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Posts posted by IvyLeagueNP

  1. I started my 6 months of nutritionist visits in December. My weight has stayed the same... Which for me I'm happy with as I was on a 40 lb gaining spree over the last year.

    I am not required to lose any (some insurances do). My BMI is at 40 and I don't have any comorbidities, so if I lost I could be denied surgery. I've battled w my weight since 3rd grade. Lost weight plenty of times before only to gain it back. I want this surgery as I know it will help me with Portion Control.

    I am focusing on drinking enough Water every day, Vitamins, getting the recommended Protein, measuring/weighing, food journaling and being active, no soda, not drinking before/with/after meals... All the things you need to do post VSG.

  2. mclorrie... If you require a high pressure on the cpap machine sometimes it's difficult to get used to. I'm a nurse practitioner in pulmonary/sleep/critical care. What we do, for people experiencing difficulty with prescribed cpap is lower the pressure and increase it to goal over time. You can request a follow up appointment with whoever is managing your sleep apnea. They can take a look at the smart card in the machine too.

  3. Good thread! Have the same build and thighs/hips/butt seem to be stubborn in past attempts at weight loss. This time around I am not going to be so hard on myself about it because the "Kim K" look is "in" lol. I do know what you mean about the deposits. I'm very self conscious about my legs and dread showing them. Have not worn shorts since middle school.

    Supposedly some of this can be evened out with skin brushing (check Google- I think that's what it's called). Probably gimmicky but worth a shot. I believe surgery would probably be the only way to target a certain area.

    Building muscle under can help w shape. I like doing the bike too. Stairclimber is also good- def works the butt too.

  4. It depends on your insurance. You should call them up and ask them what their policy is. Some require a BMI of 40 (if there are no comorbidities- high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol...) if comorbidities then at least a BMI of 35.

    If they require months of nutrition counseling the weight they go by is the last month. So you would need to have the required BMI at that point.

  5. I got the test results from my sleep study yesterday, and I'm shocked it came back negative for sleep apnea. I snore so loudly that my husband can't get to sleep unless he goes to bed half and hour before me.

    What a shock and a real set-back to my getting approved with a BMI of 37. My insurance coordinator suggested I make an appointment with one of the doctor's at the sleep center to get a consult and see if we should do the test a second time. Beyond approval for the sleeve, I also just want to be sleeping better! I am tired all of the time and wake up with wicked headaches.

    You should ask them what your sleep efficiency was... If for some reason you didn't have a lot of time in REM then you might not have had enough apneic events on the test. Did the sleep center have you come back to explain the test results?

  6. Are you required to lose weight for your insurance to cover the surgery? I haven't lost any and I'm on month 3. I'm not required to lose weight but it would be nice. The dietician said they don't care about the numbers, they just want us to start incorporating the post op behaviors before surgery so we're already accustomed to it (protein and Water intake, exercise)

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