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Eli Alexander

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Eli Alexander

  1. The sex thing is already q huge difference for me and the wife. Honestly im looking forward to walking, jus plain old being able to walk, and be able to walk around places like disney, or go away and see places. maybe europe. those are the things i really want to do. to be able to fly without people seeing me walk on a plane and thinking oh god dont let him sit near me, or have to ask for the seatbelt extender or buy two seats. that and i want to run a 5 or 10k

    The flying issue was huge for me. I visited my sister last Halloween and the flight was miserable, partially because I didn't fit, but mostly because I felt embarrassed and offensive to people. Walking down that isle and seeing everyone let out a sigh of relief when I didn't sit next to them. I came home early November and although I was already in the process of getting things together to have the surgery, at that point I went full force and started dieting to the best of my ability. Between that time and January 20th when I had my sleeve I lost 27lbs. I am excited to be a skinny passenger one day and just complain about the terrible food and rude flight attendants like normal people.

  2. Once those pounds drop off and the muscle go on, a whole bunch of activities are going to open up to us. So how are you going to put your weightloss to use?

    I'm going to learn to scuba dive. Always wanted to, and now I'm going to make that happen.

    I have some friends who go hunting every year, deep into the northwest wood. I've never hunted before but I'm going to join then next winter. (Imagine how long the venison will last me now that I'm sleeved).

    Better sex. Give it my all like I did 20 years ago, when I didn't have limitations.

    What are you planning for?

  3. Well Jovie, this sure is a roller coaster of emotions, it's crazy pre op how frequently most of us have major doubts. But almost everyone post op, given enough time, says they made a terrific choice.

    Today was my first day back at the gym and I feel great. One thing this surgery has done for me is helped set my mind towards always wanting to improve. That hasn't always been the case, but if I'm going to do something so drastic as major surgery, I'm going to give it my all. And I think this is true for many people. All the sudden we become more goal oriented. And that's one of the keys for me personally to use the surgery as a catalyst towards building a more fulfilling and happy life.

  4. The acid blockers are more important than just keeping away the heartburn. We have a greatly increased Rick of developing all ulcers that can actually destroy the suture lines and return us to the hospital with a leak. Take your darn acid blockers!

    I had my sleeve done on the 20th and I'm doing great. Went to the gym today for the first time for a more vigorous workout and I've been walking at least 10,000 steps every day since day three. I'm having no real issues yet, I'm keeping food and Water in check, no pain and I'm losing weight. This has been thrilling. And of this morning I've lost 20lbs in my 13 days post op.

    I hope everyone else here who is having issues figures out how to work with their new body. But remember, this is a long term aid, not a quick fix solution. If it takes you a month longer to eat or a few gad problems, it won't matter at all in the end as long as these issues are temporary. Best of luck everyone!

  5. Right now I'm eating my own special chili.

    Take one pound of 99% fat free ground turkey and cook it with spices you like smoked paprika, garlic powder, cayenne and salt. Add one can of trader joes turkey chili. In nonstick pan no oil works great. Cook turkey before adding the can of chili.

    This makes 3.5 cups of chili, or 7 1/2 cup meals.

    Each 1/2 cup has 147 calories and over 20g of Protein and only 2.1 g of fat. When reheating I stir in a tablespoon of Tomato Soup and a splash of Water.

    Yummy, health and super high in Protein without using the powders. And very filling.

  6. I tell and will tell openly. I just had it done 2 weeks ago and it's already gotten me a date. And she asked me out. I was introduced to a couple friends of friends at a pub where I was drinking tea while my friend and others had beer and burgers. Of course one of the women asked if I wanted a bite of hers and I told her I had the surgery. They all became fascinated and amazed at my progress and journey. And one by one everyone at my table started talking about their food struggles and past addiction issues. I was not looked down upon for having the surgery but as a hero for conquering my foe. And at the end one women asked if I wanted to catch a movie or go on a hike with her. I said yes. That's more interest in me that I've had from a women in a couple years. I felt like a rockstar, and no way would that have happened if I kept my mouth shut.

  7. Hey Chris Jane, BryBro and anyone else interested, I have myfitnesspal pal again and my name is elimagun

    I'm going to use it today for the first time in a long time and see how it works for me. Feel free to contact.

  8. I'm was on myfitnesspal, and I think I'll do it again. I'll chime in later and give my name, I can't recall at the moment and I left my phone in the car.

    Wow was that a great game until the end. I just don't understand why in the world rustle threw at the end instead of handing it to Beast Mode on the half yard line. Makes no sense. Still had a blast watching and it's been an amazing three years to be a hawks fan. And I have to admit,we lost to some great competition (even if they do cheat). Hopefully next year I'll be skinny and celebrating a victory with my buddies.

  9. I'm hoping in a year or so to travel back to Vietnam, where I visited a couple years ago. For 100 bucks there I can have a silk or wool hand tailored suit made just for me and my new body. Next time I'll get 3-5 suits.

    But I'm really looking forward to replacing my wardrobe. But I can't do it till I am very close to my goal weight. Till then, lots of belts and baggy shirts.

  10. Wow mdlange, congrats on being right there, about to join the brother and sisterhood of sleevers. My encouragement comes from me weighing in this morning. 13 days after the surgery, I have zero pain, in fact all my nagging knee pain is even gone, and i'm down 20lbs since surgery. Holy moly I get excited every morning to stand on that scale and see the progress. It's like Pat Sajak and Vanna White letting me spin the wheel to see what I win each day.

    You are going to love the confidence this restores in you. I know I have a renewed sense of pride, sense of accomplishment and it shows. What we are doing isn't easy. It's a lot of work just to get where you are today. All those hoops, all that dieting, and now the tough but well-worth step of surgery and the dread surrounding that. It makes our survival and thriving that much more substantial.

    Keep your head and know that if you have strength to get this far you have all the moxie and gumption you need to come through the other side in full glory. We are all with you on the forth. I know I'll be rooting for you. And just keep pushing forward. The fear subsides, the pain vanishes, but the heart and soul of a lion (a thin lion) will remain.

    Good luck, we are here for you.

  11. Thanks BryBro. I'm perfectly happy giving up these little things in the short run for everything I gain down the road. 13 days out of surgery and I'm down 20lbs. That, added to the 27lbs I lost leading up to surgery and I'm down 47lbs since November 26th. That's worth all the sacrifices I've made and more. But next year I being social!

  12. Oh well, it could have been worse, I could have been miserable being around all that food only to my team lose.

    I'm glad I made the decision I did. Actually, after the end of the game I went over to my best friends house and was cheered up by their brand new 8 week old yellow lab puppy. I can't help but have a smile with a puppy licking my chin.

  13. So it haven't even been two weeks since my sleeve, so for the first time in ages, I decided to watch the Super Bowl alone. I just didn't want to be surrounded by all my friends or family eating and drinking for four hours sraight. It's fine, I'll do it next year, it just feels so weird to so greatly alter a life long custom.

    Go Seahawks

  14. Well I am home now and the doctor said everything went great. I am having a lot of nausea and gas though and one of the incisions hurts a lot. Of ourse the first thing I was thinking was why did I do this. I know though its just the pain and frustration talking. Trying to walk as much as possible.

    Woohooo! Congrats on making it through. The hardest part is over, now you just need to work the program and recover. So many wonderful moments ahead. Good luck and healthy living.

  15. Thank you jovie.

    Congrats on the approaching date. How are you doing? At your point I was a big mess of emotions, excited and petrified all stirred up in one giant diet gumbo. Now, I'm just excited every day. Don't get me wrong, it's hard to eat correctly and there are moments of distress, but so many more highlights. Mirrors aren't my enemy and stairs are my friend. Pretty fun.

  16. Blooming, 20oz in 7 hours is actually pretty good for your first day back. It seems so crazy that drinking should be so difficult, but that's just how it is. My guess is that if you are already doing this, tomorrow you will make your liquid goal. Make sure to get extra sleep, I think it really helps. Your body has just been through a lot, giving it time to recover is required. But a few days from now, wow, you are going to be amazed how quickly recovery actually takes place.

    I have family and friends who have helped me in this process, but none of them actually know what it's like to be going through this situation. So these forums were huge for me too. That's why I try and repay the kindness I received by chatting with others who might need an ear to bend or a silver lining to focus on.

    And it's pretty easy to point out the positives because they are staring me in the face. I'm down 17lbs 11 days after surgery. That's massive. My sister is coming to visit on the 13th of February, I am really looking forward to her reaction. I saw her over halloween when I was at my fattest, about 44lbs more than I am now. And in a couple weeks I could push that to 55 pounds hopefully. It's going to be nice to share my success with her.

    Anyway, keep it up, stay positive and plan for fun adventures.

  17. Thank you for posting this. I was sleeved Thursday, and I've been home for about 2 hours. I had the same feeling of panic sitting in the wheelchair outside of the operating room. If they took my heart rate it would have read off the chart. Immediately after surgery I was in A LOT of pain. Apparently my body doesn't respond to the pain med they gave me. Once they figured that out, it was much smoother. My first day was a little tough - I was in a room with 3 other people that smelled like poo and had one woman audibly moaning in pain. The beds hurt my back terribly. I most definitely had a omg what have I done to myself moment here and there.

    Today was a brand new day, whole new mindset. I got to leave the hospital and I'm home and in such a better headspace. Like you, I weighed myself for giggles ha! 11 lbs full of fluids - no wonder my fingers felt so swollen! I'm having trouble finding i comfortable place to sit/lay. They want me upright when drinking, which I'm expected to be going basically always. I'm still taking medication and will until I'm in a little better shape. Back to the Water bottle!

    congratulations BloomingLotus! Now you get to the really fun part. A few days of some tough recouperating, but getting better all the time, and then you see those pounds just fall away. Hard work = success = happy life. I hope you are proud of yourself because taking these steps, following through and doing all the work to get here, is already a huge accomplishment. Way to go.

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