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Posts posted by chikesweightlossjourney

  1. Thanks to ALL for your advice and responses so far on this topic. I finally had my appointment last weekend and everything was clarified! WLS is excluded in my policy only as a whole. However, my insurance does cover "Hernia Repair" which is key! It was please with my weight-loss so far during my pre-op journey that for the safety of myself he wants me to loose 30 more lbs before moving forward with surgery. Once this is accomplish; not only will the Hernia Repair be done, he will also go in and perform then worthy loss surgery as well. The Hernia Repair will be covered under my insurance and depending on what fees the Hospital Draws up for me will determine how much I will have to come out of pocket for the weight-loss portion of it all. I thought that this was a great option. I was discouraged at first but since he is a Board of Excellence Doctor, I know he would only recommend the best! Now only does this gives me a chance to loose more weight, but also a chance to save me more to go towards the fees that's will be associated.

    Thanks again everyone!

  2. My last weigh-in is approaching this Saturday and I was very happy about it and still am. I decided to call into today to confirm what was next in this process for me. Mind you I have been going through this pre-op stage since last November. It is a job continue to make routine visits with a job, paying continuos copays only to be shut down. I confirmed that they they found out that my insurance excludes WLS on my policy itself. She did mention that I do have other options. That are seeing to see if they can get the insurance to pay some of the cost, which I'm not sure how this works and stated that I would be left to pay a fee associated with depending on the hospital. Does anyone know anything about this or had every been though something similar? Earlier during me pre-op appointments my doctor did discover that I did have a hernia. I'm hoping they can just run my insurance as a hernia repair, but then go in and perform the surgery at the same token. And advice, suggestion or can anyone relate to this situation?

  3. I've been doing research and I am aware that a lot of insurance companies want you to go though a supervised for at lear 6 months and some don't. I've also heard that, if you BMI is over 50, then this doesn't apply to you in most cases. They will try to get you approved and get your surgery scheduled asap. Is this true or nah?

  4. Hello Bariatric fam! So far I've had my first consultation which went well. I've met with my nutritionist, had chest x-rays performed, had an ekg, had blood drawn and I've even had a EGD recently performed. What's usually scheduled after your EGD? After having it, does that necessarily mean that you were approved for the procedure? My EGD came along with a $1500 deductible. So I'm guessing my surgery was approved, otherwise I've basically paid my deductible for nothing. . . . Can anyone else relate to this or have had a similar situation. I'm trying to be patient. Also, my post-op appointment from the EGD that was performed is scheduled for the 29th.

  5. Today was my EGD appt w/ Dr. Now. I guess I was so excited, being that I'm one step closer til' scheduling a surgery date. I meet with him on the 29th to discuss the results from the EGD & then from there we will confirm the procedure that will best for me which I'm leaning towards the bypass. My insurance company is BCBS-TN and with all the mixed reviews about them I'm hoping that they move forward with the procedure. I feel like everything is already been approved being that I had to pay a co-pay of $1500 just to have the EGD done. Is this normal, does this necessarily means that I was approve already? What should I expect next after having the EGD. Should I be looking forward to a scheduled surgery date?

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