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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AlbertaD

  1. Here in New Brunswick there are three drs to my knowledge that do the surgery. When my dr put my referral in there were only two. I was referred to the dr in Bathurst. I had received a letter from them saying it was an 8 to 10 year wait. I thought mannnnnn thats just nuts. So a friend of mine heard through a friend that a dr in Fredericton was going to do the surgery. I called my drs receptionist and told her and she checked it out and put my referral in. That was 2 or 3 years ago. I had kind of forgotten about it until I got the call to go in and pick up my info pack and make an appointment with the dr. Things went really fast. I got my package on Oct.6th and surgery was on Dec. 5th. Thats pretty fast. A friend of mine who was sleeved in Moncton and it was a year from once she saw the dr to the actual surgery. I dont know how long she was on the wait list but her health was really bad. Hopefully you wont have to wait too long to get it done. It will certainly change your life. :)

  2. I can understand that. I used to weigh in at 365 about 15 years ago. I lost a 100 then gained up to 310. I have had the hanging arm thing for years. But now I have notice the lose skin on my back of my thighs. Its pretty loose and thats just after losing almost 50. I dont know what it will be like when I reach my goal. I thought it might be because I am going to be 50years old this year and maybe age is also a factor. I certainly understand how you feel. But I try to look at it this way. Its better to be healthier and have lose skin then to be the size I was, unhealthy and feeling depressed about it. My sister is also large and only 13 months younger than me. She said she would never have what I had done because she would look too old and she just couldnt handle that. She said to me arent you worried about looking like an old woman? I said what makes you think I will look like an old woman. I am more concerned with living longer than anything else. I dont want my knees replaced (which was in the not to distant furture) and I want to be able to get off my backside and do the things I want to do. I am going to try not to let the loose skin be the thing that hinders me like my weight did for most of my life. Time to live!!!!:)

  3. I had my sleeve on Dec. 5 2014. My diet is stage 3 for 4 weeks. Stage 3 in my diet is liquid. Milk based Soup, pudding, cream of wheat along with the Protein shakes etc. Stage 4 is mashed food. I am extremely excited to get on this portion of the diet just because I am a tiny bit tired of having the same things over and over. Providing I will be able to tolerate it, I will be able to have some meat and fish as long as its soft. No bread, rice, potato or Pasta. I am on this for 4 weeks then I move on to the final stage. I have see people post that they were on the mashed stage only a couple of weeks after surgery. I was kind of surprised since I thought this was universal for the sleeve. I guess different drs have different stages of diets. I have lost 22 pounds since my sleeve. I dont know if I am ahead or behind in the weight lost but man, it feels awesome to have that off. With my presurgery diet I have 47 pounds off in total. I cant believe how much my body has changed it how it feels. awesome. I get sick of what I have to eat but I just have to look at how much better I feel and change my relationship with food. Its a struggle.

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