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Posts posted by JWheel1989

  1. I had my surgery on the 17th of February and compared to two days ago I feel a lot better. The gas is gone and I had my first BM today. I was all over the place for the first few days where I felt like the pain and discomfort would never end! I was anxious and scared and worried about each and every twinge.

    I have been able to sleep through the night, and I make sure I get up each morning and walk about and keep doing it for small parts through out the day. You will feel better every day.

  2. Have you tried the muscle milk knockout chocolate pro series 32 G Protein shake. It's pretty thick, chocolate and I think tastes good.

    $7.98 at Walmart for 4 of them.

    They're helping me a lot right now at 12 days post op

    Thank you for the suggestion I might see if I can find them online. Sadly though my pre-surgery diet only allows for a very small portion of milk, approx 300 ml. I'm really excited for my surgery next Tuesday, I just wish I was doing better at the diet.

  3. Sorry for not replying sooner! I'm in the middle of writing my dissertation which is super depressing. So you have surgery on the 28th mcclayne? That's very exciting! How are you coping on the pre-surgery diet? Personally I think fitness pal is a great app. I managed to lose about 35 pounds with it but then I stopped using it and put all the weight back on. I found that I would input food details in and see how many carbs etc and then change my mind about eating it. It really helps you keep track of how much you are eating too. The first time I used it I couldn't believe how much food I was eating! All those small things add up! How is everyone coping nerves wise?

  4. It's a tricky situation to be in. I contemplated telling my sister because sometimes she can be extremely difficult with certain things and react very badly. But I also knew that if I told her down the line she would be upset that I didn't tell her before then. I guess it's working out which is harder for you, stressing your grandmother out or maintaining the lie. Personally I couldn't take the stress of the lie, and I luckily discovered that once I confessed to my sister she was very supportive. Your grandmother might surprise you? :)

  5. I think someone has to be really mean and bitter to think and say something so nasty. Personally I would ask yourself why she says it to you? Maybe she sees a happy person and resents it so much that she says something to make you feel like crap and make herself feel better at the same time. It might be nothing about you at all but something to do with her, and that you are just a convenient target? Who knows. It takes no effort to say mean and horrible things, but it takes a lot of strength to take it and rise above it. :)

  6. this may seem like a silly question but how do you check a surgeons death stats? I have done my research on my surgeon and feel confident in him but I would still like to know lol.

    Not a silly question at all. Like others have said I am sure if you ask the surgeon straight out they will tell you. I found the information on the Internet and it didn't take me too long to find either! I just googled my hospitals morality rate and it gave me a five year history of every surgeon at every hospital in my region... Sadly it doesn't provide context just the amount of surgeries and deaths occurred. I'm not sure about the US but here in the UK quite a lot of data has to be made available to public scrutiny.

  7. Robin,

    No problem :). I was worried about dying and complications but my surgeon really helped me through all those nerves, now I'm really just excited. Plus, I know I can't stay at this weight and not expect some serious medical consequences in the future so I balanced out which is most risky, surgery or non surgery, and for me surgery was the best choice. I'm booked in for the 17th of February and have a 7-10 day pre surgery diet. It's pretty hard to get bariatric surgery on the NHS without having diabetes, and my age also works against me because I'm still quite young at 25, so I'm going private! I hope you feel more at ease about everything, and good luck!


  8. It's not every 1 in 200 person dies from surgery, it's the calculated risk. You would have it in any surgery. Plus it's not the same for each person... Mines is 1 in 500 because I am under 50, I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure, I don't have any existing conditions etc. I checked my surgeons death statistics and his was about 8 deaths out of 750 surgeries, and he is a general surgeon who specialises in cancer surgery and bariatric, along with other things so the deaths could be unrelated to the procedure I am having. Feel any better?

  9. Heya,

    I'm still a newbie on this site, I joined about a month ago. I'm in the same boat as you I don't know anyone getting surgery done. This site has been great! I have learned quite a few tips, and it's nice to hear everyone's experience of going through the whole process. Good luck on your surgery :)

  10. Most of my friends know that I have IBS so I just plan to tell them I'm working with a nutritionist to sort out a better diet for me, to help relieve symptoms. My parents and my siblings know about the surgery because I felt guilty not letting them know that I was having surgery, and my parents were the first to know anyway. I will say one thing though, the reaction I got from my sister was not what I was expecting! She was so kind and supportive, and all the tension I had from worrying about telling her just disappeared. Maybe if your mum knows how committed you are too it she might be different? Of course you know your mother the best lol

  11. I used to do a boxercise class, and it was so hard! It was an hour long but by the time I was finished I would be head to toe covered in sweat. I really got into it and I was getting quicker and so much stronger, but then I bust my knee :(. What I liked about it was the rhythm you build when you are punching in sequences, I would just tune out everything and keep concentrating on getting the proper sequence. I also loved working with the same partner each week because if we felt the punches getting softer we would push each other to dig a little deeper. Well anyway these classes are everywhere in the UK and I totally recommend doing them, but wait till you have built up some stamina first!

  12. Sadly I don't have any kids to use as weights, I could use my dog but I can't really see her going along with it... You sound like you are really motivated by your kids, and the fact you are so determined to teach them good habits is fantastic, I honestly think you are going to do great. I actually think it would be better to do the liquid diet because at least you know exactly what you can have, my diet has too much choice and I am a little worried that I don't stick to it. I have never tried kale in a smoothie, actually I don't I have ever eaten it which is ridiculous because we have a fridge full of it to feed to our chickens and our rabbit, looks like I will literally be eating rabbit food!!

  13. Someone said that it is the people you love who hurt you the most, and I agree full heartedly with this. I have people in my life who sometimes hurt me, just as I sometimes hurt them, but these things happen and they don't upset me because I know that everyone makes mistakes, myself included. I think it is much harder when someone intentionally tries to hurt you and doesn't feel remorse for what they do, or they hurt you and honestly don't believe that they have done anything wrong. I don't think anyone tries to purposely be bad, or 'evil'. I think we all see things differently, and we react differently. When we are hurt its hard to see the issue from that other persons perspective. Personally I would rather try and forgive, because hatred is really just wasted energy, it only hurts me. And if they did something really terrible I would rather just move on and let go than torture myself thinking about it anymore. It is much harder to forgive, but its healthier in the long run. It took me a long time to get myself to think this way, and a hell of a lot of tears, but I feel so much better for it :)

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