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Everything posted by AudricIan

  1. AudricIan

    Did The Op Without A Nutritionist,help

    I went to Home Page of the Program of Weight Management They have complete post op diet there from day one and on. It even has menus. It tells how many calories and grams of protein you need per day. It gives names of vitamins, protein drinks and protein bars. I have never called my nutritionist since my surgery, I printed this out before hand and I just take a look at it if I need too. This site has a lot of great info on it. However, everyone is different. I am able to eat anything and I seem to be okay, others cannot eat bread and certain veggies etc, etc. If you have any questions let me know, I will be glad to help if I can. Good luck.
  2. AudricIan

    Lower BMI'ers--2008!!!

    Thinagain, That is great that he recommended WLS. My DH is only 34 and he would have never recommended WLS. He just thinks I look fine how I am and that you just have to control yourself and eat less. He is not overweight but, he eats like a pig and can never say no to a bowl of ice cream. If that is the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is. I have lost 10 lbs to date and although you can't see a huge difference, I feel like I am on top of the world. I feel like nothing can stop me. I am full of energy. Since I told my DH and we worked everything out, I have been a lot closer to him. He has not been negative at all about the band. He doesn't want to "feel" the port yet, or see the incisions but, he has been really nice about everything to me. I am sure we will have or downs with the band and he will not be as supportive but that is just his nature. He hates to see me sick and he deals with it by getting angry and blaming. I am prepared for it though, I have all of you on LBT to get me through the tough times and share the victorious times. Overall, I am glad I did this with or without his support. I am only 29 and my weight wasn't too out of control. I don't know what would have happened to me 10 yrs from now, at 10 lbs a year that would have put me at 283 and some change. Thank god I have a handle on my weight while my kids are still young, now I can enjoy them a lot more. Good luck to you and your DH. I LOVE MY BAND and you will too!
  3. AudricIan

    Could this be for real??

    Lucky, don't worry, you won't fail. I felt the same way, I didn't even tell my DH until 5 weeks post op!. I don't have as much weight to lose so I have only lost 10 lbs in 5 weeks. I am sooooo excited to have lost 10 lbs. I can't wait to step on the scale in the mornings now! The first few weeks you will lose weight, combination of liquids and extra energy really made it work for me. I am now on solids and I have not had a fill yet. I am not losing as fast but nonetheless, I am still losing 1-2 lbs a week. I can only eat about 1/2 as much as I used to and I have energy to do so much more which makes burning calories a lot easier. Good luck to you on your new life journey.
  4. AudricIan

    Lower BMI'ers--2008!!!

    I think we will be just fine. My DH is a super guy, he just hates doctors and that is our downfall. I really explained how the band works to him and I have shown him that it doesn't mean we can't go out to eat anymore or that I can't touch carbs. I think he may have thought that now I have to be on a strict diet and that I won't enjoy going out with our friends and family because I won't be able to order off the menu. With no fill, I am able to eat anything so far, nothing has upset my stomach yet. I am eating about half as much as normal and trying to follow the Protein, veggies and then carb rule as much as I can. I thought for sure I would have gained some weight back but, I am down another pound today....173 YEAH BABY!!!! I don't think it is restriction I am feeling, just lack of interest in food. I am eating 2 meals a day and one slim fast. My first fill is on January 8th, I really hope it goes okay for me. I am scared to be overfilled. I have lost the 1st 10 lbs over a 5 week period and that is about as fast as i would like to lose. ALso I don't want to be overfilled and start gaining weight....scary! Thanks for your support, I feel so good about my band and my life now. Good luck to you in 2008
  5. AudricIan

    I don't qualify for surgery anymore!

    You go girl! Congrats on no longer qualifying for the surgery.
  6. AudricIan

    Port incision size

    Mine is just under an inch. The other wholes are like pin pricks. Dr. Ortiz in TJ did a fabulous job. I told him while I was laying in the O.R. to go easy on me, I scar horribly. He did a fabulous job, no stitches on the outside, just surgical glue. I love that man!
  7. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    To everyone who has been following my journey, I finally told my hubby!! First, I want to thank everyone on here for your support, you guys have been all I had for support. Here is how it went. I asked him what he would do if he had something to tell someone and he knew they would get really mad, how would he tell them. He said " I would just say it straight out" So, I then lifted up my shirt and showed him the incisions. He knew right away what I had done. He then said " I knew it, when you didn't answer you cell phone, I knew that is what you were doing." We then went out to dinner with some very close friends. He was quiet through the meal. When we came home, I jumped on the computer to finish up some work. He then went to bed without saying a word. I climbed into bed and snuggled around him and he pushed me away and told me not to touch him. I knew I was in for it then. I told him I was sorry for lying to him but I knew that he would not understand. It was a long night and neither of us slept. He said it was over and he was going to divorce me among a few other nasty things. I just slept it off and didn't say anything to him the next morning. he called me from work at noon to tell me he was going to close the shop early and come home. I asked him if we could go to lunch and pick up our new dishwasher. I let him know that the nanny was going to stay with the kids so we can talk. He said ok. I waited and waited and he didn't come home until 2:30. When he got home I grabbed him and made him go with me. We talked on the way to lunch. He had talked to his uncle, the two of them are very close. His uncle basically told him that this was not worth throwing our marriage away, and that we have a great life together. (thank god!!!) At lunch, I explained a little more about the band and how it works. I really talked to him about why I felt that I couldn't tell him. I also reminded him of all I have given up to be in California with him and that I have given him 2 great kids and a happy home. I told him that for the last 7 years I have let myself go and I do everything for him and our sons. I reminded him of the long nights with our sons that I stayed up and took care of them, all of the house work I do, working 40-50 hours a week on top of it all and stepping up and taking care of the lawns when he has to work over, etc. Then, I hit him with the fact that in 7 years, I have never done anything big just for me, no one else, just me. I think he saw the light and realized how selfless that I am and it is okay to be a little selfish now and again. I told him how I support his boat racing even though I know that everytime he gets in his boat it could be the last time I kiss him or tell him I love him. I stood behind him when he crashed and took out a 2nd on our house to re build the boat again. And I will stand behind him again if that is what it takes. I truely know that his boat is his passion and I would never take that away from him. Over the years, his boat has kind of became my passion. To make a long story short, we kissed and made up and I assured him that if I need a tummy tuck when this is all over that he will know about it and I will not sneak behind his back again. I think this has made us stronger. I feel great and am looking a lot better, it felt so good to actually lose weight over the holidays, i am down to 173 (in the morning anyway) and that is sooooo awesome. Again, thank you to everyone for all of your support with my drama over the last month. And thank all of you in advance for the future support I know I will get. Good luck to all in 2008
  8. AudricIan

    Lower BMI'ers--2008!!!

    Just want to let you all know, I finally told my hubby!!!! (if you are new to my story, check it out on the original lower bmi thread) It went well after the initial anger subsided. I think the fact that I have lost 9 pounds really helped. I am already fitting into my size 12's again!!! I am feeling good about the entire situation. Good luck to all of us low bmi bandsters in 2008!!!!
  9. AudricIan

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    I don't know if it is the arnica montana or what but, my arms are so much better!!! I am a case manager in the WOrker's Comp industry and I deal with these claims all day long. I would love to recommend this product to others. It has to be what is helping, I have not changed anything besides that. I don't even where my braces anymore when I am on the computer, which is all darn day!!! My surgery recovery was a breeze too, a lot easier than others I have read about on this forum. Spread the word everyone!!! Arnica Montana works!
  10. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I scheduled my first fill for Jan 8th. I thought I sabotaged myself over Chirstmas but, I have actually lost another pound :clap2:. I get so worried that it just isn't going to work for me like it does others. I guess I need to realize that I am not eating nearly as much in a day as I used to. I have not began exercising yet, I have never been too good at that. Hopefully as I get thinner I will feel better about going to the gym with all the skinnies. My sister in law hasn't spread the news to anyone yet. If she tells her mom then I am for sure screwed!! I am not sure what I was thinking, must have been that spiked egg nog I was drinking! Can't wait for my first fill, I am ready to get this show on the road!
  11. AudricIan

    Pin up Shoto Shoot??

    You should go for it. Pin up girls weren't size 4 anyway, they were more like size 12's! My hubby has a pin up girl tattoed on his arm, she is curvy and by no means does she look like a 110 lbs. TT or not, go for it!
  12. I was told 17k by a doctor in Orange County, CA. I went the other route and went to TJ and had it done with Dr. Ortiz for 8500. I am completely happy with my decision, state of the art facility, great quality of care and no complications at all after surgery. ( I am in the medical profession and have worked in several different hospitals, his clinic was the cleanest I have seen) I live only 1 1/2 hours away from TJ so it was a good choice for me. ALways something to look into, I know it sounds scary, I was freaking out until I got to the clinic, then I was at ease. You could find a Dr. near you that will do your fills. Do a search for fill centers, they work with Dr. Ortiz's patients. I have a fill center in my home town so if there is an emergency I can just go there for an unfill if needed. Just my .02, others may disagree.
  13. AudricIan

    Driving home after surgery

    I was banded on 12/6 in TJ by Dr. Ortiz and I drove home almost 2 hours to Orange County on 12/8, it was a breeze. No prescription pain meds were even needed. Everyone has different pain tolerances, this was nothing for me compared to child birth or a bad migraine. I think if you only live 20 minutes you will be fine. Evryone that had their surgery on the same day as me was up and walking around just fine on the day we left, no one looked too uncomfortable. Just my experience though, others may not agree.
  14. AudricIan

    let's get to know each other

    I am Nicole. I am married with 2 wonderful boys. My DH still doesn't know that I had the surgery. It has been easy to hide for me. I had it done on 12/6. I started eating solids yesterday and I must say that I am ready for a fill, all of that food went down a little too easy. I was waiting until after the Holidays to tell my hubby, I didn't want to ruin Christmas. My recovery was a breeze, he (my DH) didn't even know anything was wrong with me. I did not get gas pains, I was a little sore for 3-4 days but nothing stopped me. Nice to meet everyone. Anyone else have their sx the 1st week of December???? How are you doing with your recovery???
  15. AudricIan

    Back on track....sort of

    I blew it too, in a way I feel a bit of relief knowing that I am not the only December bandster to blow it. I am 3 weeks out and I ate everything yesterday. Prime rib, 4 different casseroles, cookies, cake and even home made fried ice cream. I am soooo bad. I had zero restriction and while I was eating, I felt absolutely normal (inside) I was thinking that maybe Dr. Ortiz just cut me open and didn't even put the band on there. If I wasn't able to feel the port I with my fingers then I would be really doubtful at this point. I am ready for a fill, January 8th is the day for me. Good luck to all, we can do this!
  16. AudricIan

    im 1 week out and eating!

    I am absolutely guilty of eating 1 week out too. I could have eaten the next day and not had a problem. I was freaked out about damage to my band though. My recovery was so easy I started to wonder if they even put a band in me. I had gas pain the night of the surgery and that was it. Minor soreness around my incisions and that was it. Once I lost 7 lbs I could actually feel the port and I knew it was there. I am now 3 weeks out and ate Christmas dinner with the family and it was way too easy to eat. I am ready for a fill. I am glad to know I am not the only one who cheated early on. (we are all sinners!:cry)I was sooo hungry from the liquids. The hunger pains would wake me up in the middle of the night and I would have to get up and drink a yogurt to quiet my stomach down. My stomach was so loud that it was waking my hubby up too. I can't wait to get my first fill, I think I am going to get it done the 2nd week of January. Good luck to all
  17. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    So how good or bad was everyone over the Christmas Holiday? You know I am talking about food. Yesterday was my first day of actual solids. I was very disappointed, I was able to eat everything and I think I almost did! We had another big dinner tonight for my in laws and I was not able to eat nearly as much. I am soooo ready for a fill, I miss that first week post op restriction. I was down 7 lbs after the first two weeks and now I am back up a few pounds. Please reassure me that once I get restriction I will lose again....I feel like such a newby asking that question. I am 3 weeks into this and I can't even tell I have a band. No more pain and soreness over the incision, only if I lay on the hard floor on my belly. My incisions look fabulous and I can eat normally. If I could control my portions then I wouldn't be in this situation in the first place....BRING ON THE RESTRICTION!!!! On another note, I actually told my sister in law tonight that I got the band. It is going to be the biggest mistake of my life, I am sure of it. I better hurry up and tell my hubby before she does. She didn't really know what it was so I showed her some pictures of it. Maybe she won't rat me out but, I am sure she will tell her husband. I wish I wouldn't have told her now, it is like I am cheating to lose weight. I guess I would have loved to just tell them I am just losing the weight naturally by counting calories. The hubby still has no idea and I am almost ready to tell him. The holidays are over and that is what I was waiting on, can't ruin Christmas now. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Looking forward to next year and a fresh start.
  18. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I don't understand why you can't chew it as long as you don't swallow it. How can it get stuck or block your stomach just by chewing it??? Did anyone's Doctor explain in detail why you shouldn't chew gum? I hate to give it up, it helps with my sweet tooth alot.
  19. AudricIan

    He says don't do it!

    Just until after the holidays. I forgot to tell everyone that a fews months ago we talked about the band. I told him I was going to get the band and he told me that it would ruin my body and leave more horrid scars. I just want to be 100% healed so I can show him that it is nothing like he thought and that for 6 weeks I have been living with the band and he hasn't even noticed a difference in me. That is what it will take to prove myself and that is what I will do. I would love to drop 30lbs and then tell him but I won't wait that long. I don't want to start a conflict before the holidays so I will hold off. Luckily I get to start eating solids on Christmas day.
  20. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I have a question. Can you still chew gum with the band? I don't know where i read it but i think someone said no gum chewing with the band. I love to chew gum, Orbit is my fave! Any comments on the subject????:omg:
  21. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I have a question. Can you still chew gum with the band? I don't know where i read it but i think someone said no gum chewing with the band. I love to chew gum, Orbit is my fave! Any comments on the subject????:omg:
  22. AudricIan

    He says don't do it!

    He hasn't seen me with my shirt off in a long time. I am ashamed of how I look. We are on opposite schedules, he leaves for work in the morning and takes his shower. I work form home so I take my shower later in the day. He stays up later than me so when I get ready for bed he doesn't see me change my clothes. Our sex life is almost non existant these days, I am so tired (my job his very stressful) and we have two young ones running around. He is pretty understanding about that part (the sex) It hasn't been hard to hide at all, the recovery has been a breeze. The deception is going to be hard to work through. We have a very good relationship, we never argue or fight and I know he will be upset. I just need to tell him at the right time. I just know him too well and I know he would have not supported any type of surgery at all. I had a breast reduction long before we met and he still goes on about that and how the dr's are butchers just after money. That was like 13 years ago!!! He wasn't even around yet he still likes to put his .02 in. I just didn't want to hear it from him. I had to do what was right for me, it is my body and my life. I think in the end he will realize that it is better to have me here with him healthy than fat and exhausted.
  23. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I use a food processor for the more solid foods then I add them to broth or soup. I know I am not supposed to eat solids because my stomach needs to heal and it could cause band slippage or stretch the pouch. My nutritionist said as long as I can drink it, I can eat it. I just make the food a consistancy in which I can drink it. I can't be doing too bad, I have lost 7 lbs so I am not overeating, I am still not getting all of the calories I need. I tried the Unjury protein drink, it doesn't taste bad at all, the problem is the smell. I gag as soon as I smell it. I have a horrible gag reflex and I don't want to throw up so I just can't drink that stuff. Even the protein waters are gross. They taste like kool-aid with meat in it:phanvan. Thewy also leave a funny film in my mouth that is milky....not a good combo for me at all. I have to get my protein some how so grinding up real meat is better than none at all I guess.
  24. AudricIan

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    You will do fine. It takes a lot to keep me down though. I have 2 boys, 4 and 1 years. I had the surgery on Thursday afternoon, stayed at the hotel Friday night and I was home by 9 am Saturday morning. I didn't tell my hubby so I have had to act like nothing is wrong. I have been able to take care of my boys fine. At first I didn't carry the baby around much, I would just sit with him in my lap when he needed me. I am fine now though, I can pick him up when he needs me too. I only took motrin for the pain and the 1st week I took 600-800 mg 2 times a day, that helped a lot. I did not get any narcotic drugs and honestly, I didn't need them. This has been a walk in the park for me. Everyone is different though, you have to go in to this with a certain mind set I guess. I knew I wasn't going to let this keep me down, it is a small procedure that takes 15 minutes. It is very minor compared to vaginal child birth and a c-section.
  25. AudricIan

    He says don't do it!

    We are one in marriage. I can go on and on about this. Let's just put it this way: My hubby was raised by a woman who never ever took her kids to the doctor. Just an example, when he was 5 years old, he had worms, probably from playing in the dirt and not washing properly like most 5 year olds. Anyway, he suffered for 2 months while she changed his diet to get rid of the worms. Rather than taking him to a doctor to get medication or ointments, she made him suffer that long. He was raised to believe that all doctor's are body hackers. When I take our 2 boys to get immunizations I can't tell his mom at all, I tell him and he goes on for 30 minutes about immunizations and autism. I am not saying that immunizations haven't caused autism, they probably do. The majority of the western civilization has had immunizations at one point and they are fine. You just have to look at what type of person you are dealing with. My hubby would be freaked out about me dying during surgery, the doctor scarring up my body and butchering my insides. That is just how he is. Our marriage is great, the only thing we don't agree on is doctor's. I have supported him the last 10 years with his passion for boat racing. A few years ago he crashed and almost died. He recovered and as much as I am scared to death, I support his decision to re build his money pit of a boat and race again. When the time is right, I will tell him. I just could not deal with all of the negative comments before I went to surgery.

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