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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by twiggyinhiding

  1. twiggyinhiding

    just banded and still HUNGRY

    check with ur dr ...i was on clear liquids and was not allowed protein drinks...in checking with my dr .... I WAS STARVING... he suggested egg drop soup....and it did the trick...i could even have the egg whites that were in it because there's so little....call and ask.... gl
  2. twiggyinhiding

    Need Fiber! Help!

    i get my fiber from raisin bran cereal..i'm not yet filled... i go on jan 8th....at first i was avoiding all carbs...not a good idea...made my stomach ill...so i added the raisin bran as a snack or a meal...it helps! and i stay full on it for quite a while..gl
  3. twiggyinhiding

    My Hair Loss Solution...

    i have posted on this subject before....myself..my mother and sister have rediculously thinning hair also! ... i am the only banded person...and only 5 weeks out...so its thin by genetics.... after seeking the help of a dermatologist..he suggested..rogain for women....and it's helped....all 3 of us...so give it a try... i am not allowed protein shakes...and i've not been filled yet so i'm sure i'm getting all my protein..(along with other stuff) in just fine for now....but ... after 3 months with the rogain ..the dr said as well as my hairdresser..that they see hair buds... which is new growth!! wonderful..anyway..we all get the walmart brand and its just as good.....gl to everyone.... and honey you look great with that buzz cut and the wig... YOU GO GIRL!!!
  4. twiggyinhiding

    Ladies......I need help with the girls!

    i have a problem with front closure bra's...my girls look like a big tube of boobs in them lol.....but i'd love something to get rid of the dents in my shoulders...god they need a break!!
  5. twiggyinhiding

    Am I Eating Too Much?

    when i was 2 weeks post op on clear liquids...what saved me was egg drop soup..try it.... it was on my list and i still have it for lunch....i can finish way more now...when i started out it was less to fill me up...now i can drink a cup of it to a cup and a half... if thats on ur list ..try it...seems like ur getting some takey outey too lol gl!
  6. twiggyinhiding

    What Am I Missing? Why 2 oz.?

    according to my dr ..he didnt expect me ..after moving to solids ..to eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food yet...he said that comes with fills...he told me if i have to eat 4 eggs do it..do whatever it takes to make you full....sometimes i can eat 3 scrambled eggs... but i'm still not filled yet.... since you dont have fills... ( i was told) ur food is going straight through if you chew it well...its not staying in the pouch yet...sometimes i feel meat stays with me...other th ings....go smoothly down... so gl gl ... call ur dr and ask questions.... you can do this...its hard.... i know ...but you'll be proud of urself.
  7. twiggyinhiding

    Am I Eating Too Much?

    i'm 5 weeks out.....i never ever after banding could have any liquid calories...no protein drinks no slim fast... at first i could only eat about 1 oz if i was lucky...of the broth...i was on clear broth for 2 weeks... mushies for one week then ...the doc said..eat whatever i want in moderation....eat till i was satisfied.... and it's helped...i havent weighed myself since my 2 week visit ...i go back jan 8 for my first fill...however......i am starving at times!!!! and the holidays ..ugh...i ate good.....i still feel like i'm losing though.... So ..heads up ...if a greedy gus like me can do it , you can to. it'll pass ..then you can eat 3 normal meals ...with a snack if you wanna.... now i eat normal food....i do choose to take bread out.....or rice...or potato.... but they are on my list ..i can have them.... so it'll get better i promise!!!! gl gl you have to grieve your' friend food.... i know i did and still do!
  8. I am one month out and now that i'm on regular foods... i dont like to eat things that are too heavy..sometimes at night i'd prefer cereal and milk... tonight i did raisin brand... 1 cup with 1/2 cup fat free milk....like the box suggests, not the usual 3 bowls of sugary sweet stuff i used to eat...and i felt satisfied...what i'm wondering is...what are some other cereal choices you all have tried..... i'm on a mission to eat good....but need a little help with the healthy!! thanks anyone who can respond.... Happy New Year!!
  9. twiggyinhiding

    Lap Band Friendly Fast Food

    our local subway only charges .50 a scoop for the tuna....i go get like 3-4 scoops and its awsome..fast ...and mushy!! not yet filled but it works for me....they will add veggies to it for you if you like...i get peppers and onion..yumm...great breath for kissing hubby!!? lol :eyebrows:
  10. twiggyinhiding

    Husband says I am addictedt to lapbandtalk!

    same here...love LBT....i dont know how i'd have made it these 5 weeks since banding without it....all my questions are answered here...there's always someone who's been there and done that...thanks everyone!! I LOVE IT HERE!! :ranger:
  11. twiggyinhiding

    Ladies......I need help with the girls!

    girl i know just what ur talking about... i dont like the playtex as they give me that nice double D pine cone ti**y look ...SEXY lol...i wanted to agree with the just my size ...they are at walmart and very comfy..and since ur still losing... not alot to spend ...hoping we'll all need new ones every couple of months!! gl ... keep them girls comfy!! :hippie:
  12. twiggyinhiding

    A fool for my tool...

    i have my first fill also on the 8th southerngal..gl to you... i will admit ..i'm a piggy..today is new years day and last night at a party i had too much shrimp dip ..and crab dip...but...my breakfast and lunch yesterday were reasonable...so i dont feel guilty... what i chose to do today is serve my plate in a saucer...and guess what...i'm satisfied... what a way to start the year...realizing that i can be "satisfied" with a lil food....instead of OVERSTUFFED with alot... i had cabbage and peas and a small piece of ham...and i'm happy.... maybe later i'll have a small piece of cake for a treat...but its not one day at a time...i realized.. ITS ONE MEAL AT A TIME... and my fat head needs to get in the game... i'm making these choices as good as i can till i get that fill...or those fills that will give me restriction..... i will not be on another diet!! my dr said.. NO DIETS... eat protein..then veggies..then carbs....thats the rule.... and man...it works!! and when i get restricted i wont have room for the rest of the stuff...anyway..just my 2cents...gl everyone!!! gl with everything you try for the new year.... its our time!! :welldoneclap:FAREWELL FAT!!
  13. are lean cuisines and smart ones ...good choices for bandsters?
  14. twiggyinhiding

    Drinking before meals

    My surgeon said i can drink straight up to the meal....but wait the 60 minutes..so thats what i do..sometimes when i'm ready to eat i have a lil water are tea ..because i get so thirsty....then i eat with no drinks... and wait my hour.. gl!
  15. twiggyinhiding


    you and i have the same stats jill...11.28 for me too and 1/8 my first fill...its HARD..i'm hungry lol..gl to you
  16. twiggyinhiding

    Getting Stuck

    everyones different...i know someone who after her 3rd fill...jello gets stuck...yes ...JELLO.... i lol@ her ...everyones band will work with their individual bodies! gl all ...i for one cant wait till my first fill ...or 3rd from what i hear thats what it takes.... i just want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich lol
  17. twiggyinhiding

    Gaining before first fill :o(

    oops...dont be surprised if you do gain...DO NOT DONT!!
  18. twiggyinhiding

    Gaining before first fill :o(

    my dr also told me do not be surprised if you dont gain before you get fills....you were on clear liquids for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after...of course you'll lose......i'll tell you the advice he gave me and i'm trying it..if you want a hamburger and fries...take the bread off the burger...or keep the bread and dont eat fries....its a trade off now....if you want rice.... dont eat any potato....if you want something sweet...try something sugar free...like pu dding.. with free cool whip....GOOD! i do still eat alot of sf pops too..... but he told me himself...untill you start fills you have to really be careful...if you dont want to...you'll gain.....and thats ok too.... the band will work with fills....gl to you!! i have a 10cc ap band..and i was told i have nothing in it .... cant wait to get some juice!!! :hungry:
  19. O>K!... I am 4 weeks out tomorrow and still not sure what to eat...i'm following the dr's plan...but.... some things i dont get.... i can eat bread? its on my list but i feel guilty eating it...does anyone still eat bread and lose? ...I DONT WANT TO BE ON ATKINS!! what are some ideas of carbs i can add to my diet?? ...do you all eat grits...oatmeal? my brain is making me think no carbs no carbs... after my 2 week post visit...my dr said one week of mush then ....next week..anything you want but in moderation...no fruit..he said thats the #1 thing getting stuck in his new ap band patients.... please someone help .....ANYTHING YOU WANT?? i cant make myself do it...but how easy it would be to put the tuna i'm living on ....with some crackers? does anyone eat crackers?? ...i know i'm asking alot but i need help..support...something.... please tell me i dont have to be on atkins...i already feel a lil ill from avoiding carbs!!! i cant have protein drinks...no liquid calories.... says my dr.... but i need a few ideas...help anyone with ideas... thanks... :eek:
  20. twiggyinhiding

    Silly Question

    best of luck to you tomorrow tracey... .ONE MORE SLEEP as my kids said when they were little... i'd like to strut into my class reunion(high school) right in front the skinny B**ches i went to school with..and i hope they are all fat lol..terrible me....gl gl
  21. twiggyinhiding

    Peanut Butter Issue

    oh..i forgot to add.... I'M STARVING TOO!!! LOL .. i'm on regular foods but still getting hungry trying to keep it to 1 cup at a time and 4 hrs apart at least..... i cant wait to get filled!!!!!
  22. twiggyinhiding

    Peanut Butter Issue

    while i was on liquids... 2 weeks ago.... my dr suggested ..egg drop soup...try it...it has lil strings of eggs in it and it helps to make you feel full ...yet very gentle on the stomach....i wouldnt do the peanut butter... i'm 4 weeks and havent tried that yet...gl!
  23. twiggyinhiding

    Help!!! 4 Weeks Out And Questions...

    destined....i'm near Houma La...my dr is Dr David Rau... Love him!!! wonderful office and center...great nurses.....and ... if i have a problem i can call early in the am and get in that evening...he does appt's till late in the evening.... i havent had my first fill yet...i go jan 8th...but i feel like i'm going to blow up and gain my 20lbs back if i eat!! and i'm hungry and can eat alot....i can eat 3 eggs....the nurse at his office said thats fine..whatever it takes..... till you get filled then you start the weight loss and eating small amts.... thanks all for the advice....i'm sure i too will be a slow loser....i want moderation..reasonable....its just lately i feel my diet is in a little box....i need to expand more...thanks again!!
  24. twiggyinhiding

    Help!!! 4 Weeks Out And Questions...

    thanks...that makes me feel better...i'm from la...everythings with rice lol... however i havent been making those things... my hubby has lost 9 lbs!!!! he's skinny that turkey!!! ... anyway.... thanks for answering me... i'm lost right now...
  25. twiggyinhiding

    Help!!! 4 Weeks Out And Questions...

    i forgot to add my first fill is jan 8th...and i'm hungry ....thanks

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