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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BHoenig

  1. I just had a revision from the sleeve to a bypass a week ago today. I'm already 16 pounds down. I had horrible stomach acid... the thing is, lifelong taking medicines for stomach acid is bad for you. Increases cancer risks, dementia risks, and accelerates bone loss. I did not want to be taking these meds for decades to come when science has proven how dangerous that is. I've had no vomiting or nausea while healing. This time around, the vitamins don't even make me sick which is a huge relief. They used to.
  2. BHoenig

    Life at 200!

    From the album: BHoenig

    Meet and greet with Fall Out Boy!
  3. BHoenig


  4. Finally dropped under 200! Bye bye 200's forever!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      So awesome! Happy for you!


    3. Djmohr


      I just hit 200.6 this morning! I am so darn close!

    4. God4me


      Yeah, congrats!!!

  5. Out of my stall and dropping a pound a day! I'll take it!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Italian Gal
    3. Djmohr


      Wow! Congratulations!

    4. VDB


      great. Hope to do the same

  6. 68 pounds down and I still have my boobs! Sometimes it's the little things :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Same here !!! When I gained weight it went everywhere. When I lost the weight the boobs stayed ! For the 1st time in my life I have a curvy figure !! Im very happy !! Congratulations to you !!!, and hellllloooo Victorias Secret !!

    3. MrsSugarbabe


      :) Wish I could say the same, but I did lose inches across my back (a good thing), but also lost a cup size in the process. Still not complaining because I'm still a respectable 42C. In new bras by Cacique and the girls are happy :)
    4. Djmohr


      I am green with envy. Have no boobs or butt anymore. Wish I would lose the weight in my arms and tummy.

  7. BHoenig

    Diet Coke Addiction

    My addiction was Diet Dr. Pepper. I gave it up cold turkey when I started pre-diet and was surprised I had no issues. I used to drink it from the time I got up to the time I went to bed. I found it easy to give up because my nutritionist laid out what it does to my body and what it could do to my sleeve after surgery. That was enough to give me the willpower to let it go. I didn't go through all the prep, surgery, and the past three months of healing and losing weight to sabotage myself for a soda. I've only craved it one time since I gave it up. A few weeks ago in Walmart I walked past a display of it and could literally taste it. I took my cart and ran from the display.
  8. Five pounds away from the halfway mark!

    1. ProudGrammy


      60 lbs down!! do i hear 61?? keep up the good job

      congrats kathy

    2. MrsSugarbabe


      Awesome! Congratulations!

  9. My BMI officially dropped below 40...YAY!!!

    1. ProudGrammy


      so happy for you!!! 55 lbs down too!! keep up the good job kathy

    2. Pepper123


      Keep it up..glad am not the only one who is a police at the BMI situation lol!!

  10. It's so weird to see my before picture...I don't even look like that anymore :D

  11. @@Onyx999 I'm going to be brutally honest here. Please don't take offense, but I don't believe in sugar coating things. First of all...plans to drink on your 21st birthday should never ever be a factor in whether you do this. Most doctors say you can have drinks in moderation in the future. I'm assuming like almost everyone else on the planet you have had drinks underage so it's not like you're missing your first drink. I was pregnant when I turned 21 so I missed that right of passage, but growing a healthy human was so much more important. So is your health!!! Getting rid of those energy drinks is best for your health whether or not you have the surgery. They're damaging and dangerous. That addiction can be broken in prediet. I didn't have a liquid prediet but a lowfat one for two weeks. Dropped twenty pounds alone. Some have liquid diets. All depends on your doctor. Doing this at 20 is going to be the best shot for your skin to shrink. The younger the better and at 20 you have an excellent shot at not needing skin removed. Don't delay. And finally...yesterday #DearMe was trending on twitter. Let me be your #DearMe...don't waste one more day being unhappy in your body. Don't let food control you, you control it. There is nothing scarier than if food has that much control over you. Get healthy, try to be happy, and get over the mindset that turning 21 you need to do this or later you'll want to do that. It all comes down to how bad you want it and if you want it more than that one night on your 21st birthday when you can order a drink. Losing weight will affect the rest of your life. You're 21st birthday is one day in a long life of milestones. No reason you can't order that drink...doesn't mean you have to drink it!
  12. @@MichiganChic How was the surgery and the recovery from the tummy tuck?
  13. I originally thought I would do it, but I loath stomach pain. And I'm worried about healing from a hip to hip incision and having drains. I like to be active...even pre surgery so that recovery time is what I don't like the idea of.
  14. My doctors, I have five, and nutritionists, I have three all recommended either skim milk, soy milk, or almond milk. They do caution on soy though because we as a society are becoming more and more sensitive to soy and many of us allergic all together. Our bodies aren't designed to break it down and it's not the best option. So yeah, almond milk might not have as many nutrients, but it doesn't cause allergies.
  15. Some people can handle milk with no issues. It's not all sleevers are told not to have it. It all depends on what your body will tolerate. Protein is huge!!! I can't imagine why a surgeon or nutritionist would say not to worry about it. It's the quickest way to heal and it's what keeps you from losing a shit ton of hair during the 3-6 month mark!
  16. We all need to be careful to not compare ourselves to others. Fact of the matter is, none of us is ever going to look like bikini clad women in magazines. Unfortunately, we took that option away when we let our weight get out of control. Even if we all get tummy tucks to have a flat stomach, we'll have stretch marks and such. It's okay. This is about health, not about vanity. I myself, after going through the surgery decided there is no way in hell I'm having skin removal surgery. So far it's shrinking up as I lose, but I take really good care of myself. I drink my shakes daily, take my vitamins, and coat my skin daily in a combination of grapeseed oil and lavender oil. And my body is losing 3-4 pounds per week now. It's those big weight drops over short times that do people in every single time! There will come a point that it won't shrink down and I'm okay with that. My husband is okay with that. I've accepted that I didn't do what I needed to in order to have a bikini worthy body. I'll disguise my skin with clothes and maybe even some spanx. After all, all the size 2's in Hollywood even wear them. I'm going to take my spanx, get a few cute golf outfits, and I'm going out on the golf course this year, thinner and fit and I'm going to kick my husbands behind all over the golf course!
  17. The gastric sleeve does not have dumping syndrome as a side effect. Dumping syndrome is synonymous with the bypass. You might have a lactose intolerance now or you drank way to fast. Those shakes are supposed to be sipped slowly over a longer period of time. I switched to almond milk and love it. Bonus...no lactose issues
  18. I love the strawberry mousse and the double stuff cookie. We have the fuzzy naval and Caribbean cooler too, but unfortunately I don't like either. I had hopes for them, but I just didn't care for them. I'm glad you all found protein that works for you. I haven't had the sensitivity that others have had, but I've seen a lot of people struggling and it's a helpless feeling sometimes to read of people suffering and to be unable to help.
  19. Scale started moving again after a five day stall :D

    1. ProudGrammy


      thats great!!!! kathy

  20. BHoenig

    I was Sleeved 1/28/15!

    I'm having pain on my left side in the my stomach. Can't sleep in my bed yet or on my side. Don't know if it's my muscles. If I push on my abdomen over there it hurts. I was sleeved the same day you were. Do you have that problem?
  21. Sometimes it seems that everyone thinks they're a doctor.

    1. amponder


      yes google makes everyone experts ;)

  22. BHoenig


    Something everyone needs to remember is everyone having this surgery has guidelines issues by their doctor and their nutritionist. Some of you may be on liquid diets for two days but that does not mean everyone is. eggs may be fine according to some doctors and nutritionists after a week even if they aren't with yours. I see a lot of questioning of what others are doing here and everyone would do good to remember that. My doctor only had me on a liquid diet for a week an cleared me for food yesterday. Things like cottage cheese, applesauce, Peanut Butter, tuna, fish, pureed meat, pureed veggies, and yes I was even cleared for scrambled eggs. So be careful when you're judging what other people are putting in. You don't know what their doctor as given a green light for and we're all trying to be careful and do the right things hear. This is where forums like this drive me nuts.
  23. i agree with rafaelsp89 for the most part. I do believe you should get on the scale though, for the sole purpose of making sure you don't put on more than two pounds. My doctor expects us to go to the ER if we gain more than two pounds because there could be complications happening inside your body. Ignoring the scale all together seems dangerous to me.
  24. I think part of it might be the fact that we are so limited on fluids. Think about it...it's just like with food. If you skip meals, it doesn't matter of the next meal is a healthy salad, your body will turn it into fat. Right now our bodies are trying to hold onto fluids. It could be a little wonky as we go through the various stages of the post op diet. Don't get discouraged yet...we're all in this boat with you!
  25. Five days post op and things are getting better a small step at a time!

    1. ProjectMe


      Glad your doing great!

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