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Eli Alexander

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Eli Alexander

  1. So I started this thread in the morning and it's evening now. I'm doing so well that I've walked 27,211 steps so far today. I really want to go for a bike ride but just to be careful I'm putting that off even though I know I could. I have a small blister on my left foot right now, that's ten times more painful than any pain I've had from the surgery over the past three days.

    You have this. It's doable even though it's tough, but the payoff is extraordinary.

  2. Someone who was about to get their surgery just messaged me, asking how I was doing since they were very nervous. I wrote out my response and then thought others might also want to read about how thrilled I am that I did this. So the rest of this post is my response message.

    This is so awesome! Already the best decision I've ever made. Calm your nerves and start dreaming, because they are going to come true.

    Ok, I'll give a fuller, totally honest answer so you can assess the situation yourself.

    The surgery itself went extremely well. The surgeon said there was almost no blood and the whole thing took only about 30 minutes. But I was terrified ahead of time, being wheeled into that operating room. Right afterwards, I thought I made a huge mistake cause the pain was pretty great. But that level of pain only lasted a few hours. By 11 that night I was face timing my parents so they could witness that I was no longer in a lot of pain.

    I was amazed how fast the pain went from a wrecking ball to very easy to handle. During the tough time just try and remember it gets better very very soon. I had been told that I would be in the hospital for one or two nights, but when I woke up after that first night, I knew I would be getting out that day. The pain was minor and I had the energy and will to make sure I met every goal to be allowed to leave. I would go on walks every two hours, dragging my IV behind me.

    The one really tough hurdle in the hospital was they wanted me to drink specific amounts of Water every hour. I was so over hydrated by the IV's that the thought of more Water was repulsive. Then it hurts a little to take each sip. But I made every hours goal, and was released at about 6pm.

    The next day I was chipper and with my pain meds, totally comfortable. I walked up and down stairs and all about the house. Sitting or standing up was difficult, but once erect I could do anything. One really shocking thing was when I first got back from the hospital, I got on my scale just to see and had actually gained 9 pounds from all the water. So I spent the next couple days peeing more than any human should.

    By the second day I was skipping pain meds and on the morning of the third day I stopped taking them completely. There just is no reason for me to take them cause I have very little pain. Mostly just soreness in the belly. On the third day I also started going for long walks each day.

    Oh, the first full day home I made a promise to myself that no matter how uncomfortable it was, I was going to make my water goals and Protein goals that day. It was tough, but by the end of that day swallowing was easier and by day three it was very easy.

    So far I'm 7 days post surgery and down 14lbs, plus the all that water weight. It's already noticeable in my face and how some clothes fit.

    This process is awesome! I was driving and had to pull over because I was having tears of joy, which it's been 15 years since the last I had a happy cry. I just made a realization that I was deserving and ready for the happy parts of life and for a truly new beginning.

    Good luck, I really hope your surgery goes as well as mine. I know that regardless of the ease or pain over the beginning, eventually you will be past the hard parts, time always marches on. And when it does, you will will be standing there with a beautiful smile, looking at the new life you worked so hard to accomplish.

    Please keep me up to date.

  3. I was sleeved on the 20th, came home the next day. The 6-8 hours post surgery were so dreadfully painful I thought I'd made a huge mistake and I'd be doomed to months of agony. But, things really picked up quickly.

    On the 22nd, my first full day at home I promised myself, I was going to make my liquid and Protein goals regardless of how much I just wanted to never use my mouth again. And I did make those goals. It was really hard, but I managed to just make it. The next day my pain wasn't bad so I decided to start skipping my pain meds, and I only took them at night. I made all my goals again, and managed to walk a few blocks. The food and Water on day two was much easier to handle.

    Today, my third full day at home I had a very good day. Went for a nice long walk when the sun came out, and had no problems with pain or nauseau. I made all my goals for the third day in a row. I'm proud of myself. I also got on the scale today, and am thrilled with the weight loss I'm already seeing.

    I'm sure there will be difficult days to come, I'm just happy that there will also be days like today, where everything seemed very doable and my body felt healthier. This is going to be a very good thing.

  4. I got several of the anti blood clot (blood thinner) shots in the hospital but none to take after.

    Actually, it was kind of funny. After one of my first walks in the hospital I get back to the room and there is a large wet blood spot on my gown. Worried it's from an incision, we look at each incision but they look perfect. Then I think maybe I have blood coming out my anus, so the nurse checks there. Finally, we realize it's all coming from a tiny pin prick where I got one of the injections. No problem, put a bandage over it it clotted eventually. A tiny pin prick with anti clotting drug can bleed a whole bunch if it nicks a small blood vessel.

    In the end it was just a minor hiccup, but in the moment I was scared.

  5. Congrats jenngf5, we made through the hardest part.

    Please keep very close attention on your fever. Low grade is normal, but if it rises to 101F it could mean you have a leak and that's very dangerous but totally treatable if you treat it immediately.

    I'm doing great except I just don't want to eat. Its tough, forcing myself to drink and eat.

    My incisions are looking wonderful. Some bruising around the largest laparoscopic incision, the one the doc pulled the stomach through, but aside from that looks great.

  6. Back from the hospital, at my parents house for a few days to take it easy.

    Wow, thanks for the support everyone, this place and all you folks helped me through this process so far. I really encourage any lurkers to start posting, it does help.

    The surgery went great! Basically a few hours of pain and misery, and I was in and out of consciousness for most of that portion. Then, the pain was slight and I was doing great. I walked the equivalent of 4 blocks to check out of the hospital and get to the car. No problems, I could have walked 20 blocks.

    Now I'm home, drinking Protein drinks and stuff like that. Really tough to get enough liquid and Protein, but it's getting easier by the hour.

    One bummer is that when I weighed myself after surgery, after not eating for 72 hours at that point, I had gained 8 pounds. I know it's just Water weight from all the iv's, but still I was hoping to see a few pounds drop. In the end, I know they will.

    If anyone has any questions about the process, while its still fresh in my mind, ask me anything.

    Good luck and great health to all of us!

  7. I did it! Everything went well. I'm in some pain, but it's being well managed and I'm relatively comfortable. Water goes down slowly and I had to have a catheter for my first pee( ouch! ). But overall doing well. The future is bright.

    Not only am I going to be healthy, but while here got good news regarding acceptance into a school to learn winemaking and viticulture. I've been working hard to improve many parts of my life, and I'm starting to see it pay off.

    Anyway, for those that are worried, it's not anything we can't hanfle.

  8. I'm at the hospital now. Checked in about an hour ago and am waiting to be taken to my room. Haven't eaten for over 36 hours and my nerves are shot. I just want this over with already, so I can get to the business of healing and becoming a healthier.

    Starting weight 310.

    Current weight 282

    Goal weight 180

  9. Hi all. I'm going in for surgery in 36 hours, 8am Tuesday in Portland Oregon. I'm excited. My nerves have died down and now I'm just looking forward to the future. I'm a bit emotional, which most men don't admit, but this whole process is bringing up all my dreams, hopes, nightmares, and memories both good and bad surrounding food, women and being fat. I look forward to posting in the future about how much I've lost.

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