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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BigTink2LilTink

  1. You sir are like my inspiration right now. That is a hell of a transformation in just over a year. Congrats guy.
  2. BigTink2LilTink

    Tell the truth, exercising

    I think I've done more cardio in the last 6 months than I have in the last 3 to 4 years. Its easier for me doing it throughout the week. My job is one that promotes healthy living, so along with going to the gym at my job once a day during work, I have a co-worker that enjoys walking with me during our morning and lunch breaks. So I've probably averaging about 8 to 10 miles a week in just walking along. Besides the continued 1 to 4lb per week weight loss that I am still seeing 6 months post surgery, it helps with giving me more energy. The other added benefit I get out of it now, is that it helps me to clear my mind. I have been going though some serious depression, especially post-op, so getting my ass moving and physically moving/exercising out the negativity has helped greatly improve my over all mood. I no longer feel like having the VSG was negative, but instead view it as it truly is, a positive change for the better.
  3. Everything Innner Surfer Girl suggested are good starting points. One of the things that has indeed helped me was actually seeing a therapist during the process. I had to get mental clearance before the surgery to make sure I could mentally handle it and the changes. I started seeing this person about a month before my surgery just to make sure I was going to be ready for all of the changes. Unfortunately two weeks before my surgery I had a horrific breakup with my girlfriend at the time. I thank god that I had the therapist around to help guide me through some of the more difficult bouts of depression I have ever gone through. food, which before the surgery was my indeed go to anti-depressant, was no longer an option. I had to learn a who new way of coping with what my issues were and how to deal with them in a more positive and constructive way. A way that didn't involve trying to eat the pain away. So journaling, talking, and exercise have been key changes in my life that has not only helped me deal with all the physical changes that I've gone through over the last half year, but to deal with those mental changes as well. I wish you nothing but the best of luck in this journey. Its indeed one of the more difficult challenges that anyone can face.
  4. BigTink2LilTink

    Today is the day

    Good luck and my you have a speedy recovery.
  5. BigTink2LilTink

    Any regrets?

    The complications post surgery I surely could have done without. The memory loss is by far the biggest pain in the ass I had to deal with. Second would be the way I have to treat left over food. Microwaves are extremely tricky to me now. Either I'll puke it up, or it will stay down without an issue.
  6. BigTink2LilTink

    Isopure Disgusting!

    I haven't tried the powder. Good to know. Yeah the powder/shake mix form is way better than the bottled Water. You can mix it into other drinks that you already like and get the added protein without really changing the flavor.
  7. I have heard of unjury and one of my good friends who had her surgery a few years before I had mines swears by it. I however use Isopure Unflavored that I got from GNC. I tend to use that when I am making smoothies or I sometimes mixes it in with my morning dose of Metamucil Fiber to give me both a fiber and Protein boost.
  8. BigTink2LilTink

    Isopure Disgusting!

    The powerder is great. But the bottled protein waters were beyond horrible
  9. BigTink2LilTink

    Isopure Disgusting!

    Yup its very gross. I still have bottles from 6 months ago. So glad to get protein from other sources now.
  10. BigTink2LilTink

    HUNGER - is it really reduced?

    I am 6 months post surgery with my sleeve, and I can say that my hunger level has indeed decreased. I still have the occasional visual hunger (i.e. seeing something with my eyes that looks good to eat), but not to the point that I have to eat it. Honestly I'm trying very hard to follow the guidelines so I don't end up back in the hospital with any issues again.
  11. Has anyone suffered from short term depression or difficulty remembering things after having the Gastric Sleeve surgery? I am now almost 3 months post surgery and I'm still having troubles with memory and forgetfulness. I know its starting to have a very negative affect on my attitude as of late. I went from being extremely sharp memory wise to now not being able to remember what I did just a few days ago. I have been on the vitamins both gummies and now a prescription pill form. But it still seems like I am off. And the more off I get the more frustrated and depressed I become.
  12. I do a shake once if not twice some days. I can still meet my protein intake on food source along, but the additional protein I am getting in from the combination of food and shakes, helps greatly with the whole sore weak feeling muscles. Plus if you can incorporate the shakes in pre and post workout they will help greatly with muscle building.
  13. From the album: Post Surgery Album

    Getting tux fitted for a friend's wedding back in mid/late April. At this point I was down about 112lbs and my waste went from 58in (a year ago) to now a 48in.
  14. BigTink2LilTink

    Post Surgery Album

    All the pictures that I will post here are of me after the surgery.
  15. BigTink2LilTink

    Prior to surgery

    The following are various pictures of me taken between 2010 up to around Nov-Dec of 2014. These were prior to my VSG procedure. Some of these pictures will show me when my weight fluctuated between 595lbs to my weight pre-surgery weight (463lbs)
  16. BigTink2LilTink

    Around 2011

    From the album: Prior to surgery

    At this time I had notice I was really close to 600lbs so I started working out. It was around the time this picture was taken that I had dropped 80lbs and was right around 490lbs - 495lbs
  17. BigTink2LilTink

    Around 2010 pt2

    From the album: Prior to surgery

    This was taken around August of 2010. At the time of this picture was taken I was right near my heaviest weight. I think I was around 10 to 15lbs away from 600lbs.
  18. BigTink2LilTink

    Around 2010

    From the album: Prior to surgery

    This was taken around August of 2010. At the time of this picture was taken I was right near my heaviest weight. I think I was around 10 to 15lbs away from 600lbs.
  19. BigTink2LilTink


    From the album: Prior to surgery

  20. BigTink2LilTink


    From the album: Prior to surgery

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
