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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by destined2befree

  1. after the 4 day post op, my doc's directives went out the window..I dont know why, since last time I checked, I dont have a medical degree. i am supposed to be still be on liquids and I have placed myself on mushies and bad thing is, i have NO restriction, I can drink the entire shake, sure I am full and that is all, but I have had chicken noodle Soup minus the noodles with a few saltines and felt fine...I am scared that there is no restriction. doc says everyone is different and some of us have no restriction....but why am I self sabotaging again?> everyday I tell myself that this day will be different and everyday, I cheat at least one meal, I have 2 shakes and then one meal I eat food, only a little bit of food, but still i am eating food! please help me from myself!

  2. hi, i am 10 days post op and I only lost 5 lbs at time I saw my surgeon 7 days later....I have to say I am very disappointed. I am still in the liquid stage, but very hungry and have snuck a bite here and there, but otherwise have stayed on program. My doc says everyone is different and that although my BMI was 38, he has seen heavier people lose much more weight than me. he said that 5 lbs is great and to keep up the good work.:)

  3. I have been discriminated by a heavier person than myself. My neighbor was at the support group meeting at the local hospital where I was going to have my surgery. Unbeknownst to me, she had just had gastric bypass surgery the week of Thanksgiving and had a leak in her pouch and had to be opened up and ended up spending 11 days in the hospital. I walked up behind her and her husband say me and said hello, she turned to look at me and says, (VERY LOUDLY) WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???? so loud that everyone standing in line, looks over at me. I responded with, I am looking into having the lap band, she says, really???? I couldnt beloieve she did that to me! especially because during the 7 years that we were neighbors, she saw me have 2 kids, walking, do diet after diet after diet and talk with her about my weight troubles...so its true that fat people discriminate against lesss fat people. I have since had surgery and since we no longher live next door to each other, we dont talk much, but i wish her the best and told her so after the last meeting I saw her at.

  4. yeah, why not tell us who u really are? yeah, you just want to help.....yourself to other people's money!!!! you aren't being open and honest and feel you are being decietful to people seeking help in finding a skilled professional....unfortunately there all a lot of people like you preying on desperate people. It is good that people know who you are and the word is getting around about you...please refrain from posting on here since you are not a patient. IF people want your help, they'll come looking for you! go away now!

  5. I truly am supposed to be on shakes this whole time, but I have had some Soup today, mostly broth but a few mushy carrots and about 5 noodles and some saltine crackers. I feel great. I have the shakes in the am and pm, but I was so hungry this evening. I am not over doing it and eating very slowly, but I feel better now. I see my doc on monday and I am not worried about how much I lose right now, more concerned with healing and getting back to work asap.

  6. I am starting to get a little hungry too. yesterday I had a baked potato with butter and salt and ohhhhh it was soooo good! I also cooked pinto Beans for my family and drank the broth (fiber!) and then ate 1/2 cup of beans and I was fine. I did finally have a BM after the beans, so that was good. I actually feel fantastic, I just had my last Protein Shake, so I am off to GNC today to buy more. I am walking 2x a day for 20 min at a time and drinking my Water. anyway, I have pretty much placed myself on part mushy stage and my doc would not be happy if he knew. I am being super super careful and eating slowly and believe I am ready. I see him on monday and we will see what happens, but I predict I will be eating more mushies by then! take care and good luck

  7. I am of Mexican descent and my uncle is a Mexican doctor, but no way, no how would I have surgery in Mexico!!!! They simply dont have the standards of care that we have here in the states and there is a reason why so many docs here in the states wont take patients banded in Mexico. Be very very careful, I wouldnt do it, but know for some there is no other alternative, but I pray you'll be ok.

  8. I had an great experience as well. I was banded on monday and am ready to be off of pain meds. I too was quite anxious and it was all for nothign becaus3e the experience has been good. I love my band! I am ready to go out and face the world now. I feel good, not hungry and energetic. hope everyone;s experience goes as well as mine did. good luck

  9. I am 38 and just got banded on monday. I have to tell you that I feel INCREDIBLE! I am not hungry at all ( that's a first, for me) and I feel good. I have some mild discomfort at port site which by now is totally tolerable without pain meds. Tomorrow I am going to get up, take a shower, get dressed, put my face on and face the world! I am tired of recovering at this point and feel strong enough to go back to work, although i wont go back until next tuesday, just to be safe. You will feel this good too! already I know it is the best decision for me, I questioned myself too, but I cant tell enough how great I feel. good luck to you and cant wait to be bandsters together! I am in SoCal, just minutes from Disneyland!!

  10. hi ladies, you are not alone in feeling what you are feeling.we've all been there and definitely dont need any negativity from anyone. You and only YOU know about your struggles firsthand and no one is to judge you for doing what you think is right for you. I am 3 days post op and can tell you that I feel great! not hungry at all and other than some mild discomfort at the port site, i feel so good. I cant wait until I can get my hair done and start feeling good in my clothes again.

  11. I am only less than a week post op and I already know it was the best choice for ME. we are all different and there is no one size fits all. I can already tell that it is going to restrict me from sitting in my living room alone and eat a whole pizza, or chicken or all the other crap i used to stuff my body with. Now, i will have to control what I put in my body as I only have so much room to play with, i already feel better, other than some mild discomfort where the port is. Life is only going to get better. good luck with your decision:)

  12. Hi, I was also banded within the last week and i have to say I dont feel hungry at all. my doc says I only have to be on shakes for 2 weeks and then the mushies. I made some pinto Beans today for my family and will have some of the broth--which is super high in Protein. try Jello and to mix it up a bit, also sipping on the Water all day....shoudl make u feel full. sorry to hear you arent doing so well, I hope things will get better for you soon. take care and good luck

  13. HI there, I live in Yorba Linda, which is in northeast OC. I was just banded on monday and I feel great. There is a support group at st. joseph's hospital in orange, ca on the 1st and 3rd tuesdays of the month---I would love to meet with others in OC or nearby just to see what works what doesnt and to share challenges/truimphs.

    you can pm me if you are interested. thanx

  14. I had one incident of the thought I had gas and oh sh** that wasnt gas! It thankfully was in the hospital and i quickly learned why. I had downed some beef broth so fast and about 3 servings and remember our stomach isnt what it used to be. that was the only time and the last time it will happen to me. I learned and now I sip and I slowed down BIG TIME, as that was an experience to dont care to return to. just slow down and you will be fine. I do go to the bathroom just to be on the safe side. good luck

    ps. another tip, I drink just a shot glass worth of shake, Soup or whatever and then wait a few min before taking my next one and so on, I found this practice to be HIGHLY effective

  15. good morning jim! I had a buddy in the hospital whose name was Jim and I was also banded on 01/07/08. I am just a couple of days post op and I feel great!! I too just had a tasty cream of chicken Soup for Breakfast and some Water and now I am full too. I love the feeling of not being hungry. I would have liked to have some fresh fruit with my breakfast, but those days will come. take care and glad to hear you are doing well.

  16. I was banded on january 7, 2008 and I am liek you not any health issues.....yet. I have prediabetes and back and knee pain. I am 5'8 and weighed 256 at surgery. I had no problems with insurance because I believe they feel it is cheaper to pay for this now then for my care when I do become a diabetic or worse. I feel incredible and not hungry at all. other than some mild discomfort at the port site, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I was home on tuesday and can go back to work now if I needed to. i am going ot take a couple of more days to fully recover and heal properly. but do your research and you will see it is safe and effective wls. good luck

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