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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by babsintx3

  1. babsintx3

    OK,so now I feel really stupid..

    Big Paul: You'll do just fine. But if you are really afraid, just puree it ! LOL Alex: Normally I dont have any trouble with white meat chicken or turkey. I eat turkey 2 times a week usually in my homemade turkey chili. I even eat tenderloins. But for some reason, I have a problem with dark meat. Maybe its too stringy.... Babs in TX
  2. Jessica, I am so glad that you and your mom have found the lapband. I wish something like the band was available when I was younger. I would like to offer you helpful hints regarding the post op diet plan for folks with PCOS. What works the best for people with this disorder is a low carbohydrate diet. I was diagnosed with PCOS/hyperinsulinemia in 1995 and was put on a seried of different medications to control my insulin resistance since my main problem was not fertility but weight gain and hirutism. None of the medications worked for me and I gained instead of losing. I was always a volume eater, but most people that know me did not think I ate all that much but continued to gain. When I was banded, from day one I stuck to a low carb diet plan that worked really well with the band since most of us eat Protein first, then veggies and starches and carbs only if we have room in our pouches. I lost 120 pounds in a year this way. But I preface that by saying that I did exercise 4 times a week at least 40 minutes per day. SO if you can stick to an exercise regimed and stay away from the carbs you will lose your weight in no time at all. I am really excited for you and wish you lots of luck!!! Babs in TX 334/180/170 -154 pounds
  3. babsintx3

    OK,so now I feel really stupid..

    Hi Alexandra, So beef is a problem for you? MMMM, I couldnt live without beef. I ate some turkey today without a hitch. I was in a hurry and didnt pay attention and got what I deserved. Seaweed salad? I could easily give that up. ... LOL I like sushi though and dont have problems with rice or any form of seafood so I am thankful for that!!! Babs in TX
  4. babsintx3

    Back from Dr. Appt - EMPTY BAND!

    Hi Penni, Glad to hear you and your band are in good health. I agree that an unfill once every two years probably is a good thing. I had reflux for a few weeks but knew I was having plastic surgery in August and that they would take some out. They took out all of it and I had a break for about 6 weeks with nothing in my band. I now have 2.20, which is less than I had before surgery and unlike Michelle or Alex, I do NOT have more restriction with less fill. I am starving all the time and need a fill Amazingly enough, when I thought I had something in my band during my recovery period, I was a fairly good bandster except for a hamburger I ate at Fuddruckers. It must have been a placebo effect cause i thought I still had restriction to find out I had nothing in my band. My bet is that you will still have restriction for a while anyway until your stomach and esophagus have a chance to rest up a little and realize whats happening. Babs in TX
  5. babsintx3

    Move over, Texas, here comes DeLarla

    Lisa, If you come to Fort Worth and dont come to visit me, I will personally kick your butt!!! Babs in TX
  6. babsintx3

    My Upper GI Results

    Hi Lisa, Better than NJ , you need to come visit me in Texas. We have lots of banding docs who will see your here. FLights from Vegas about 175 round trip. You can stay with me, party and figure out a way to get you a port and a fill. OK? Babs in TX
  7. babsintx3

    I'm home and bandless

    Michelle, Glad to hear you are back and are in good spirits. I hope you continue to have some restriction to aid you in additional weight loss. I have no doubt that you will be able to maintain your present weight and continue to be successful. Hugs, Babs in TX
  8. babsintx3

    How often do you PB?

    In two and a half years, less than 8 times. Last time was during the summer. Babs in TX 334/180 ish
  9. Jini, This is quite normal. THe first 6 weeks I was ravenous and it took 2 band adjustments before I had some restriction. Nevertheless, I did lose 120 lbs my first year. Just be patient. Once you have proper restriction, this journey will be much easier. Babs in TX 334/180 -154 6/23/03
  10. babsintx3

    Carmentorres needs support

    Hello Carmentorres!! Welcome to LBT. Nice to have you here ! Babs in TX 334/180ish -154 ish and trying to lose more !!!
  11. babsintx3

    Which bands are eroding?

    Hi Yall, I am with Jess on this one. Yes, I also know 4 people with eroded bands. But I also know about 200 bandsters being here int he DFW area. So statiscally that still makes 1-3%. I do know one other person here in the area that had an erosion. She is also a mexican bandster. I dont know of any US bandsters that were banded here that have eroded. I know of several slippages, but thats about all. Babs in TX 334/180 -154 ish Back on the losing trail again Atkins baby!!!!
  12. babsintx3

    Where are the happy bandsters?

    Hi, Happy bandster here!!!! I have no problems, just not enough restriction post plastic surgery for TT and medial thighplasty. I need to do something about it soon, but I have been taking a chill pill on the weight loss for a while. Babs in TX 334/180/190 -154/-144 Gained ten pounds from quitting smoking!!!!
  13. babsintx3

    I'm Eroded

    Michelle, I havent been here in a while and I cant beleive that this has happened to you. I will heed your advice and try to get my last 20-25 pounds off. No one knows how long they will have their band and everyone should maximize their weight loss with this tool. I have been sitting at about 190 ish for a while post plastic surgery. I am slowly gaining and dont have a lot of restriction. I dont have a leak or erosion, but I am afraid of a too tight band, so I sit with 2.20 and dont want to get more. I think having a too tight band causes erosions and this makes me afraid to get more. But I will soon since I am panicking about regain. I had gastritis at one point last year, but never took meds. I just had a partial unfill and everything was better. I know that you can do this and keep the weight off. I honestly believe the key to long term success is exercise since that is the only time when I continue to lose weight or maintain. Hugs, Babs in TX 334/190
  14. babsintx3

    Suddenly Single

    Hi Porcin, A few folks here at LBT know of my woes. My marriage has been hanging by a thread since April 2004. I have been married 101/2 years and together 12 years with two boys 3 and 10. I have a great husband, but he is a very poor communicator. In addition, the docs have been putting him on antidepressants because they think he is chronically depressed. I personally dont think so, but the meds changes every 30-60 days make it real hard to deal with him. They have yet to find the right one for him that works well. I feel like I need to hang in there because he has always been really supportive of me and all my decision. He loved me fat and still loves me. I am the one that feels very little inside because of all the years that he has not been able to communicate his feelings. I have been living on the couch for more than a year and a half. Limbo sucks. He is a good father, good provider and reliable, but there is no passion and we behave like cordial friends only. I know I need to end it, but there are days I think that maybe I should try to work it out and I havent given it a chance. I have to say that my behavior over the past year has been atrocioius. I go out on my own, I take trips away since the only way I get commmunication that isnt of the 3 year old variety is when I go on trips and talk to others. I dont think I am meant to be in this relationship. I actually dont think I am meant to be in any relationship of permanance although my therapist thinks I havent met my soul mate yet and that part of me is still looking. All I know is that things are not cut and dry in the universe like some people think they are. Being in limbo means that I can move forward, but sometimes not making a decision is the best thing to do when you dont know what to do. Email me privately if you wanna talk. Babs in TX 334/180
  15. babsintx3

    Time for Baby???

    Hi Kadtie, I would wait until you lose some weight. I was pretty healthy and had my first baby at age 29 at over 300 pounds and my second child at age 37 at over 300 lbs as well. My first one was a C-section. I had some irritation at the stitch line because of my hanging pannus. The second was a C-section as well and I had incredible swelling and preeclampsia the last 4 weeks. I weighed 312 on a Friday and blew up to 325 by Monday. They went in 3 1/2 weeks early for fear I might have a heart attack on the table. THe rest of the pregnancy was quite normal though. You are young enough to wait another year. You could easily get your weight down 50-100 pounds in that time and have a much healthier pregnancy. Just my opinion. Babs in TX 334/180 -154
  16. babsintx3

    Who has lost 100 pounds?

    Hi, I am down 154 pounds so far. I am 2 years 5 months out from surgery. You can do it too!!! Babs in TX 334/180 -154
  17. babsintx3

    weight gaining

    Coco, I concur with Alex. I am 2 years and 5 months out. Despite losing so much, having plastic surgery and all the hard work, I am also having trouble with some weight gain. I am stable at the moment, but cant seem to lose anymore and even gained 10 pounds I havent been able to lose since I quit smoking. Its hard, but you have to go back to the basics of what made you successful in the first place. It makes you realize how much of the weight loss was in your court and what you really need to do to continue to be successful. Thats really the best advice I can give you is to start again and follow the rules. Babs in TX 334/18-/170 -154
  18. babsintx3

    New here lots of questions

    Hi and Welcome! There are lots of great people here and lots of information. Its great that you are so young, found out about the lapband as a less invasive option and that you are able to do something to improve your situation. The best thing to do is to read some posts and try to learn as much as you can. I love my band. It was the best decision I have ever made for myself. I am more almost 2 1/2 years post op and I am thrilled with my new thinner life. I started with a BMI of 53.9 and now have a BMI under 29. I am healthier, more active and have lots of energy to play with my kids. Good luck with your journey!!! Babs in TX 334/180 -154
  19. babsintx3

    Today is my Bandiversary!

    Hi and Congratulations on your bandiversary!!!! Handshake for a job well done!!! Babs in TX 334/180 -154
  20. babsintx3

    Sexy is an Attitude

    Hi Lisa, Love the pic!!! I feel very sexy!!!! Thank you very much!!! Babs in TX
  21. babsintx3

    100+ club

    HI Brenda, Still in the -100 lb club! Had my PS, quit smoking and now trying to get back to my lowest weight of 180. I am getting there slowly,but still working on getting some good restriction!!! Babs in TX 334/18-/170 -154 and still trying to get to 170 or less!!!
  22. babsintx3

    Two Year Anniversary

    Hi Megan, Congratulations on your two year bandiversary!!! Your post was very touching and I am glad to know ya honey!!! babs in TX 334/180 -154
  23. babsintx3

    My Band Drama (still portless)

    Hi Lisa, Its really crappy that you have to go through all of this to get answers. I am very hopeful that everything with your band is fine. It would be interesting to find out from Inamed how many infected ports resulted in band erosion. I know that you spoke to a Mexican doc who claims that most people in your situation end up without a band, but I still have trouble fathoming this since 1 is around your stomach and the port is located in the abdominal cavity. And there are many eroded bands where there was never a port infection. As a matter of fact, I know several eroded bandsters and none of them have had infected ports. So please be optimistic. Can you try Fishers office again? Stay on their asses and get answers. If anyone can do this, you can. Also, Shelly had a good point. If you get the endoscopy done and xrays, you can have them sent to anyone of your choice. This may alleviate your concerns about your band health. Hang in there ! Babs in TX
  24. babsintx3

    Can you handle some good news?!

    Wow! Its nice to see someone who is so positive and focused. I am sending you some good karma via the web!!! You are doing great despite all the rough start!!! Babs in TX 334/18-/170
  25. babsintx3

    I'm back from Vegas

    Huy Guys, I am back from Vegas. Got the chance to see Lisa and hang out at the lingerie convention. I met up with a new bandster Sherry and had dinner together. I went to a party at the Voodoo lounge at the Rio for Penthouse Lingerie. There were lots of THIN women wearing skimpy nothingness prancing around on platforms. I met the producers for CSI who were there filming some footage for future episodes. I also went to see Mamma Mia at the Mandalay Bay. Wow, I am tired. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures of my trip except at the airport where I met my Mom for Breakfast. I missed you all and just wanted to say hi!!!! Babs in TX 334/18-/170

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
