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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CountryGirl5584

  1. My name is Jenn and I'm 30 years old. I'm 5'1" and I weigh 226lbs. I'm scheduled for the sleeve on Feb 9th at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, NJ. I wasn't always overweight, but I have been for about the past 10 years. When I started college it was easier to stop at fast food places in between classes than it was to go home and eat. I didn't think it would be a problem as I never really had a problem being overweight. WRONG! I didn't know that I had an underlying thyroid condition until I really started gaining. Once I got my thyroid levels under control I thought that it would be easy to take the weight off...WRONG again! The past few years have been the worst with my weight. I've tried WW, low carb, low fat, counting calories, meds, and I even went to the Center for Medical Weight Loss. I was always able to lose the weight, but I'd be killing myself in the process. I'd wake up really early to exercise and follow the diets and by the time work was over I was ready to crash. I felt like I had to work 10x as ha d to lose half the weight a normal person would lose. I started thinking about WLS and was going to get the band, but then my sister who is a nurse came to a seminar with me. She said that if she was going to do surgery she would do the sleeve. I began doing more research and decided this was best for me. I had my first consult on Dec 11th. I've done all my required things for ins and was approved on Jan 6th. I have to do pre-admission testing within the next week or two. I'm scheduled for Feb 9th and I can't wait to get my life back! I have the best support system. My mom is excited for me, my boyfriend although very nervous couldn't be more supportive, and people who I thought would be negative surprisingly weren't. That definitely made this wait til surgery even easier.
  2. CountryGirl5584

    two surgeons in the O.R?

    I will be having two surgeons in the room. Kinda puts my mind at ease. I will be having my surgery at Holy Name Medical Center in NJ
  3. CountryGirl5584

    where do you live?

    I lived in Hanau when I was little. Now living in North West NJ
  4. CountryGirl5584

    Super Supportive Parents

    That's awesome!!!! It's great to have family that supports you! I just purchased the Ninja
  5. CountryGirl5584

    Looking at Mexico

    Many people have gone to Mexico with great success. I'm so sorry that you were misinformed about your coverage. I deal with insurances on a daily basis and I can tell you that you can call 10 times about the same issue on same patient and get 10 different answers. A lot of the insurances outsource their customer service department and I believe that's where the problem lies. I hope that you can find a way to finance your surgery.
  6. CountryGirl5584

    Possible cancelation?

    Oh boo sorry to heR! I hope everything turns out ok for you. It could prob be something small like a bladder or yeast infection. Sending positive thoughts your way
  7. CountryGirl5584

    Menstrual cycle

    I've read in other posts that this is normal and it will get back on track. Your body has just been put through the ringer. I hope I don't have this issue though ugh
  8. CountryGirl5584

    Physique Competition

    Good luck!
  9. CountryGirl5584

    Protein Shakes!

    I'm going to be using Nectar Chocolate Truffle and Strawberry Mousse
  10. CountryGirl5584

    Losing so rapidly!

    Congrats!! I can't wait to have mine on Feb 9
  11. Plain old just feeling like crap and feeling like everyone's mocking me bc I'm overweight
  12. Plain old just feeling like crap and feeling like everyone's mocking me bc I'm overweight
  13. Plain old just feeling like crap and feeling like everyone's mocking me bc I'm overweight
  14. Plain old just feeling like crap and feeling like everyone's mocking me bc I'm overweight
  15. Im 5'1" with a BMI of 41.3. I have no kids and would definitely like to have some soon, but I know right now I have to worry about me. I also have hashimotos and am hypothyroid. I had asked at an informational seminar how the surgery could affect someone who doesn't have but wants kids. My surgeon said it will only make it easier for you when you're ready. Chances of having a big baby also go down. They said to wait 18 months post surgery to try and get pregnant.
  16. CountryGirl5584

    Ah! Penny! Why?!?!?(My 600 lb life)

    She pissed me off to the max
  17. CountryGirl5584

    Just getting started...need advice

    How many VSG has he done? Plus what the other women said
  18. CountryGirl5584

    My Journey in Video

    You're an inspiration!!! Thanks!!!!
  19. CountryGirl5584

    how long did your insurance approval take?

    Mine took about 2 weeks with BCBS NJ
  20. CountryGirl5584


    Has anyone used coconut oil?
  21. CountryGirl5584

    O-Band centers or Verbukh medical center

    I'll pray that you don't get any bills as you have been severely mistreated
  22. CountryGirl5584

    Farewell Tour

    I thought I would go on eating binges, but so far I really havent

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
