last for a couple of months, then grow back. I do have new growth already, but it is still falling out faster than it is growing in. I look rather ridiculous with my hair in a pony!:) Kind of like Medusa! It is also good to know that I'm not alone, not that I would wish Hair loss on my worst enemy, but you know what I mean!

    Best of luck to you all!

  5. I'm really at a loss, because we have always eaten fresh veggies and a fresh meat ever since we got married. Eating good has always been a good habbit, our amounts have been the main issue. But back to the hair thing...I know that I eat plenty of good fat. We just had avacados tonight for dinner. I know that we get enough other veggies. I heard that Hair loss would happen as a result of lack of Protein from the first weeks post-op, but that it would taper off. Mine hasn't tapered off yet. I have gone from not being able to wrap my fingers around my hair when I put in a pony to being able to wrap them around the equivalent of twice. I just don't want to end up skinny and bald!:) Thanks for all the input. It's all good information to mull over.

  6. I've noticed that there are TONS of people on metformin. My endo had me on that, too, and I couldn't be more than 10 feet from a toilet! No matter the doseage, it TORE me up. He decided to put me on Avandia , which is much less harsh on the system, and I am a happy camper! So, from personal experience, and I have metformin a good chance- 3 months, talk to your doc about Avandia. It is also a very tiny pill, compared to metformin, and it goes down very easy. I don't even have to take Water with it, it's so small. I take one in the am and one in the pm. As far as results, I can't really compare the two. I was on metformin before the band and Avandia like two weeks before surgery. It has made a world of difference for me, maybe it will for you!


  7. Well, we moved just 2 months after my surgery in January. We are all moved in but I have yet to find a fill doc. No one seems to want to take me in due to the fact that I had the procedure done on a military installation. I guess there is no money in follow up care. I am down from 269 to 229, but have hit a plateau. Looking forward to another fill soon. It is good to spend a little time on this site and see how well everyone is doing. Good to be back.


  8. I just walked in the door from my surgeons office. I have had pain across my belly at my belly button. I finally had to go in, it was starting to worry me. He stuck his finger in my belly button and within seconds, he said that I have a hernia. In 97, I had a spine fusion where they went in from the front, so I have a vertical scar from the bottom of my belly button to my pubis bone. He is guessing that the surgeon didn't close up completely. He said that it is more than likely internal fat that is poking out right now and is inflamed, and that I needed to kind of try to push it back when I lay down. He said that ideally, he would repair it after I have lost all of my weight, but if I can't stand the pain, that he needs to go in and repair it. Oh, and that heavy lifting will make it worse. Which is great, we are moving in 5 weeks and we have a house to pack! Yikes! Well, good luck to you with your situation. I don't know, "hernia" is such a gross word. They could have made it not sound so bad:wink2: What did your surgeon say? Are you in pain?

  9. Hi All,

    Banded on Jan 21 and I've lost 22 lbs! Okay, had one week clear, one week mushy and 2 weeks pureed - 3 oz, 5 x per day. Now, I'm supposed to start on real food. Guidelines are 1 cup ,3 x day and 1/2 Protein bar for a snack. I made some high Protein Soups today to last through the week but I'm looking for more choices. Any suggestions? And, is this keeping with the "normal" food plan most people are given?

    Can I smush a piece of pizza into a cup? HA!


    I have a great recipe! packed with protein. If you look under the 2008 thread and then go to the Jan 08 thread, look for the thread that is entitled New recipe with tons of protein! It is pumpkin Black bean Soup. Don't let the name fool you, it is fabulous! I'm on the same ttrack as you are! Good luck.

  10. Hey, guys! I had a play date with a friend of mine today. (well, the kids had the play date, we talked:thumbup:) She fed us lunch and this is what we had.........it is FABULOUS!

    pumpkin Black Bean Soup

    3 cans black Beans, rinsed and drained

    1 (16oz)can diced tomatoes

    1/4 c butter

    4 cloves of garlic, minced

    1 1/4 c. chopped onion

    1 tsp salt (optional)

    1/2 tsp ground black pepper

    4 c beef broth

    1 can pumpkin puree

    1/2 lb cubed cooked ham

    3 Tbs sherry or apple vinegar

    If you make it just for yourself, you can just puree everything together, after you saute the onions, garlic in the butter. If you are making it for the fam to eat too....

    Puree 2 cans of Beans and tomatoes until smooth and set aside. In melted butter, saute onions and garlic, salt and pepper. To this add the bean puree, pumpkin, bean broth, and remaining can of beans and vinegar. Simmer for about 25 min. Add ham cubes and heat thouroughly.

    This Soup is so good with a tad of sour cream and some cheese! If you make it, let me know what you think about it. Im going to make it this week!

  11. I've seen several listing about what to eat to keep Protein up during this "hell" time, 2-5 weeks post op. But I'm wondering....I will take a small portion of whatever I make for the fam and puree it, is that wrong? Like the other day I pureed about a 3 inch section of lasanga and put about a 1/4 cup more of sauce in it and thinned it out a bit more with Water. It was smooth and loose, but it had ground beef, mushrooms, olives, onions, Pasta, and ricotta. Is anyone else doing anything like that, or am I totally in the wrong? My doc said that if you can put it through a sieve and it can fit through a straw, you can eat it, and that's pretty much what I do. It is soooo much more appetizing than just plain creamed Soups. I also have purred cottage cheese, put pureed sauce and cheese and bake that, ummmm

    curious is anyone thinks that I'm doing an injustice to my band, or not letting myself heal properly. Because that is the most important thing.

  12. Hi, I'm new and I am so glad I found this thread. My life was turned upside down 2 years ago when I found out I had PCOS. My weight had been going up over the years so I hired a personal trainer and low and behold I gaine over 65 lbs in one year.

    After my bullheadedness lost, I finally gave in to all of my many Dr.'s advice and had the surgery. I absolutely cannot believe that I am LOSING WEIGHT!!!!

    My question is: After being on Metformin for over 1 year, my body did not respond well at all to it so I began taking Avandamet, does anyone esle take it? Also, I lost weight on the pre-op and one week after but the scale has not moved since. I stopped taking my Advandamet and I am wondering if you think that is the reason why. Thanks for all of your help.

    My Endo put me on Avandia (change from Metformin-couldn't tolerate it) It sounds like your drug is similar to mine. All of these drugs are not for losing weight; they are for lowering insulin and reversing the insulin resistance. I have lost, total from two week pre-op diet, 24 lbs. I was banded on 1-25-08. Not only is this a healing period, it is also complete confusion as far as your metabolism goes. Our pcos bodies are so use to being in the store fat /burn carb mode, and now for several weeks, you are giving it nothing but Clear Liquids and Protein Drinks. I have actually gained 1.5 lbs just by moving to pureed foods. I'm sure you've heard this before, but we have to give our bodies time to adjust. On top of being banded, our bodies are dealing with this silly syndrome and it just needs time to re-boot and figure out how it is going to burn calories in the future. Trust the fact that the science works- less calories in than calories burned and you will loose weight. I started to freak out a bit when the scale started to go up, but then I had to smack myself and stop the cycle of wrong thinking that has invaded my brain for the last 20 years of my life. OUr bodies are amazing, we need to let them do their thing, and not beat ourselves up every time the scale goes up, or doesn't go down. So, I encourage everyone. We have made a decision that has altered the rest of our lives!

  13. Now i need a fill. I go on Monday and hope i get one. I'm now starting to get hungry a lot faster then i was last week. I'm staying on my diet(about 1000cal) but it's getting hard. We will see. I just need to get past this weekend.

    We were banded on the same day! Am I correct in saying that you are consuming 1000/day? How are you doing it? I am literally stuffing myself and drinking myself waterlogged and I am hovering around 500/day. Please, let me know what you are doing! I can't work out much more than about 20 min at 2.5 mph on my treadmill before I'm exhausted! I do light house cleaning and I'm done! I can't function on just 500 cal/day, but I don't know how to change it!~


  14. I have had some minor complications, but today, I feel great! Still on nothing thicker than milk, and have an apt on Mon am. The complications have kept me from getting my Protein and liquids in, but I think that I'm on track now. Today is the first day since the 25th that I feel human. Lost a ton of weight, though, kind of scary. I'm hoping to slow down once I can get some actual calories in me.

    Glad you're doing well, too. I know, the liquid thing can be hard. You're almost there!

  15. I was an athlete throughout HS and college. I 5'11.5 and was 165 in my Sophomore year of college. I played competitive volleyball and was in the gym EVERY day! I needed to have my knee fixed, so I go the Oklahoma Health Science Center, where they take care of the OU athletes-ooohhhhhh! Anyway, he taped the surgery, which was too cool, and IN the video, he is narrating and says to me, "You need to loose weight, or this surgery will be a complete and utter failure!" He didn't have the balls to tell that to me in person, but can slime away with saying it on a video of the surgery, when I'm out and can't punch him in the face! I just figured that BMI and it was 23!! What was he thinking. No wonder I have had issues with how I see myself! And I was at the top of my game, too! Anyway, enough ranting about the past.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
