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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lumpy

  1. I just got upper GI and was told my band has slipped (horizonally) and stomach is hanging over the band. I saw the pictures and they didn't look good. I have to have my band readjusted or taken out. I don't want it out. I just don't want my throat burning with acid. Has anyone had a slippage and it fixed? Do you think I should fix it or remove it? If I remove it, will I blow back up to 250?

  2. For some time now, my throat feels heated with slight burning all the time as if it's raw from acid damage. I think I have nasal drip to my throat and I always have to clear my throat. I think I may have trouble with reflux and worried this is damaging my throat. Having an UGI Friday. Some days I can eat fine and other days I can't.

  3. well I got the band in dec 2007. slimming and pbing (i think) are the same thing. It's when you have not chewed well enough, ate too fast or too much and the food becomes blocked. You start to feel like a choking feeling and want to vomit. you hold your head over the toilet and a lot of mucus just comes out and sometimes you may vomit. this could last 30 to 45 minutes sometimes. make sure you chew very well and eat slow.

    I just found out that I have an enlarge esophagus. I was worried about my stomach pouch being stretch and to come to find out that was fine. It's my esocaphus that is stretch. You would think I was very bad, but I eat carefully. I don't get it. I guess I am just not one of the lucky ones. I have to go back in a few months for another upper GI to monitor it.

    good luck with your band. It really has changed my life. I lost 100 lbs in 6 months and have only gained back 7 lbs. The only thing I hate now is I am so tired and lazy all the time. I think this is because I didn't exercise to keep my muscles toned and blood flowing. Make sure you exercise.

  4. I wasn't in pain, just a lot of discomfort. The port area was really tough when getting up and down out of the bed. I tried not to use my stomach muscles when possible to lessing the pain. The 2nd day was my worse day and the 3rd was better. I was out of work for a week and had to be careful with stretching and lifting for a few weeks. all went well. my port dosn't bother me at all unless I lean up against the bar, a board or table or something. My port did flip just a little bit so it is a little lopp-sided, but no big deal. I love my band. It keeps me straight. It is tough sometimes when I can't eat or have trouble but atleast I am wearing size 8 now instead of 24. it's great

  5. I am still trying to figure things out. I got banded Dec. 10, 2007; over a year ago. It has went well, but now I have to get an upper GI because the doctor thinks I may have a slippage since I wasn't able to eat or hardly drink over the weekend.

    I understand that slimming is when I spit up think slime/mucus without vomitting. It sometimes causes me to vomit when I am bent over the toilet slimming. I try not to vomit to reduce the chance of band slippage or stretching my pouch. I am now confused. Is it possible that the band can slip or pouch stetch with vomitting?

  6. I am having the same problems too. I have noticed that in the past month my blood pressure has dropped. I have always had good blood pressure like 120/80. But now it is always round 96/56. I get dizzy and light headed quite often. Because of this, I am really sluggish, tired, and lazy. I have always had lots of energy but now I just want to lay around, yarn, and sleep. I was told that I may need to eat more salt and drink more Water even though my blood work is fine. Have you went thru this before? I was banded Dec. 10, 07 and lost 50 lbs since.

  7. congrats! St Mary's has good support every month on the 2nd monday and each 3 thursday. I have only been to two of them, but need to go more often. Mondays are just not a good day for me.

    good luck with your band. I got the band Dec. 10 and have lost 25 lbs. I wish I could loose more each week. I want to hurry up and loose 50 more lbs. I have to be patient. I have really been doing good except the exercise. I just started twice a week for about 30 minutes. I have to work my way up.

    take care and enjoy,


  8. I live in Richmond/Goochland near short pump mall. I work for the Post Office. One day I will meet someone that I know. I do like this site because we all have live here in the same place.

    I went to the support group Monday night. It was good. I plan to go back next month, Feb. 11th. You should go to that too.

  9. Hi,

    I was banded on Dec. 10th. The 2 week liver Shrinking diet really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I never have been able to go on a liquid diet for even a day, but knowing that I was doing this in preparation for the big day of getting banded made it easy. I drank a slim fast for Breakfast and lunch daily, but for dinner I had a very small fat and sugar free diner. It went well. I lost 20 lbs.

    I really didn't have any problems with the approval of my insurance company. However, at the beginning I was sent a letter asking me to send them the 6 months supervised diet documentations. At that time I had only being seeing the doctor for 5 months so I didn't have the 6th month to go with the rest. The of course denied me because I didn't have 6 months worth of documentation. I filed an appeal and kept going to the doctor. Unfortunitly, the appeal took longer than I had hoped. I went to the doctor the 6th, 7th, and 8th month because I didn't want to stop and have to start all over again. That kinda happened after the first 3 months because I had two appointments too far apart; like 5 weeks apart so they said I had to start over on the 6 month ordeal. So, finally I got the letter on Congrats! I was so happy. It really went very well no problems. I just wish it hadn't been delayed because I could be 3 months further ahead.

    Just make sure you go to the doctor approx. the same time each month. Don't allow a huge gap between the months.

    ex. May 3rd for visit #3 and April 21 for vist #4 would cause you to start the entire 6 month process over. So go on

    May 3rd, April 5th, May7th. Try to keep it at 4 weeks apart.

  10. Hi there. I was banded on Dec. 10. I am at the same stage as you but don't blender my food. I just try to chew the food really good. My doctor said it's ok as look as I am not having problems and chew it good.

    I love getting on the scales almost everday to see that I have lost another pound. I am just so afraid that i won't get down to my ideal weight.

    I haven't started exercising yet. I really need to though. I just have been very sluggish the past few days. I don't know why. I have been sleeping really good at night.

    I have been very good with my Water and no other calorie drinks. I eat chicken, chicken, chicken and fish every day.

    write back

  11. congratulations. Dr. Bautista is banding me on Monday, Dec. 10. All of the staff there is very sweet. you are so right about that. I met with him today. I can't wait til the 10th. How are you feeling? Did you stay overnight? How was the first week while at home? Did you study and keep busy with your sips of liquirds? let me know.

    It is quite amazing to share the same doctor with so many people right here in my little town. On the live chat, people are from all over


  12. we today i met with Dr. Bautista. I thought it was a waste of time with the exception of meeting him and him see me. everything he said bascially i knew already. all he did is answer some questions. i thought it would've been more to it. i am really getting more excited as the days go on. I am on day 9 of my liver shrinking diet. the other day i felt weak and tired, but today, i felt great. i can tell a little already that my gut isn't as big. I have lost 9 lbs. I have never lost 9 lbs before in a week before. my stomach has strank so much that i almost feel like i have the small pouch already. i get full so fast now. it's amazing. but i know if i even tried to eat more and ignore that fun sensation, i can go back to eatting like a pig. keep me posted on your progress.

  13. when was this discussion-before approval or prior to surgery. I have only met Dr. Bautista when he gave a class a year ago. I meet with him on Dec. 4 prior to Dec 10 surgery. I hope he dosn't disapprove me for surgery. I have already went thru all the loops.

    The insurance has to have your primary care doctor complete and submit information for 6 months. Maybe the doctor thought based on what you told him that it wasn't good enough. let me know

  14. orea, i am on day 7 of my preop diet, the liver shrinking diet. i did really good the first few days, now i seem to be getting hungrier and am starting to eat real food in place of the shake. i am watching what i eat and how much, so i am proud of myself for that. however, i just hope that i am not stocking up on what i shouldn't be since i am not drinking the shakes.

    monday, getting back to work, i will get back to the shakes.

  15. i have mamsi mdipa and was recently approved. looking back on it, it really wasn't that hard, just time comsuming.

    i got a basic form form the nurse when i went for a consultation. the form just has 3 spots on it for your dr to complete. your name, age, weight, height, etc. you have to make sure you go to the doctor about the same time each month for 6 months consecitively. you can also have receipts from weight watches that you weighted in every month for 6 months or if you tried two different plans you can have 3 months form jennie craig and 3 months from weight watchers, for ex. i thought they would give me a run around but they didn't. because i really didn't know what they needed, becuase no one really new, it took a few more months. i had to pay 20 for speclst visit, and 100 for hospital, thats all. good luck, write back

  16. CoreyVA, yes Dr. Bautista is performing my surgery at St. Mary's Hospital at 7:30 am on Dec. 10. I have already done everything (physical, pre registration, phys. eval., blood work) and all I have left is Dec. 4th, me and my husband meets with Dr. Bautista, then comes the final moment when I check in at 5:30 am on Monday morning the 10th. Currently, I am on the PreOp diet. Oh yeah, I forgot that I went to behavior classes and got a book on what all to expect and how to eat. This diet is for two weeks prior to the surgery. It's called a "liver shirinking" diet. I have lost 7 lbs in a week so far. The doctor wants to be able to have more room to perform the surgery and having the liver (overlaps the stomach) small allows for more space to work in. I actually watched a live lap band opertation on this website. go to home, then click on where it says this is the first place you should go to and you can see where there are the operations to watch. got to go for a minute, be right back.

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