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Eli Alexander

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Eli Alexander

  1. I don't show if you should or shouldn't have cheat days, but I know I do with regards to what I eat, but I still make sure to not eat too frequently. It works for me, but that could be just me. Also, if I'm going to "cheat" I just try and make sure to work out extra both that day and the next. When I'm doing vigorous cycling I might even need to eat an extra 600 calories just to get me through a five hour ride. But I always lose weight when I do those long rids, even if I end the day over 1500 calories. Today I went on just a 2 hour ride but according to myfitnesspal that's over 1600 calories and I doubt I'll eat over 900 for the day.

    This is not a diet, it's a way of life. Change those old ways of thinking about dieting that led to yo yo cycles of weight gain. If you want something, earn it, and enjoy it. No guilt required. That's my two cents.

  2. Good to hear it's easy to take car of. For biking there are some tablets or powders that have all the electrolytes but no sugar and are low calorie (about ten per serving I think) the brands I have used are Nunn, Fizz and Skraitch. Just add it to the Water and that could help.

    Two days ago I went on my toughest ride so far, biked 54miles including over 7000 feet of elevation to clime to the top of Mt. lemon while on vacation in Arizona. I put Fizz in each of the four 20oz bottles of Water I drank and it really helped.

  3. Welcome janae.

    I was an OHSU sleeve patient so I can't help you except to say I've heard really good stuff about the kaiser Bariatric people.

    What are you looking to get done? If you are getting a sleeve, gaining it all back is going to be difficult. It's just that I get full so easily that I don't think I'll ever be able to gain it back because weight gain would have to happen so slowly that I would have plenty of time to correct.

    Today I had by far, the toughest workout I've done in decades. On my vacation I biked up mount lemon, about 27miles each way with over 7000 feet of elevation. I haven't had dinner yet, but trying my best to eat extra because of my workout in the sun, I'm still only at 1000 calories because that's all I can handle. Gaining weight would be difficult for me now, and I've been a yo yo dieter all my life, but now I don't see that as a possibility.

    This really isn't like a diet, it's harder to start but easier to maintain. And the physical restrictions really make it so you just live life a little differently, in a way that results in a skinnier you.

  4. I also like the scale. It gives me momentum when it goes down and when it stays the same it gives me something to conquer and keep me eating and exercising right. And most days, even if it doesn't go down I smile and start my day happy because I at least get to see how far I've come.

    However, the longest stall I've had is a week, perhaps my time will change if I enter a longer stall. But that scale continues to provide inspiration to work harder and achieve more.

    What works for me may not work for others. I can see ditching the scale for some, but to each his/her own.

  5. Dumping hasn't been an issue for me at all. I've had a near perfect time. I'm down between 75-80 pounds now including my pre op diet. I just got home from a leisurely 18 mile hilly bike ride while on vacation in Arizona.

    Hardest part for me is having to separate my eating and drinking. I just got back from the ride, am very thirsty and hungry, but I had to decide to drink first, wait a half hour and then I'll eat. But honestly, that's the worst of it. Also going out to eat and ordering an appetizer for my meal, still not finishing that and have the waitress concerned that I hated my meal. Small stuff like that, but it's all just tiny things you get used to.

    On the other hand, I just flew here on a plane and didn't need a seat belt. extender and didn't have my fat rolls overhang to my neighbors seat. I get compliments daily from everyone who knew me before and I still have a good way to go.

    This has been the best decision I've made in decades. Of course, I've had no issues and if you are Portland local, I would highly recommend Dr. Matar at OHSU.

    By the way, dumping is very rare with the sleeve surgery unlike gastric bypass. I was sleeved and depending on how obese you are, a sleeve is more likely what most people get today.

    If you have any more questions, please ask, I'll do my best to answer.

  6. I'm on vacation right now and don't have my weight scale, food scale, gym or many of the things I've come to count on. In one week I'll be home, and hopefully pleased with my status. I rented a bike on vacation so every day I'll go for a ride to make sure I get exercise. I'm a little nervous about not being able to see my weight change daily.

  7. Welcome Marie.

    I wish there were more Portlanders on here, but I guess it doesn't matter much. I had a sleeve about ten weeks ago and am doing great. I'm visiting Tucson AZ right now and biking daily.

    Anyway, glad you stopped by.


  8. I'm on myfitnesspal too. Name elimagun

    It's been a very useful tool, but right now I'm trying to get past a little stall. I've been sleeved since 1/20/15 and lost 26lbs pre and 50lbs post sleeve for a grand total of 76lbs. I use the app daily for exercise and usually weight. I spot check my caloric intake a couple times a week, but not every day.

  9. Congrats on going through the process. I'm about ten weeks post surgery and it's the best decision I may have ever made. So far I'm down almost fifty since the sleeve and over 75 including what I lost ahead of time. Good luck from one Oregonian to another.

  10. Thanks for the help. I ended up drinking 140oz of fluids yesterday, by far the most I've had in a day since being sleeved. It's the day after and I'm feeling quite good. I thought I'd be extremely sore, but soreness is mild. I'll work out different muscles today.

    I'm actually going to Tucson on vacation with family in a couple days, and will rent a bike. I hope while there, to go on a few nice rides. My brother is an avid cyclist, I can't keep up with him, but I'll go biking whenever he does. Vacations are going to be much more active now than pre-sleeve.

  11. My serious answer is be sure to take some antacids like tums. It will help keep the lactic acid from building up in the muscle.

    My less serious answer: favorite post workout is Protein drink (25-40g) followed by bourbon - I earned it.

    I'm actually having. A bourbon now out with a friend, he went to the bathroom I checked in here and saw your post. It's the third alcoholic beverage I've had since my sleeve, but I felt if ever I deserve one, it's now,

  12. So it's 7pm here and I have logged 1000 calories today so far. I don't think I've broken 1000 calories since I was sleeved in January, and I'm pretty sure I'm still going to have a few bites more later. I know my body needs the nourishment but I can't help feeling guilty for eating this much, even though pre-sleeve I often had more by 9am and never worked out.

  13. I pushed myself harder today than I have in the past decade on my bike ride. It was a beautiful day here in Portland Oregon so I just kept pushing. In the end, I biked 54 miles with decent hills, at over 12mph average. It's over 4400 calories and I feel like I can't quite recover, I feel nauseous and can't stop sweating even though I've been home for an hour and took a long cool-down shower. I've eaten 860calories of very healthy Protein rich foods, and some sugars which I just felt I needed. But I'm full now. Also, I've had 96ounces of Water so far today. (I currently weigh 235lbs, 55 pounds from my target)

    Any suggestions?

  14. Veronica, congrats on the loss! I'm helping my brother right now watching their kids. It's fun, but not good for my diet, it seems like I'm cooking for one of them every hour and I'm a nibbler.

    April, awesome pic, nice knowing others can see all the changes. I've been getting tons of comments recently cause I'm traveling and seeing people I haven't seen in months. The people you see daily can't spot the weightloss like others can.

  15. @@Eli Alexander Yea I did talk to my nut. she has access to myfitnesspal app. I know I need to intake more Protein but she said otherwise my food intake was really quite decent. She does want me to up my protein a bit. It is getting hard for me to do so cause of two reasons. One I can't STAND the taste of those shakes anymore. Not even ones I make. Two. I can't even eat that much meat unless it is fish and I can't eat all fish cause I hate the way it taste so I'm relying on alot of vegan food which is taking some getting use to. I hope this stall truly does end soon.

    Well it sounds like you are doing everything correctly, I'm sure your stall will break soon.

    The fish part made me laugh. Ron Swanson on the comedy Parks and Recreation says Fish is basically a vegetable. I kind of feel the same way, although I do like it, it just doesn't seem like the same category as real meat.

  16. Hi everyone! I'm wondering if any of you guys are capable of digesting whole pills yet? I really want to start taking my multivitamin pills that I used to take prior to surgery. I have chewables but I despise them, haha.

    Hopefully everyone is doing well with their journeys!

    I switched over to Calcium non-chewables as well as a half dozen smaller pills I take daily and have no problem. But my NUT said the one think I should keep as a chewable was the multi. She doesn't think I should ever switch. I figure I'll wait till my 6month checkup and see how my bloodwork looks, and if everything is good, I might switch. I hate the taste of my chewables. The NUT did tell me there are much better tasting ones but they cost a lot more. They are the ones specifically designed for bariatric procedures.

  17. Veronica, stalls are normal but it sounds like yours is stretching a little longer than normal. My suggestion, go see your NUT and be totally honest about everything you are eating and how you are exercising. Perhaps they will look at the amounts of fats, or carbs or workouts and find something that can help you. But you put yourself through all this surgical and weight loss trouble to succeed, it's important you follow it through and get the individual help that we can't provide. I'm rooting for your stall to break, and it sounds over the Internet like you are working hard. Don't do it alone, do it with as much help as you can get, your NUT, and a personal trainer who can design vigorous upper body workouts that don't compromise your pinned leg.

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