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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by uni2424

  1. My doctor stopped my BP meds after surgery. He said I wouldn't need it anymore. I am 2 weeks out and no problems with it at all!
  2. uni2424

    Typical weight loss

    I was about to post that also because I am beginning to get frustrated with the same number on the scale. I am 2 weeks out tomorrow and have not lost any weight in a week. I am drinking 2 double Protein shakes per day and then having one meal with protein in it. Plenty of fluids. My post-op appointment is Saturday and I am afraid the doctor will think I have not followed the plan because I have not lost!!
  3. Day 8 Post Op-Doing great. No real problems. Probably doing too good since I just had a full bottle of Water and 5 oz of Soup. I didn't think I would be able to get that much down in a sitting. It was slow but I did. I was sick of Protein shakes so I am now adding a scoop of unflavored protein to everything I put in my mouth. I have added it to my Soups, mashed potato (really watery) and my water with Crystal Light. You can't taste it. I am losing but worried since I am able to get more food and water down than I am reading others are able to. I hope that is not a sign of the future and being able to overeat. Not really hungry, didn't eat today until 3:00 but had water with protein in the morning. Physical hunger has not been there, eating mostly because I know I need to. Head hunger still there some, I have seen some foods I want to eat. I have tolerated soups and mashed potatoes fine so will be advancing to oatmeal and grits with Protein powder in those. There are great protein powder recipes on Pinterest, I look forward to trying some of those!!
  4. I found a lot of great Protein powder recipes on PInterest.
  5. uni2424

    When can I have soup?

    I am on Day 8 and eating soups and runny mashed potatoes with a scoop of unflavored Protein powder. My plan just said advance as tolerated.
  6. I am one week post op also. I am adding unflavored Protein to my soup and my Water with Crystal Light. It has been much easier than trying to drink one more shake.
  7. uni2424

    March Sleevers

    Warning: Day 5 Post Op. Just because you feel better doesn't mean you can clean the house and sweep. Do not sweep!! I paid with soreness all night and couldn't turn over in bed unassisted. Finally, at noon today soreness and tightness went away, and my husband swept the kitchen!
  8. uni2424

    One thing

    I am 6 days out and I would not have committed to anything this week. I am getting fatigued pretty easily and not as easy to get around in a vehicle as I thought it would be.
  9. As a therapist who used to do psych evaluations, I want to say sorry for your experience. Unfortunately, there are bad therapist just like any other field. Make sure your doctor knows so they won't use that person anymore. The therapist is supposed make sure you are mentally prepared for the procedure and that you have good support and coping skills.
  10. If I had to drink one more sweet Protein shake today I think I was going to die. It took me 14 hours yesterday to get 2 down. I went today and got some unflavored Protein powder and mixed it in chicken broth! The day was saved! It was so good, already 32 oz down in 2 hours! No sweet stuff for me today! No real pain, more like soreness. No pain meds in 2 days. Swelling in stomach has gone down considerably. I fatigue easy. Getting up and doing things in spurts then sit down to rest. Walking regularly. sleeping in the bed, all night comfortably. Coughing is from the devil! Only thing I am taking is Gas X after walking to help with the constant burping. I have not been hungry per say, but I have seen some things that I would like to eat like chips n Salsa or Chick Fil A nuggets. As soon as I think about those trying to go down the want for these quickly passes. So far I am very pleased I have made this decision!
  11. uni2424

    A Week Away...

    I only told a select group of friends and family. Now that I am a week out I don't mind telling people I did it but I only shared with positive support people before the surgery.
  12. uni2424

    March 2015 Sleevers

    I had mine done Wednesday. Pretty much same experience as you. I am going to try to stay off pain meds today and do a lot of walking. I have a headache today. I am sipping on Protein shake. I got one down yesterday trying for two today. I got a little broth down yesterday also. sleep has not been good but I got 5 hours straight last night. I have to take very small sips of anything I am drinking because it feels like it gets stuck. I am assuming it is where he repaired my hiatal hernia so hopefully that will pass.
  13. I had a very small bag with clothes which was elastic pants, tank top and pajama jacket. Brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, chapstick, phone and charger. Also, brought small bill cash in case my husband wanted something out of vending machines. Had a pillow in the car to go home the bumps were not near as bad as the turns in the car.
  14. I wanted to share my experience for those who are going soon! My surgery was 4:00 pm I was dying of thirst at that point. I was number 7 of 8 that day. Texas General was awesome and all the staff was nice and helpful. The nurse would always brings pain meds immediately and after taking meds any pain would leave quickly. When the doctor got in there, he had to repair an hiatal hernia which he reported was very bad so the surgery took 2 hours as opposed to one. I felt sorry for number 8! After surgery I was in recovery room for one hour-I don't remember any of this! When they got me to room they gave me pain and nausea meds. I had an awful time waking up so I was not up and walking as fast as they like. I dozed in and out the rest of the night and waked in between. I was surprised to not hear any of the other patients walking, I think I heard one do it the whole time I was there. I walked at least once an hour and did the blowing thing every hour. This was probably the hardest thing to do, my lungs felt so weak. I was discharged at 2:00, since we had a 3 hour drive to get home the nurse gave me pain and nausea meds right before we left. I have managed to get a lot of Water and ice chips down but nothing else. Everything hurts when it hits my stomach which doctor said was because of the hiatal hernia repair. I am home now with Tylenol III, Zofran and a pain pump that is sewn in just under the skin, it numbs my stomach and incision sites so I have not had any pain there. All my pain has been water hitting my stomach and my lungs after I do the blowing. felt bad for the lady next door to me because vomited non-stop. Apparently, she did not do well with the anesthesia. Does anyone have any question for me?
  15. I tried to get in the bed but I sleep on my side which was not going to happen and it takes a lot of stomach muscles to get out of bed. The recliner I can rock and slide out of. I am feeling much better today so I am going to try my bed tonight.
  16. Ya'll can do it! I was much better today. I got out of the house briefly and showered which was great! I got one Protein shake down, took most of the day but I did it. I will try to do 2 tomorrow.
  17. No I have no regrets. This pain is just temporary and only about a 5 at the end of my medicine. I did have to sleep in recliner at home but that is ok. You can do it! Are you using Texas General?
  18. Not at all! My husband is eating around me it is not bothering me. It is going to take some work to get a Protein shake down because I have 0 appetite.
  19. I was at the hospital 24 hours. The pain medication is a bulb in a fanny pack that I am wearing around my waist. As soon as the bulb of medicine is empty (probably about 2 more days) then I can remove myself. It makes my incision and stomach numb. I still have Tylenol III for pain. The hernia was a surprise it was not picked up on my EGD. I am going to try and get a Protein shake down today. It may take me all day to do it. I am getting up and walking every 1-2 hours and using my spirometer every hour.
  20. My surgery is tomorrow afternoon. I already received an array of prescriptions that were mailed to me so I would have them when I get home. I do not see an antibiotic. Do we take an antibiotic after surgery?
  21. So I am 6 days away from surgery. My pre-op diet is protein shakes, bouillon, jello, popsicles and 1 meal a day under 450 calories. I have tried every day to follow it but no way! I am having a protein shake for breakfast, Lean Cuisine or something I cooked for lunch and then I have a meal for dinner also high in protein. I was hungry and hungry people are mean! I am logging and keeping up with everything on my Fitbit and I have managed to compensate with activity! I have lost 8 pounds in the past week and cut out my Spark caffeine so I am pleased with that! I just hope my failure doesn't complicate my surgery! They really didn't seem to concerned with my preop diet since I had lost some weight and my BMI is "low"(42 is not low to me)!
  22. I meant longer than the bypass
  23. My doctor was so anti bypass, he said he had seen so many complications including 2 deaths. He was all about the Sleeve, saying they have been doing longer than the sleeve (for cancer patients)and no serious complications in patients that he has. He personally had the lap band and said he would never endorse that now over the sleeve!
  24. uni2424

    Good Apps?

    @ Veronica Page, I am using the FitBit also. What scale did you get?
  25. It was a little hard but not near as hard as I expected, the 2 day caffeine withdraw headache finally went away which helps. I know the weekend will be harder when I am less busy. 13 days to go............I think I can, I think I can!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
