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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by christasha

  1. I don't know that anyone will even see this . . .but I have to do my duty and give it a shot . . . Hope all is well with everyone! 2 Honkin' Years - Can you believe it???

    Give us your great stories . . . we wanna hear from you! I participated with Stephanie Soderquist in the Seattle 3 Day breast cancer walk and LOVED it . . .and then volunteered to work the San Diego 3 Day. We are the Boobie Bandits (get why the bandits??? I love it) . . . and are registered for walking in the San Diego 3 Day next year (Nov 19-21). Come join us!



  2. Cerrin . . . good for you getting back to the gym . . .and hope you got your fill! As for me, I've had major acid reflux, and today he took 1 cc out of my 10 cc band, leaving me with 0.75 . . . omg I'm going to really have to watch it now . . . but I was so miserable! If you EVER start getting acid reflux, get into the doc NOW . . . it was instant relief to get it losened up . . . I was eating tums like they were candy this weekend.


  3. Cerrin . . . good to hear from you . . . you hang in there . . . and just put one foot in front of the other one day at a time . . . you know you can do this . . . look how far you have come! Everyone is different . . . and the beauty of this band is that you can start over every day if you need to! More Protein and more water! :biggrin:



  4. Just thought we should put out a poll and note to everyone to see how we are all doing . . . 18 months . . . who can believe that??? What are you doing now . . . we've obviously all moved on with our lives . . . doing new things or things we never thought we could ever do again . . . let us know!

    Guess I messed up the poll . . . it isn't showing names this time . . . bummer . . . but still fun!

    I'm walking a 3Day Breast Cancer Walk in Seattle in September . . . if my hips hold out (dang osteoarthritis!). I feel better . . . I keep moving . . . I hiked all over Yosemite without losing breath . . . I'm loving it all!

    Hugs and warm wishes to everyone! Hope someone reads this lol!


  5. Thanks ladies for your well wishes! I've already made my "minimum" goal . . . so now it is just walk walk walk . . .just hope the osteoarthritis in my hips doesn't flare up . . . that's my biggest concern. If it does, I will do what I can each day . . . but I'm going to TRY to do every one of those miles!


  6. Oh Shirley . . . that is a HUGE undertaking . . . but like everything else you have done. . . you will bounce back faster than you think! My thoughts are with you . . . and can you even imagine how great you are going to look afterwards? It does take awhile . . . from what I've heard . . . but you will be doing great - especially once those drains get out!

    When is the surgery?

    Hugs to you . . . keep us posted! I don't check in here very much anymore because no one is ever around - but I'll be thinking of you for sure!


  7. Hi there Fanny! Long time no hear from you! I've been so bad about checking this board because it was always dead . . . and somehow I don't have my notificatino working when some posts! hope all is well with everyone . . . I've got 5 lbs to go to hit that 100 . . . but I'm training to walk the 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk (60 miles - 3 days) . . . so I figure something has to give at some point. There just isn't time to be on the computer any more - I'm either working my 2 jobs, or walking. I'm feeling great .. . going on vacation on Sunday to Yosemite for a week . . . I'm so ready for a break! Congrats to everyone - seriously - did you ever believe we could do this - no matter how much . . . it is all an improvement over Dec 07! There is one lady on another board who is NOW 173 and having RNY in June of 09 . . . WTF??? She started at a high of 203 . . . I'd still like to get DOWN to 203!

    Hugs to all!


  8. I'm walking . . and so is Stephanie . . . (she's the captain) . . . 60 miles in 3 days! If you would like to sponsor me, my page is at the bottom of this email.! Thank you for your cohnsideration!



    This year, I'll be participating in a very special event called the Breast Cancer 3-Day. My team name is the Boobie Bandits - partly because at least four of us are labpand weight loss patients who could NEVER have even considered doing this a year ago. We are doing it for breast cancer and for ourselves!

    I'll walk 60 miles over the course of three days with thousands of other women and men. The net proceeds will support breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment through Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund.

    I've agreed to raise at least $2,300 in donations. I've set my personal goal at $2,300. So I need your help. Would you please consider making a donation of any amount? Keep in mind how far I'm walking - and how hard I'll have to train. You can give online at www.The3Day.org. Just follow the link below to visit my personal fundraising webpage and make a donation. You can also call 800.996.3DAY to donate over the phone.

    I have several friends who have battled breast cancer and won! We want to find a cure for this - and the sooner the better. If you would like me to walk in someone's honor, please send me a picture which I'll laminate and wear as I walk those 60 miles! I would be honored.

    According to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, approximately 200,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and nearly 40,000 will die from the disease. That's why I'm walking so far. To do something bold about breast cancer. I hope that you'll share this incredible adventure with me - by supporting me in my fundraising efforts.

    Thank you in advance for your generosity!

    Love & Stuff to all


    P.S. Ask your employer if they will double your donation through a matching gift program! Click here to visit my personal page.

    If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:

    Welcome to the Seattle Breast Cancer 3-Day:

    Click here to view the team page for The Boobie Bandits

    If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:

    Welcome to the Seattle Breast Cancer 3-Day:


    For more information about the Breast Cancer 3-Day, Susan G. Komen for the Cure or the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, visit Welcome to the Breast Cancer 3-Day: Home or call 800.996.3DAY.

  9. You know, I think dealing with "head" issues is the worse part of all of this . . . I'm FINALLY learning that I don't need something . . . even though I want it so badly! And gee . . . I cut sugar out completely this wee and have lost 4 lbs . . . (DUH ME . . . what did I EXPECT if I ate the wrong stuff - even if just a bite here or there) . . . I'm happy this week . . . and just broke my lowest weight in probably 35 years . . . so . . . I just keep trying to do the right thing . . . and this week I think I'm totally back on track! Wahoo! You can do this Cerrin . . . you have already proved it by what you have accomplished so far . . . so go for it lady! :w00t:

  10. Hi Cerrin . . . I don't know what to do for sure by a long shot . . . but my doctor want me to measure meals in bites . . . not take more than 8 bites over 10 -15 minutes and then wait at least 10 minutes before proceeding . . . he wants 8 bites as a total (I have trouble with the bite thing . . . but when my restristion is good - it works). Hang in there . ..one step in front of another . . . you ARE getting there! I've been slow forever and finally have my head on straight I think and am back to basics . . . and back to Water aerobics too . . .hope something starts moving . . . for both of us!


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