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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BigTink2LilTink

  1. BigTink2LilTink

    Old habits creeping back in!

    Yeah old habits can be a bit of a pain to deal with. I've totally not given up bread and will find myself eating it from time to time. I try to limit it as much as I can. To help with grazing I will walk. Sometimes at work I will walk while eating my lunch just to remind myself to stay focused. All you can do is acknowledge what you did wrong, and try to do better next time. Keep moving forward and not falling back by dwelling on what you failed at.
  2. BigTink2LilTink

    Unflavored Protein Powders

    I too will second going with Isopure. Its what I have been using since about April. I was able to find it at GNC, and Vitamin Shoppe. But its about $60 for a 3lbs tube of it. I have a friend that swears by Unjury, but I haven't found a place local to buy that stuff at.
  3. BigTink2LilTink

    Drinking with meal?

    Please don't try and eat raw veggies until you are at least 6 months out. I didn't do it and my ass paid the cost for that one.
  4. BigTink2LilTink

    Bikes for big guys

    I currently have a Nishiki mountain bike that I got a few months back and I have been making it a point to ride no less than once if not two to three times a week while the weather is still good in my area. I went with this bike for the light frame, and beefier tires on it. And while I do most paved trail riding, from time to time I take if off trail and onto dirt paths. I tried to ride on sand the other day and yeah, I'm so not ready for that yet. I wanted to spend the next 12 months on that bike and make sure I make biking a normal habit for me before I go investing $6-1K on a top of the line bike. The Nishiki I got (link below) I only paid with warranty and maintenance on it around $350.http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=51897156&cp=4406646.4413986.4417717.4418012.12458051&categoryId=4418015
  5. BigTink2LilTink

    400+ Sleevers?

    I'm a VSG who on the day of my surgery I weight 463lbs. That was almost 10 months ago. About 18 months ago I weighted close to 580lbs, and as of two nights ago I am down to around 281. So yeah I would indeed say that the VSG will work as far as you losing weight. I choose this route for I wanted the least evasive surgery out of the 3 options I had, with the better success rate I felt for me. Any choice you make to try and lose the weight and become healthier is a going to be the better choice than to do nothing at all and continue to just gain and gain. Good luck to you and whatever decision you choose to make.
  6. BigTink2LilTink

    Questions for Alcohol Drinkers ONLY!

    QUESTIONS: 1. How long did you go before having your first drink? I had my first drink about 15 days post surgery (had like 3 sips of some cheap champagne for New Years) 2. Have you had any MEDICAL complications with your surgery that were attributed to drinking alcohol? None that I can think of. 3. Have you gained back significant weight from drinking alcohol? No I haven't gained any weight back from drinking alcohol. However I don't drink often either. 4. Have you developed an alcohol addiction post VSG after having been able to control your drinking before? No. Before the surgery I was very much a social drinking. Going out for drinks at least twice to three times a month. Now I may have a drink once every few months (and by a drink I mean I am a one and done guy now). It hasn't been a year yet out of surgery for me, and I have had a drink of alcohol probably 4 times since the surgery. And the affects are the same every time. I get buzzed/high very quickly off of one drink. It last maybe 10 -15 minutes after I have stopped drinking said drink. I usually wait 20 to 30 minutes after the buzzing affects before I drive home, if I am out with friends just to make sure all the affects have past. Because I don't like that it gets me buzzed/high so freaking quickly and I prefer to have my wits about me when I am out in public I tend to limit or don't drink alcohol while out in public. If I am at home or a friends I may drink more than a drink, but honestly I haven't done that yet. With a giant bottle of Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey in my fridge that I brought a few months before I even agreed to have the surgery I can still say is still in my fridge. full as can be.
  7. BigTink2LilTink

    150's....Woop Woop

    Me neither.
  8. BigTink2LilTink

    vitamins options

    I did the wafers for about 3 months then once I found the capsules I totally went to those. I take double the recommend about because of absorption factor. I would rather be taking in more calcium than I need then to be at a deficit. Especially after going through the whole B Vitamin deficit. Those are the harder ones to eat too :/ maybe I just need to suck it up lol
  9. Thank you omgosh you lost so much weight.. this is amazing
  10. BigTink2LilTink

    vitamins options

    The wafers are horrible. I switched capsules for Calcium now. I also still us Twin Labs for my Iron though.
  11. BigTink2LilTink

    vitamins options

    I personally have not, but those are the Vitamins that my surgeon sales at his office.
  12. BigTink2LilTink

    Losing weight, tummy staying same

    Only thing really you can do to try and help move along the weight loss near the tummy area is to do exercises that work on your core section like sit ups, crunches, etc. But like someone else said, where you are not seeing the loss in your stomach area, you are loosing it in other areas. I lost a lot of my weight in my face, legs and chest area before the belly started to really go down. Now that I am working out more consistently I'm seeing more and more of the body changes overall.
  13. BigTink2LilTink

    Concerned about memory loss

    I'm 10 months out from surgery and I developed memory issues 3 weeks post surgery. Mines hasn't 100% cleared up but it has gotten a whole lot better over the last 2 months. As what was quoted below, what helped to get me back to were I wasn't totally confused and could at least make comprehensive decisions was getting on prescription Thiamin first for about 30 days in Jan/Feb. I took that drug and it at least made doing my job somewhat sustainable. Since then, I've seen a neurologist twice, had an brain MRI, EEG exam, comprehensive neurological exam, at least 3 blood works done, and I've got a sleep study scheduled for early Nov. Conclusion was that they couldn't really find a root cause as to why my memory, which prior to the surgery was extremely accurate and rock steady, was so sever so suddenly. My neurologist believes that I might have had a B vitamin deficiency and possible allergic reaction to the anesthesia. He has put me on a prescription for a drug called Donziepel and since I've been on it for about a month now it has really helped me get back on track. I'm still not where I was at pre-surgery, but I now finally feel like I'm actually starting to get there memory wise. When this first started I couldn't remember not only dates, but actual days of the week, tell time from an analog clock, or remember my address. Now none of those things are issues. I still find myself writing down important things such as appointment dates, and setting up reminders to pay bills. But I hope as my health improves and my body totally gets comfortable with getting in the fuel its getting that I'll eventually adapt. Besides the prescription Donziepel, over the counter I take my multivitamin men's one a day, along with the following suppliments: Nature Made B1 (Thiamin) supplement Nature Made Probiotics chewable tablet Calcium Citrate capsules (I hate the chewable stuff) Bariatric Iron supplement chewable (taste like ass) Liquid B-complex drops B-12 lozenges So in other words, I made sure to increase my B vitamins big time to makes sure I am getting in the good memory stuff. I was doing omega 3 too, but I haven't had those in a few months. I may go back to them though.
  14. BigTink2LilTink

    For the newbies re: this site

    Agreed. I didn't quite follow my plan and wound up in the ER severely dehydrated and vitamin deficient, that now 10 months post op, I'm still struggling with overcoming. So please please follow your surgeon and nutritionist plan of action. Avoid the mistakes, so you don't end up paying for them later.
  15. You look wonderful. I am down 58lbs, in 6mthsgone.jpg from surgery Sorry guys I am trying to do this through my phone and it doy le posted I it lost 58 in 6months
  16. BigTink2LilTink

    since we are in the guys room....

    I can say that I too have noticed my penis length has indeed increase since I have been losing the weight. I can easily say I have gained closer to 3 inches with the shrinking belly and pelvic fat around my member. As like others my sex drive has been in super over-drive. Although granted before the surgery, I didn't have issues with sex, reach or maintaining an erection, or any other issues that made sex difficult or non-enjoyable. Hell sex was probably the only consisted exercise I was enjoying during my time while being grossly overweight. Its just that now I feel like how others have described it a second puberty coming along. I can go longer than I have in the past, which is now hours instead of just at or under an hour. I am not gasping for breath from a heavy sexual session. And most importantly I don't have to feel guilty or worried that I am hurting my partner due to my size while being on top of them. That use to always play on my mind, which would sometimes take my focus away from where it needed to be. Enjoying my partner getting off on me and I on her.
  17. I use to be in the 5XLT size. Online I was doing both Casual Male where I could do both online and in store shopping for clothing. Also did King Size, and Eastbay. Now I can basically go where ever I want for clothing now. Lately all of my sports gear (which has been mostly sports compression wears) I have been getting from Sports Authority and Walmart. I am down to a 1 to 2XLT.
  18. I guess its because I might be a male, but I am eating between 1200-2000 calories per day. But I am also burning around 800-1200 calories a day in exercising so I'm usually netting like 800 calories per day. This has been over the last 2 months since I've been tracking with MyFitnessPal. Yesterday I had only ate around 1000 calories and I got a warning from MFP that my caloric intake was way too low and I had to get it up to at least 1200, so I ate a fiber one bar. My Protein intake is where it needs to be at which is between 85-100grams a day, which is what I still focus on.
  19. BigTink2LilTink

    Guys Group: Seeking Buddy/Mentor

    I was VSG sleeved back in late Dec, and so far I can say it was the best health decision I could have made for myself. I have been morbidly obese my entire adult life. Today at 10 months post surgery I am down almost 90lbs. Overall I am roughly 302lbs from my heaviest weight just 19/20 months ago. I went from being a type 2 diabetic taking anywhere from 50 to 60 units of insulin a day, to not taking any insulin at all. I still have to monitor my blood sugars but they rarely reach at or above 120. Before the surgery and change in eating habits I was constantly in the 350 -400 blood sugar ranges. I felt like crap, and always had issues with my hands and feet sometimes going numb. The weight also was starting to cause me bad back issues too. Now, I haven't had any issues with my back in a year. I am on here and MyFitnessPal under the same user name as here if you want to add me. There you can kinda see what I am consuming 10 months out and how I am tracking exercising and calorie burning.
  20. You look amazing. Great job!!!
  21. BigTink2LilTink

    My Fitness Pal

    Mines is BigTink1980. Feel free to add me if you want.
  22. BigTink2LilTink

    Quest bars

    I just tried the Quest Bar Peanut Butter Supreme bar this morning and I have to admit I liked it. It may be one that I add to my staple of meal bars.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
