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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Newlife@55

  1. Those feelings are very normal! I had tears streaming down my cheeks as they rolled me into the operating room. Next thing I knew I was awake in recovery. 7 1/2 months and 105 pounds later......NO REGRETS! I have always appreciated my life and didn't realize I could be happier, but I am! Your feelings are normal and justified.....but please don't let it keep you from a life due to you!!

  2. I have 2 sons however they are 27 and 29 so they are not in living at home. They played a big part in our decision to go through with the surgery .... We want to be around to spoil any grandchildren we may have down the road????!!

    Our surgeon would not do both of us on the same day. He asked us to wait at least 2 weeks between that way each of us would have someone to hep when we got home. Even though recovery wasn't horrible it was nice those first few days to have my husband able to help a little (as I did for him).

    I don't know if any of this helped you.....fee free to ask any other questions or concerns.

  3. Hi Peggy. I was 54 years old and 356 when I was sleeved 2-25-15. I am 7 1/2 months out and have lost 106 pounds so far! BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE (other than becoming a nurse)!! I obviously still have a ways to go but I feel great and realize this is a lifetime journey not a race! So glad you made the decision as well!! ????

  4. I am almost 5 months out and my hair is falling out like crazy! I have been told it will stop at some point.....I am hoping so. I too have had a hard time getting all my Protein in but am starting to do whatever I can to increase to 80 grams in hopes it will slow down the Hair loss. Either way, no regrets! Small price to pay for as good as I am feeling! I feel blessed! So anyone having this issue....hang on, because I'm sure it will stop soon!

  5. My husband was sleeved on the 11th and he felt pretty rough for right at one week. The last two days he is feeling great.....it was like a switch was flipped one week out from surgery! So hang in there, it looks like it gets better. I am being sleeved next Wednesday so I am hoping and praying mine goes well too!

  6. My husband just had his sleeve done on Feb 11. He has had no nausea at all. All things are going down well. He went home as scheduled on Friday. He did go home with a drain that the doctor will remove in the office on Monday. He's a little sore but feels good and has absolutely no hunger!! I hope I do as well as him on the 25th!! Have a great day!

  7. Well.....thought I would update everyone....my husband got his sleeve yesterday! He is doing much better today! He was pretty snowed most of the day after surgery as he got had to have IV dilaudid a few times while his morphine pca kicked in! He has had no nausea issues, said the leak test wasn't bad. He is very sore but doing well. Will probably go home tomorrow. He appreciated the gas-x strips, however getting up to walk seemed to get better results (burped all down the halls...lol). I started my preop diet yesterday....so far ok....13 days to go!

  8. Hi Lolly123,

    I am 54 and will be starting my 2 week preop diet on wednesday this week. I am concerned about the new "lines" I'm sure will show up. Currently, my skin looks pretty good because I think the fat is plumping out the lines..LOL! I know there is no miracle cream just good skin care. I must say, I am a huge fan of the clairsonic mia! Once I started using it regularly I noticed a definite change in the overall appearance of my skin. Regular cleansing and moisturizing are the best tips I can offer (my opinion only!! :). Have a great day!

  9. @@minniegirl - my feelings are pretty much the same as yours too! Very nervous! I'm a nurse and know the good, the bad and the ugly of surgeries, hospitals etc..... I honestly think that it's a "loss of control" issue for me, lol! I just know that I have a good surgeon, and I believe God will take care of everything! Just want to get past it and move on with my new life.....because it's going to be awesome! Stay in touch, my surgery is the day after yours (25th)!!

  10. Hi Matida!

    I understand your feelings! I will start my preop diet Wednesday.....the day my husband is getting sleeved ????! My date is Feb 25. I am starting to realize the importance of this forum and possibly the support group that my hospital offers in getting past some potential issues. You mentioned needing to change your relationship with food - that is exactly what my husband and I are talking about.....food has been our social existence for EVER! It's time to develop other relationships and unthinkin we can all help each other with that! Best of luck to you. Keep us posted on your surgery and how you are doing!! ????????

  11. I am so very happy for each of you!! I can only imagine the feeling of accomplishment and even disbelief!! So fricken awesome! My sleeve is scheduled in two weeks and I look at the before and after pics and am literally blown away. I am having a hard time seeing it imagining myself anyway but fat!! I long for the day that I can look in the mirror and see a "new me"!!

    Congrats to everyone! Keep up the good work!

  12. Congratulations on your successes! I was excited to read your experience as my husband and I are doing this together as well. His surgery is this coming Wednesday 2/11/15 and mine will be 2 weeks later! I'm sure going through this life changing experience is much easier with your life partner! We are nervous but excited to be on the "sleeved" side and moving on with life! Keep us posted on your progress!

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