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Eli Alexander

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Eli Alexander

  1. Well I'm hoping you are correct because it removes a worry from my mind. I don't know anyone personally who has been sleeved, only banded, and they ate more and more till now they have gained back 75% of what they lost. I worry my stomach will grow, but if it doesn't then it would be difficult for me to put on much weight since most of ,y cravings are for healthy is foods anyway.

    I think there are many doctors who tell their patients white lies or worst case scenarios because they don't trust their patients to use common sense. It makes trusting their words on when to exercise, eat certain foods, drink alcohol, take NSAIDs and all sorts of other things difficult to discern. For example my surgeon told me I could exercise as much as I wanted from day one as long as I can handle the pain. I asked why other doctors say none for two or four weeks, or limit types of exercise for months. He said that a lot of surgeons don't like to deal with patients complaining and not understanding the differences between pain resulting from exercise and more dangerous pains that need to be attended to, so the easiest thing for them to do to reduce complaints and worries, is to just tell patients not to exercise till the surgical pains are gone.

    Anyway, it was my RN, not my surgeon who told me about carbonation and stomach stretching, and I don't really like her at all. I like and really respect my surgeon, so I'll ask him directly next time I see him.

  2. Thanks Lipstick Lady, that's some great information about the technical aspects of it. And what you say makes total sense about the fundus and the muscle. I'm not sure who is correct, I'm going to have to ask specifically about this at my next appointment. Not that it matters too much, I don't plan on drinking carbonation either way, but it's still nice to be armed with the truth.

    For me, I think I'm able to eat a little more than some, so I'm extra careful not to be unhealthy. I have never vomited since getting sleeved and can SLOWLY eat 4oz of meet and a half cup of steamed veggies without discomfort. Eating quickly or any more than that and it doesn't feel good.

    Anyway, thanks, I wasn't saying you were wrong, just that thinking through the topic with the information I had at the time, it didn't make much sense. I always appreciate additional information.

  3. This was an important topic for me since in the fall ill be going back to school in enology and viticulture (winemaking, Vineyard management and related fields). So I'll be tasting about 200 wines per term in my classes although most of those tastes will be spit out. But wine will be a big part of my life. When discussing it with my surgeon he told me to stay away for three months (surgery date 1/20/15) and then after that assess where I am in my goals. I might have to stay away from wine till my classes begin to keep the calories down, but that will be 8 months post surgery and I'm hoping to reach my goal well before that. I've already lost 67lbs total and my goal is 130 lost, so that seems reasonable.

    About a week ago I had two vodkas while out just to test the situation and it went down easily and I didn't get more than tipsy. But that test is over, so now I won't touch it again till at least the three month mark.

  4. Well so I'm guessing nevert lol. Yea I too was told never again should I consider it. I hear people are able to which is their choice but the carbonation can cause sleeve stretching if done over long periods of time.

    Sleeves don't stretch. They will relax over time from the initial surgery, but it's not because of soda or carbonation. :)

    I've heard from many sources that sleeves can stretch. I don't know for certain, but I was told by my RN that carbonation is never allowed again because it can stretch the sleeve. It's the only thing they said I have to cut out permanently. I've seen experiments on the discovery channel where they put carbonation in a pigs stomach (not attached, after being butchered) and they blew up like a balloon. Makes sense the membrane can stretch over time if blown up too frequently. But I don't know it as fact.

  5. For those in stalls, there are a few things that I did which may or may not have contributed to my stall ending. I'll mention all them and you can decide for yourselves. Calories on days I don't get vigorous workouts are 750-800. On days I work out hard I might increase it to 850-900 and on my huge workout days I get close to 1000, but I have to be burning at least 1200 to do that.

    On someone else's advise I try to break a sweat for 20 minutes in the morning either biking or lifting weights. They told me that this ups your metabolism for the whole day, but make sure to eat some Protein directly after. The key for me is to get my heart really pumping, so this is by far the most intense exercise I do. No breaks, no giving in. But it's only 20 minutes so the whole time I just count down till freedom.

    In the afternoon or night I work out again, either gym, biking or walking, but here I just try to get moving and feel good, my goal isn't to wreck havoc like in my morning workout. For example walking at a brisk 3.5-4 mph pace for 60 min. Sometimes I push myself more, but usually only if I am just feeling great, like two days ago I biked 20 miles and averaged 12.1mph including some decent hilly terrain. The main point here is at least 45min, and usually an hour plus of elevated but not crazy heart rate.

    My food became ore basic again. chicken breast, Greek yogurt, stuff like that, no more trying to find a way to make everything taste great and a reduction in carbs. Limited veggies and no fruit. I try not to rely on protein powders or bars, but on heavy workout days I give in so I can keep my protein up.

    I have no idea if any of this helps, but my stall ended and I'm back to losing about a pound every 2-3 days. Not a pound a day like in the beginning, but a hell of a lot better than a stall. For me, I personally believe the hard 20min is what did the trick. Good luck.

  6. I had my sleeve on the same day (1/20) and you've lost two more pounds than me since then, I'm down 40 since the sleeve. I lost 27 pre-op so total is 67 so far. Congrats to us both, my stall just broke and I'm sure yours will too if you are eating right.

    Clothes are fitting very differently. I started with a 48 inch waist, now 42 fits great and some 40's are even fitting. Im trying not to buy to many new clothes since they are just temporary, but I bought a few items and wearing those are when my weight loss seems most evident. It doesn't make sense to me that my body could one day soon fit into size 34 pants. I look at how small those are and its like a brain teaser to figure out how a human can fit in something so tiny.

  7. My stall broke. Not that I'm losing at a frantic pace, but I am seeing downward weigh ins again. I just passed the halfway mark for my total goal of 130lbs.

    Next week will be interesting, I have an interview and for the first time in ages, I get to go to that interview without feeling so ashamed of how I look. I might not be close to my goal yet, but the changes are great, and I'm feeling pretty darn proud of myself.

    I've had a few compliments so far, but everyone knows my situation, so I can't tell how genuine most of those compliments are. However, I did just receive my first compliment from someone I don't know, the check out lady at the local supermarket who recognized me and commented that I'm looking great. Felt pretty nice.

    I wish I could fast forward a few months, I'm getting pretty close to uncharted territory and I just want to see it already. I know in the long run these few months won't mean much, but right now I just want to see some major progress.

  8. Thanks! Good luck to you too. I actually surprised myself and I could walk 1 mile without getting winded. Now to get up to being able to go for 45 mins!

    Congrats! Remember, we are all starting from different points, and you need to take pride in your accomplishments regardless of what others can do. If you can walk 15 minutes now, that's a perfect starting spot. Tomorrow, maybe try 16 minutes, then 18 a few days later. Any little bit you push yourself today in what builds your foundation on which to grow and flourish. It took years for us to put the weight on get out of shape, it also going to take a very long time to reverse it. That's why diets don't work, because diets are short term. We are making life changes, and those take constant effort and growth.

    Good luck.

  9. I am still undecided on whether to get the sleeve but I'm swaying towards it a great deal after reading the success stories.

    If I get it, I will be looking forward to doing so many things that people take for granted like buying clothes anywhere, not being afraid to walk through a crowded room, taking my shirt off at the beach, going go karting which has a weight limit.

    I could go on for hours!

    Good luck on coming to your decision, but I will say that this is already the best decision I've made in decades, and I'm not even six weeks past surgery. The thing that worried me the most was that I wouldn't have those parts of life that I cherished like eating and drinking with friends. Hogwash, I still do those things, but just eat a lot less and actually have a better time since I'm really there for the relationships and not the food. And then there's stuff like today, It's a beautiful day here in Portland Oregon, and I got on my bike and road vigorously for a couple hours, something that would have been unthinkable in the past was actually wonderful. I stopped by some friends houses on the way back to chat for a while, and got tons of compliments on how I look (lost 65lbs so far). Life is just better today then it was before my surgery. By a lot.

    Good luck

  10. I've been having a mini-stall, stayed about the same for 5 days. There are a couple of reasons that I can think of, but it just may be a normal, everyone gets them, stall. But today I decided to do everything perfectly, no cut corners, burned 1700 calories exercising, and hopefully tomorrow I'll see a some movement. Though if I don't, it's no problem, I've been doing great and don't mind having an off week. I feel very confident that over the long run, everything will work out, and that's what I care about.

  11. I went for a bike ride today, and no knee pain. It was so sunny and I was feeling so good I ended up going on a much longer bike ride than I planned. I'm tired now, but feel great.

    One thing I have also done for my knees, which seems to be helping is I'm not using any of my old shoes. I'm bought some vivo barefoot, a Lems and a Patagonia shoe that all have no heel, very flexible soles and large toe boxes that allow the toes to spread out and grip more. My father had the same knee issue and after switching went from needing knee replacement surgery to being able to walk a couple miles. At home, I only go barefoot also. These differences seem to be helping, but doing tons of stairs still upsets my knees.

  12. I asked about drinking, very important for me as I am going to go back to school in enology and viticulture (wine making and related areas). My doc said I should really try and go a full 3 months with none, and then I'll be able to drink again, but in great moderation. Not only because wine and alcohol are high in calories, but also because the portion of our stomach that was removed is responsible for producing the enzyme that breaks down alcohol. So instead, it will enter our blood stream at an increased strength. Add to that the fact that we will almost always be drinking on an empty stomach and we should be very cheap dates.

    By the way redsalamander, where are you from? I only ask because I pass by the great wolf lodge often as I travel from portland, where I live, up to Seattle, where my brother lives. So I assume you are a from the northwest.

  13. I started walking a minimum of 45 min per day a couple months prior to surgery and it was a huge help. When the actual surgery came I was back to walking 3 days later and doing an hour walking one week out.

    I asked my surgeon when I could exercise post sleeve and he said I had zero restrictions from day one. If I could tolerate the pain, I could do the exercise. I'm almost 6 weeks out now and I credit the exercise with my flawless recovery and rapid weight loss.

    You don't need to conquer the world on day one, but pushing yourself a little bit daily feels great. I'm actually turning into one of those freaks who's getting addicted to exercise. Now I just need to keep it up long term.

    Good luck

  14. Yes Veronica, I have been thinking about biking, I just haven't started doing it yet. I actually think, thanks in part to your comment, that I'll get on my bike today. My knee is starting to feel better, and biking should also strengthen the muscles around it, adding stability and lessening chance of tweaking it in the future.

    I just wish it were a little warmer outside for biking.

  15. I love hearing from all of you!

    Overall everything has been going very well for me, but a few days ago my trick knee acted up making exercise very difficult till it calms down, and I also just got the flu. My fever has broken and I'm feeling decent today, but bummed I can't walk well. Before my knee acted up I was doing 65 flights of stairs 3 days a week and long walks the other days. I'm missing the exercise and rapid weightloss that goes with it.

    Overall, doing great. My high weight wad 310lbs, my surgery weight on Jan 20th was 283lbs and I'm currently down to 247lbs, a total of 63 pounds. My goal weight is 180lbs, so I'm excited that in 2 more pounds I'll reach my half way mark.

    I look bizarre walking around in such baggy clothing, but I'm losing so fast I really don't want to buy too many new clothes. I had to buy some new pants cause my old ones were uncomfortable, but all my shirts are several sizes too large.

  16. I'm on week 6. As much as I was excited to try new food. I'm hating it. You just never know what's going to work for you. I tried mild curry chicken last night. Then had pulled pork today. Neither agreed with me. I just slimmed and dumping. I never thought I'd say it. But now I miss the liquid diet. =(

    I know everyone is different, but I'm doing pretty well with all the new foods but I have been following two rules which have been very helpful.

    1) I measure out only two (sometimes 3) ounces if it's a dryer new food like pork chop or roast chicken. Then, I try and make that two ounces last a full half hour of eating by dividing up the portion into two, and I don't touch the second portion till the 15 minute mark. And I chew like a wildebeest.

    2) no new foods that are rich in fats or sugars. Everything is lean and low calorie. You can get a 3oz portion of pork chop that has only 100 calories, or as many as 250 calories if you choose a fatty piece. The rich stuff is hard to process for me.

    If I'm still hungry after my meat portion is gone, I only eat soft foods after it. As time goes on, it will be easier.

    Good luck.

  17. Wow, really impressed. I would love to see a continuation of how obesity (in Amanda) is effected by different options other than just diet and exercise. You say act on obesity, but sharing the video only promotes acceptance (which is great), but I'd love to see options on how to act to reduce obesity. Are there ways to inform ones body to reset the set point! Why and how do some people succeed at dieting, and how do the various gastric surgeries succeed so well. I could envision Amanda after a sleeve surgery be like trading in her SUV gas tank for that of a scooter.

    All these suggestions are just for the future, I really love what you made so far. I love it so much that I'd like to see more, which is why I suggest these next steps. Congrats and beautiful work!

  18. Thanks Veronica.

    I was reading your earlier posts about hating to go to the gym with super fit folk, and could totally relate. I dreaded it at first, and still it's not my favorite, but look at what you just did for self improvement. You just let a surgeon cut you open and subject you to loads of pain and trauma. That's 100 times worse than prying eyes of some random ripped gym rats. You owe it to yourself to just be proud of your accomplishments and not be weighted down by the expectations of others. And the truth of the matter is that most of those workoutaholics wouldn't even look down on you, if they ever stop looking at themselves in the mirror, they would be inspired that people of our weight caliber would be working diligently on becoming fit. Don't let the opinions of others shackle you to past shames. You are on your way to a more beautiful you, you might as well reward yourself by getting out of the cold.

  19. So it's been about 4 weeks since my sleeve. I've lost 27lbs pre surgery and 27lbs post surgery for a grand total of 54lbs lost. I've really been a best case scenario. I'm feeling great, not having any difficulty with any drinking or eating and have been enjoying my new active lifestyle. Early on I was losing really fast, now I'm down to 3 lbs in the past week, so things are looking like they are getting harder, but I'm perfectly happy with 3 lbs ad long as it's lost. I usually do exercise twice a day, once is a long walk and the other is gym, cycling of another long walk. I'm eating all foods, even dry ones, but I'm making certain that anything I eat is low fat, low sugar and low calorie. All in all, I'm eating about 650-750cal a day.

    I love myfitnesspal, it's been such a helpful tool. I've become friends on myfitnesspal with a couple other sleevers through this forum and it's nice to keep tabs on each other. Keeps us working towards our goals.

    My waist over the past 3 months (pre and post op) has gone down from a men's 50 inch pants to a 42 inch pants. My shirts were looking like blankets so I went out and bought a few new ones. I don't want to buy too much since I'll only be fitting it for a short time. But it feels so great, my shirts have gone from 4x to 2x.

    Great hearing all of your updates. Good luck and I really hope that any of you that are having difficulties find that a bit more time fixes those issues.

  20. I'd say if postponing is a real possibility without too much trouble, go that route. I am two weeks out and would have no problem traveling and participating in any activity, but talking to others I know there is a huge spectrum of how people react to the surgery. Other option is if it's the type of thing you could cancel last minute, wait and see how you feel.

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