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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by NewMary83

  1. Hey everyone! So I haven't posted much recently. Mostly because things have been going amazing!! Aug 19th will mark six months since my surgery and I am down 95lbs as of today!! I could not be happier. With that said though I have noticed a few things in the last month that I was not prepared to feel. Sure I was prepared for the loose skin, and sadness over no soda, and no sweets ect. I was even prepared for the what if complications.... What I did not see coming that has started hitting me like a Mach truck is the emotional issues. I know I have lost almost 100lbs, my new clothing I have recently bought no longer fit, but... I don't feel that different. I never did feel that fat or ugly. I quite liked myself truly. Now however when I see photos come up in my time hop or in memories on Facebook they are forever ruined for me! I cringe and want to cry that I was seriously THAT large!! How did I ever let that happen? I felt pretty on some of these occasions, desired even. Now when I see the photos I have to look away. I joke that they bypassed my stomach... But the surgeon can't fix my brain... And I never meant that more than in the last month. I know if this is my only problem I am doing great. Anyone else suffer from deep shame and disgust when dredging up memories from the past?!? It's becoming a thing for me. Truly what astonishes me the most is that I just didn't realize! Anyways just some early morning rantings. I'm going to enclose some before and after pics specifically one from four years ago of my best friend and I... And then again just a couple weeks ago. It's truly shocking to me! post-244114-14388551153869_thumb.jpg post-244114-14388551304901_thumb.jpg post-244114-14388551622611_thumb.jpg

  2. This happened to me as well! I had gastric bypass feb 19 and on June 25 I had to have my gallbladder removed. It was sucky because unlike the bypass... This was unplanned. I had no time to prepare. But I had the surgery on Thursday went home on Friday and that Sunday I was still able to throw my daughters bday party... You couldn't even tell I had surgery days before!! Apparently gallbladder removal is common in bariatric surgery patients. My room mate was about my age and was having the same surgery and she had the sleeve done last year. Good luck!! This is a cake walk!

  3. Hi steph! Thanks for doing another challenge!! I didn't make goal on the last one :( hopefully I will have better luck for this one! In any case I love the accountability! Especially now that I am losing weight at a much slower rate... And sometimes I feel like the scale doesn't move at ALL! But then I can tell myself each Monday in a little lighter so it's moving... Even if it is a turtle speeds! Lol anyways starting weight for this challenge is 241 and goal is 220! Thank you!!!

  4. I love mine!! I swear by it since my surgery. If you let go of the concept of it being actual Pasta, I think it is quite enjoyable! I have made many dishes from puttanesca, regular red sauce, a cilantro lime sauce, pesto.... All of which came out delish! I am able to eat a good amount without feeling that over stuffed feeling or vomiting. It's so simple, and light! Pinterest is a fabulous site for finding recipes!

  5. Hi all! My weight today is 269.2! Funny story... My scale is super sensitive so if even a dust ball is under it, it throws your weight off, so I step on my scale and read 265.8 I was like omg yes!!!! But realized this had to be too good to be true so I picked it up and dusted under it and then reality hit lol! Oh well! Still it's some progress! Congrats everyone on your progress so far! :)

  6. Oh man!! These stories are not making me feel any better lol!! I seriously never want to relive that day again!! The hospital gave me a bottle of magnesium citrate and it worked so fast and good, I am thinking of buying several bottles of that and taking it every couple of days.

    @@della street I actually was hoping not to have to go to the hospital. I knew something needed to be done because I could feel the stool pressing in my rectum, I had drank milk of mag and new stool was coming out around the compacted stool, totally painful and uncomfortable. I thought I may need a suppository but I'm a major baby so I called my gynecologists office and asked if they could help me, they suggested going to the er. I was so upset they wouldn't help me but I went! Thankfully I did because after an X-ray it was determined I had a hard 7cm stool! It was awful!!! I hope you get some relief soon and don't have to go to the ER!!

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