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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by AudricIan

  1. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    My husband is so anti doctor, he would not support my decision. It goes way back to his child hood, his mom tried to cure everything with health food, Vitamins and minerals. My hubby had worms at one point and instead of taking him to the doctor, she spent 2 months changing his diet and giving him minerals, he had to suffer for 2 months! She had her thyroid taken when she was 18 because apparently that is what the doctors did back in the 50's. It has ruined her life and she has brained washed her kids to think doctor's are all body mutilators (sp?). Let's just say this: I had my youngest son last October by c-section. He was 9lbs and 3 weeks early. He had major complications because as they pulled him out he was not able to get all of the Fluid out of his lungs. He spent 2 weeks at a childrens hospital and went into cardiac arrest on day 3. Luckily, he is fine now, no health problems what so ever. His mom had the nerve to tell us that this happened because I didn't eat right and the doctor took him early so he could go on vacation or something. THE NERVE OF HER! This is how my 35 year old husband has been raised. I hate to tell him when I have to get immunizations for the kids because I know he is going to start talking about autism and preservatives in the immunizations. He has come a long way with the doctor thing, he has come to realize that the doctor's saved our son and they are not of body hackers. In his eyes this surgery is not neccessary for me. I know that I am going to have to tell him, I may tell him the day I come home. I just can't tell him before. We each have separate accounts and one joint account. I will be paying for this myself. I don't know what else to do. He has a race boat and I absoutley hate it when he dumps large sums of money into it without discussing it with me. 3 years ago he crashed his boat, I supported his decision to take out a second on the house to get the boat fixed. That is something that he is passionate about, his boat is his dream and I would not take that away from him. This surgery is something that I really want, I never do anything for myself. I rarely even shop for myself. This is for me and I can't expect him to understand how horribly I feel about myself at this time in my life. This is the one thing that will help me to look and feel better and I am going to do it! I truly appreciate everyone's support and advice. I hope that one day I can get on here and tell everyone how my hubby totally understood why I did this and is supportive of my lifestyle changes, that would be so fabulous!
  2. AudricIan

    December Surgery Dates

    My surgery is December 6th with Dr. Ortiz in TJ. I am self pay and getting myself the best Chirstmas present ever!
  3. AudricIan

    Getting the band in December?

    December 6th, TJ mexico
  4. One more thing...what kind of a friend ends 25 years because you don't want to eat wheat and sugar???? You are making her hypertensive, how dare you? LOL. Maybe it's the bread and sugar making her hypertensive, I know it makes me feel pretty cruddy when I eat it. You take care of you honey.
  5. Cookielover, you carry on and be strong! I told one of my closest friends who weighs about 100 lbs more than i do and she was not supportive at all. Wantobeme....I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, I agree with you on this one.
  6. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I am getting so excited too and it is all I want to talk about. At times I think I am just going to tell him, then I can't do it. He doesn't know how much I weigh. My hubby thinks I weigh about 160 lbs, I told him it was more and when I asked him if he wanted to know he said "no". I have to respect that, he is 6'4" and weighs 195, I am 5'6" and weigh nearly 190. Maybe if he knew how much I weigh now he would tell me to go for it. I believe he feels that only people who weigh 300 lbs have this surgery done. I could try to convince him until I am blue in the face, i could even show him this forum and he wouldn't get it. I want so badly to be able to share my excitement and my fears with him but I just can't at this time. I guess until I am able to tell him I will just have to type away, I need to talk about it. Don't worry, I will keep everyone posted. I am still waiting on the final word from the finance company, if the money doesn't get transferred this week I may have to push my surgery one more week....I don't want to do that. I was hoping to be able to at least try some mushy stuff at Christmas dinner. If I am drinking liquids everyone is going to think I am crazy!
  7. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Thanks for the advice. Luckily I work from my home office so I shouldn't have to explain to my co workers, my nanny may wonder what is going on though. I am not too sure I should keep it from my hubby either but I am going to have to. If I did tell him and he was understanding, he would be totally against me going to mexico to get it done. I did meet with a band surgeon here in Orange County, he was great. Then when they hit me with 20k for the surgery I had to walk away. My hubby would be equally as mad if he knew I took out a 20k loan to cover this! Again thanks for the advice, wish me luck!
  8. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Glad to know I am not the only one keeping this from my hubby. I know I will have to tell him eventually. I hope his reaction is like that of your hubby! My hubby is anti doctor, he was raised to believe that they are all crooks and body hackers. We'll see how it goes! Anyone else out there fail to tell their hubby's or partners about the band????
  9. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I do plan on telling him after the fact. I may wait a few months or I may get home and have soooo much guilt that I can't stand it and spill the Beans. I will let all of you know what happens when I drop the bomb! My surgery date is 12/6. Luckily there is a fill center that works with Dr. Ortiz in my town. I live about 3 miles from Disneyland and I have everything I need within a ten minute drive. I still plan on going to Dr. Ortiz for fills but if I have an emergency there is a fill center close by. I have a very high pain tolerance so I am not worried about the surgery itself. I had a c section and did not take anything but motrin afterwards. I am sure this will not be as bad as a c-section. My mom will be a big emotional support, I know that she will not understand what I am physically feeling but she will be there for me. I have all of you to go to for the technical stuff! Lastnight I officially began to prepare myself for the band. I went out and purchased some broth and several different Protein drinks, the bottles were big and they are said to have 40 grams of Protein. From what I have read on this thread, it will probably take me all day to drink one bottle! It is not a shake though, more like a protein Water. I am not sure which I would like better, the powder mix or pre made. I just didn't want to spend $60.00 on a bucket of powder mix that I will not like. Does anyone have a preference? I was shopping at GNC today and it was a bit overwhelming. Give me some input. When I got home I told my hubby that this is all part of the liquid/fasting diet I am going to start after my business trip in December.... I also got some aloe and Vitamin E cream for the scars, I tend to form keloids so I need to try and keep them soft. The next thing on the list is Gas X strips, they must work better than the gel caps, everyone recommends them. I did have horrible gas pain in my shoulder after the c-section, I was gratefull I was in the hospital that night because I was able to raise the bed upright which helped a lot. Has anyone tried Scarzone or Mederma for the incisions? I thought maybe I should get some of that too. My entire belly is covered in stretch marks from having two 9 1/2 lb babies, maybe those products will help with the stretch marks too????? Wish me luck! I will try to check in once a day until I have the surgery.
  10. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Audree, First off let me just say thank you for starting this thread almost a year ago. I have read the entire thread and you have all been such an inspiration to me. A little about me. I am 29 y/o, 5'6" and 188 lbs. I am married with two beautiful little boys. I haven't always been obese, it has been a battle the last 5 years to keep it under control since having my sons. Genetically, I am wired to be obese, diabetic, hypertensive with heart disease. I was dealt a crappy hand, what can I say...:help: Up until I found this thread, I thought I was alone. I figured no one with a BMI of 30 or 31 had the band so no one would understand why I am doing this. I was so wrong. My husband would not understand, he thinks it is will power, nothing to do with genetics. He loves me how I am and would never ask me to lose weight even though I was only 135lbs when we met 7 years ago. At this point in the game, I have told my best friend and my mother who both support my decision. I am not able to tell my hubby and that has been the hardest part of my battle. I travel a lot and I only live about 2 hours from TJ so I am going to take myself down there, stay a few days and come home. I must be crazy!!!!:dizzy: I have never told him an absolute lie like this. I have let him know that I have to go out of town for a meeting and that I am going to start a fasting/liquid diet before Christmas to get a jump start on my New Year's resolution. He and I work so much that we see eachother for 2 hours a day and then we go to bed. Luckily I work from my home. He is in bed right now as I type. I am going to need so much support from others and I have never been in this situation. Usually I am the shoulder to cry on and I carry the weight for everyone around me. I don't even know where to begin with all of the feelings I am having now, 10 days pre op!!!! I am scared, excited, nervous, happy, wired, I haven't slept in like 7 days. I am so happy to hear so many wonderful things about Dr. Ortiz, I am not nervous about the surgeon I chose at all. I am more nervous about coming home. What if I PB or slime with my husband next to me. Audree, you are a great post op example, you did soooo well on the liquids, that is going to be so hard for me because I still have to cook dinner for my family while I sip on some broth an crystal light, LOL!!! I am not too worried about the scars, my stretch marks cover my entire abdomen, I had two 9 1/2 lb babies in the last 5 years. Very rarely do I let anyone see me without a shirt on, unless the lights are out! Enough rambling on, I am so grateful to have found this thread. Any advice from people who did not tell there partner or friends, or kids...I would appreciate it. I am feeling guilty for something I am doing to improve myself, I am such a giver, I never take and it is sooo hard for me to just be happy for me. Thanks for reading everyone, it was hard for me to open up like this. :faint:

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