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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Amanda0305

  1. I was taking 2 senna-s every night and it was working fine. For me it worked more like a softener then a laxative.The last time i saw my doctor she recomended that i just start eating prunes. That way i was getting in fruit too! I eat one prune every night and it has been works great! They taste kind of gross, but if you like raisans then they are like the same thing.

  2. I am not a big cooker and i do not have a family to cook for so now when i do cook i have left overs for the whole week. When i was in the soft food stage i used the slow cooker a lot(throw chicken in with some condenced Soup, salsa, pesto, or bbq) or i made things in minni muffin tins. I soon went back to hating/not having time to cook though.

    So now i go to the deli a lot. We have a lot of different grocery stores in my area and all of them have a different selection of tunu/egg/chicken salad which i then sometimes add nuts, fruit and/or cheese to. I tend to buy a baked chicken breast(2-3 meals) at least once a week too. I also use the salad bar for friut b/c i love melon but if i got a whole one it would just go to waste. I know that delis and salad bars are more expensive then making things myself at home, but for me this is a trade off for the conveniance of not having to cook. Plus i get such small amounts of everything that the $4 scoop of chicken salad lasts 2-3 meals so it really isn't that expensive.

  3. I also don't really feel a lot of hunger. food smells and tastes good, but if i am busy or distracted i forget to eat. I try to stay on a schedule and eat small amounts thoughout the day(i am only 3 months out and have a lot of restiction still). I leave myself little notes on my desk and i know that at certain times i have to try and eat something because at this point my body is just not giving me any signals. I would try to get him on a schedule and have lots of things on hand that are quick and easy like nuts, Jerky and Protein shakes/bars. Some emails allow you to set reminders in the calander and you can even set them so they pop up at a specific time every day. If he is working on a computer at work all day this may be a good way to set a timer too!

  4. At first i was taking miralax every couple of days and that was ok. Once i started eating more the miralax was not doing anything so a switched to Sena S. I take two pills almost every night before bed and i have been great since starting this. I worry about becoming dependent on it, but i would rather have to take this for the rest of my life then have the pein i was in before i was taking it.

  5. I am in week 5 and i have found the slow cooker to be a life saver. You can throw just about anything in it and it will be nice and juicey when done. This week I made a pesto chicken(1lb of chicken, small jar of pesto, and 1/2 cup chicken broth on low for 5 hours-at hour 4 shedded the chicken and let it soak up liquid), partnered with some roasted sweat potato and i have dinner for the entire week! I also like deli turkey rolled in a slice of swiss cheese(i like to add cream cheese or greek yogurt to make it a little more moist) and my nut suggest frozen turkey meat balls. I also eat scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs, chicken salad, cheese sticks, seasoned ground beef and greek yogurt.

    As for the shakes, like you i can't stand them. I tried so many different brands, but they all make me gag. I think the problem is that i just don't really like milk. i have tried the nectar fuzzy navel and it was ok, and i tried the Isopure but it was gross. My nut suggested protein2O, but i haven't gotten to the store yet. At this point i gag down one premier Protein in the afternoon and that seems to get me to about 70g of Protein for the day(I am suppose to be between 60-90). My nut said that at about 2 months i can try Protein Bars instead of the shakes, so that may be something to talk to your people about. Just hang in there! You are doing great!

  6. Like you, having a catheter really freaked me out. I was told that they always did it, but when it came down to it they ended up not! My recovery was very mild and i walked a lot in the hospital. i just had help getting in and out of bed, and took it very slowly.

    I did have a hard time peeing after surgery. they were pumping me with liquid and i just did not have to pee. They were so worried that they brought in this machine to check my bladder...it turned out i wasn't peeing b/c there was like nothing in my bladder. i had peed everything out before surgery! After a few more hours i did finally pee and they were all very happy. :)

    I think that as long as you are mobile before surgery you should have no problem using the bathroom after surgery, just take it easy and ask for help. You will want to be moving and going to the bathroom is a short journey that can help motivate you to keep moving when you see how easy it is. Good Luck!

  7. I was Sleeved about a month ago and i remember the tummy pain. Like you, I had a very smooth recovery, but for about the first week to week and a half the left side of my stomach hurt everytime I moved too much. In the beginning it hurt everytime stood up, but then only if i walked for too long, or moved suddenly in a strange way. I think it is just the muscles around your tummy protesting so much activity.

    Just relax and give yourself a break, and try not to do too much at one time. I would walk for about 15-30 min multiple times a day, but anymore time then that and i was exhausted and achey. Four weeks out and i have no problem going to the store for long periods of time, or walking for an hour. If the pain continues i would call your doctor, that is what they are there for. :) Good Luck!

  8. Hi all! I am 2 and a 1/2 weeks out and doing realy well. I have been following my eating plan and am now on very soft foods. I had scrambled eggs the other day, but i really want a hard boiled egg(I love them!!). I think this may be too soon, but it is not listed on my plan anywhere. I was wondering what stage did others venture eating them? Thanks in advance!!! :D

  9. I wish i could eat that fast. :-) this morning it took me like 45 min to do 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt. I have been trying to go show bc after like every bite i get purpy and a little chest pain. The pain eases as soon as i burp or my tummy gurggles, but it's uncomfortable so i am going slow. I had to warm my 1/2 cup of Soup up 3 times last night Lol

  10. I had surgery Monday and got home yesterday. I have been a little nervous to try a shake yet so i have been drinking Water today. I had a little broth at lunch and am thinking maybe some sf Jello later, but I will try to take a shake tomorrow and see how it goes. I haven't had any nausea yet, but drinking still hurts my chest a little and I'm burpy, so i am taking it easy.

  11. Sleeved on the 27th! Doctor said everything went great! I woke up with a lot of pain-it was like the worst cramps and heart burn ever! I stayed 1 night and most of the second day. I didn't have any nausea but i did have heart burn for like 24 hours. I am burpy and gurgley every time i drink anything, but it is just weird not painful. All in all i am feeling tired and sore, but am doing well. Good luck to everyone else!

  12. I am having surgery 4/27 too!!!! The only surgery that i have had too is a tonsillectomy as a child! I think this may be a good thing b/c the actual having surgery does not scare me at all. I remember having a great time in the hospital as a kid. :) i know that surgery is a big deal, i just don't have any fears of it. I am a little nervous about how i am actually going to feel after. i tend to not have a very high pain threshhold.

    As for time in the hospital, i was told, by my surgean it would be 1 maybe 2 nights. I am having my surgery first thing in the morning so i am hopeful it will only be 1 night. I also live like 2 blocks from the hospital where i am having the procedure, so if there are any complications it will only take me minutes to get there.

    Good luck to you and everyone else!!!!

  13. i am very intrigued by these. I am not a huge fan of milk so i have been looking for a sports drink type Protein for post op, and these are on my NUT's list. I have ordered a bottle of the alpine punch from the Vitamin shop, but i have not tried it yet.

    On Amazon i found a 6 pack of 8oz bottles with 15g protien each(you have to buy a 4 pack). They seem to only be available in grape or alpine punch, but it looks a lot more portable then the big glass bottles.

    i know 15g is not as much Protein as i would get with the milk and Protein powder, so i will probably wait till i am getting protein from food too before i switch over to these(as long as i actually like the taste).

  14. All my insurance company required was a pre determination. The Surgeons office took care of submitting everything once i had met all of their requirements. I was approved in two days(i called to find out if they had all my paperwork and they said i was approved :)) and got my approval letter in like a week and a half. B/C my program had more requiremnts then the insurance company it still will be about 4 months from when i had my first meeting to when i have my surgery though.

  15. I am scheduled for surgery April 27th! I started the liquid diet March 23rd. I am allowed 4-5 shakes a day, raw veggies, clear broth, and sf jello/popsicles. I had a really hard time in the beginning, but I have been on track since Sunday and not looking back. I am scared and excited! It seems that I waited for so long and now it’s all happening very fast. All I have left is a pre-op appointment with the surgeon on the 22nd. :D

  16. Honestly think about it big picture. It's 2 weeks out of the rest of your life that you have to do a liquid diet. Two weeks is such a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things. The end result is WORTH IT, seriously! This might sound harsh but if I'm being honest you gotta just to do it and not give yourself room for excuses. That's what I did for myself to get through it.

    I love this advise! I am on week two of my 5 week preop diet and i had a really hard time the first week. I cheated a couple of times, but i am back on track and doing well. I am not going to beat myself up anymore for cheating but I am not going to do it again!

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