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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by alese-inFL

  1. I never cared for fresh salmon but do love smoked salmon....my husband bakes salmon all the time so I tried it and was pleasantly surprised. I, also, like canned salmon so the taste isn't that far off. My husband is the cook around here and since I don't like to cook, it is fine with me. My cooking is good, however.....he does make some foods that are not on my diet but smell so good! LOL....I am having a very difficult time with night grazing....I do use a float weight belt to keep me upward and walk in the deep end...this summer has been so rainy and stormy more than usual. A Tstorm just went thru here now...Oh My Goodness, you just had a hurricane go thru your area....did you fair well with that? Not terribly the worst cat. but still can do alot of damage especially your area was on the "dirty side" east side from the Gulf....

    Maybe we should email one another but I do not know where to find the personals so that it would be private or we could go to the "Chat site"...would you like that? What do you think?


  2. Hi...it does appear to be harder now after 3 yrs of our success....I was told from the beginning when consulting for surgery, that we would be on a diet the rest of our lives but during the wt loss time, I felt if the stomach stays this small forever, I would be fine but NO, it must stretch abit...I have to drink fluids all the time (preferred water-64 oz) but am busy and don't finish the full 3L...when I drinking lots of fluids I urinate quite abit and feel that helps lose weight....plus it is important for my organ txp that I do follow those rules so am always working hard at that.

    It is nice to know someone from FL. My one son lives in Orlando and my other son lives in Coral Spgs, FL with their families and grandsons! In fact, that was my first goal was to be thin when my gsons grew up to know me as thin....I accomplished that and must re-focus on that goal again along with being healthy....

    Tell me what you are doing to lose wt.- what are you eating? ...I love the Premier Protein shakes and do drink one in the morning....How is your husband doing with his wt loss? Struggling with temptation as well or strong and behaving himself? Smiling...


  3. Hi Loopylulu...thank you for your response to my post. It has been so long that I have been away from this forum that I forgot what to do and couldn't figure out how to reply to you...Anyhow, DUH...I had to Log In....

    Good question you have. I read in your bio that appears we had our sleeve around the same time but mine was in late July and our weight and BMI very similar....My final weight loss was to 126 lbs but for my age that was too skinny and I had too many wrinkles...my jean size was 6....now I have gained more weight than I wanted and just slipped out of my size 8 jeans to a size 10!! This must stop so I am happy I received your post bcz I need to jump start and get back on the bandwagon. I weigh now 144 lbs, though it is a good weight I prefer to be around 135 lbs. Not alot of weight to lose but if I continue this will be a real problem. I am 5'4" though I was 5'7"l...

    Tell me about you??? How are YOU doing? AND, where in FL do you live?...I am in SE FL outside of Fort Lauderdale...

    My best, alese

  4. Hi Friends,

    Shannon, your totally correct. I taped the Penny and Tara Where they are Now and I thought for sure, there would be an announcement that Penny died. Is her surgery to reduce the stomach not working? or that not enuf stomach was made smaller? I forgot which surgery she had. Too bad she isn't on this site reading the comments about her. Her hubby had to go to the grocery for her and had trouble pushing her around for Halloween, the very holiday/candy she DIDN'T need to fill herself up!!

    She is aggravating and frustrating and the doctor said he would do it again for her if she complied. Some people go into a slump/depression when they are heavy but not Penny....she does have a mind of her own. Too bad...the ball is in her court now.

    TTYL alese

  5. Thank you Carrie but I only drink one Protein shake a day since I've reached my goal and the amount of Protein drops down after quite a few months on the program.

    I am always afraid to try new flavors for fear of what you experienced. I am certain of chocolate and even then I've tasted some poor tasting choc. flavors.

    Go to this website/blog http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ This gal loves to cook and updates all kinds of recipes to be eaten on this program. She goes by the name of Eggface. I bet she would have some good ideas on how to utilize your different flavored samples of protein...

    Good luck, alese

  6. Thank you, Bittersweet, for your feedback...I suppose I use a large font for myself, LOL, so I can read my own words. I will try to refrain from using the larger font and blue color.

    I, might add, I am truly visually impaired or legally blind due to the damage from diabetes called Diabetic Retinopathy. I can't even drive anymore as I failed the driver's vision exam. Just explaining why I do what I do when writing on the computer. Also, in the chat room, the text can't be adjusted so that is really difficult to read.

    May I suggest your going to an Opthalmologist as that doctor is a M.D. (Medical Doctor) vs an optometrist who gives you a cursory exam and sells you glasses. Which may be alll you need but good to have a doctor rule out any visual issues.

    Good Luck and thank you for your feedback.


  7. Hi Sleevers...

    I would love to chat with "new friends" in the chat room. It is a great place to meet new people and discuss anything....LIVE.

    I used to go to the Nutrisystem chat room where I've met forever friends struggling with wt loss. Though I didn't succeed with much wt loss on NS I did meet some really nice people and looked forward to seeing them again almost daily.

    I wish this chat room could become another friendly place for newbies with pre-surg and post surg questions and suggestions...I have reached my goal but still love new ideas and advice. EVERYONE IS WELCOME !

    Hope to see YOU in the chat room. The chat room can be found under the heading "Patients" at the top where the Forums, Resources, WLS Magazine, Photos are located. Click on Patients and a window will drop down with a list of different areas of interest with "chat room" on it.

    Talk to you later in the CHAT ROOM !!!!!!!!!!!


  8. I am confused too! I did tape it today as there is a marathon of the shows on now 1/7/2015. Now that I am at my goal, maybe I can detect a clue!

    I know, I have compared the eating habits of a 600 lb person and a 130 lb person with results that at the time of my heaviest, I did consume more than a 130 #er so if I weighed 600+ # that is a tremendous amount of food. I've always said, that a person who can weigh over 500+# have a propensity to weigh that much. I don't think I could ever have weighed that much ever though my pre-surg wt was 235# and that was Bad Enough! I don't want to suggest that anyone can gain that much wt.

    Hugs, alese

  9. Hi Lauren...

    It is Syntrax nectar Sweets. Go to www.syntrax.com I did buy mine at the Vitamin Shoppe in Pompano Beach, FL, however, I think it is carried all over. Not only that, you might mention where you live when you write to them and see if they have distributors in your area. The powder is a whey Protein Isolate, that my surgeon nutritionist said is what to buy not the concentrate....at least at the beginning of your wt loss. Also, look that product up on google as well.

    You should be able to find the product either by online or in your area. I may have paid approx $50.00 for a 32 oz (2 lb) size. Hopefully there are many flavors you might like. I like chocolate myself.

    Hugs, alese

  10. Hi Jeniker...

    600-Lb Life begins Wednesday, 1/7/2015 with the First Episode and Season. It is on TLC (The Learning Channel) which is cable. Chk your listings. There is also a marathon of the shows on this same day with "Penny episode" on at 4 pm EST. The first episode is called " My 600 lb Life: Where are they Now!" at 9 PM est. I tape the shows so I don't have to listen to the commercials.

    I agree with everyone that on these shows, it is another learning tool of what Not To DO. Also, Penny's story I am not certain about as she had the sleeve, I believe (forgot now) but her new stomach is smaller so what happened with that? No way could I eat anything much at the very beginning! or even now over yr post sleeve.

    Good luck to you.

    Hugs, alese

  11. Hi Alyce and Desi..

    TY for your responses to my post. Alyce, love the spelling of your name! Is it pronounced like mine as in alese=aleve but with an S ?

    Desi...Never tried my shakes with ice as my mouth seems sensitive to cold, however, it is a great idea especially if ice cubes are crushed which gives it more texture and thicker. Will take longer to drink !!! Good reminder, I think I will try it.

    BTW...are you suggesting a Protein ice as in a separate form? or is it with ice cubes that are broken up to small pieces?

    Good luck on your journeys...

    Hugs, alese

  12. I love Premier Protein shakes. chocolate. 30 gms Protein, 160 calories, 5 gm carb and low fat or 25 calories to this 11 fl oz of fabulous drink. Go to premierprotein.com or Facebook.< /span>

    When losing the wt I drank Syntrax nectar whey Protein Isolate in chocolate truffle flavor. I would use the Magic Bullet and poured 2% milk for my drink....Love it but am lazy and prefer to open the Premier Protein and drink that just once a day, now, as I am a 1.5 yrs out.

    Good luck and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  13. My suggestion is to enjoy your Journey! You could never please anyone anyway. Those who will think you did the wrong thing and those who think you did the right. Those who will envy you and vice versa...At the END of your successful journey you will notice how those same people will be so HAPPY and PROUD of you and wish they could have done it along with you.

    Don't listen to the nay sayers....Your the VIP in your journey. Don't stress, just know your going to be the WINNER at the end. Once, you reach your goal and at maintenance, the losing part is the fun and easy part....maintaining the wt loss is where the nay sayers will be ready to pounce. Always keep in mind who you are doing this for---YOU !!!!

    HUGS, alese

  14. CONGRATS Erica....

    Your doing so well. I am alittle over 1.5 yrs and have reached my goal....Sometimes I am lower than my goal but with so many bones showing :) I try now to keep my weight at the 130-135 range...I go down to 125 occasionally. I am 5'4.5" and actually love being that thin!!

    Keep up the good job!

    Happy and Healthy NEW YEAR!

    alese or alese-inFL

  15. Hello....

    My name is Alese...I live in sunny southeast Florida outside of Fort Lauderdale. I am actually 71 yo now and at my goal of 130 lbs.

    I did go down to 125 lbs and was very happy there but my husband, family and friends thought I was too thin. I love hearing those words-"too thin". I do fluctuate between 130-135 lbs with a BMI in the "normal" range. Hallaluyah! I am also 5'4.5" but not always at that height. With osteoporosis I dropped from 5'7" to what I am now. Aging is the PITS! :(

    I started out at 235 lbs before seeing my gastric surgeon, Dr. Michael Perez in Fort Lauderdale. At the time I was seriously considering WLS-I only knew of two procedures. The gastric by-pass and the band. I had a pancreas-kidney transplant 11 yrs before due to Kidney failure from Diabetes...I was on dialysis for alittle over one year and a half so I knew the gastric by-pass was not for me due to the absorption issue of my anti-rejection medications. I was resolved to have the lapband. I had my first appt. with my surgeon who introduced me to the 'sleeve' that it was the procedure for me. My insurance (Medicare) had not heard of the sleeve, at least in Florida so actually only had to wait a couple of months before the sleeve made its way down to FL and was approved within a week or so by Medicare.

    On July 30, 2013, I had the surgery, no issues....then I found I couldn't get the large vitamins/minerals down, hardly was hungry and the biggest problem for me was the 'water' intake b/c as a transplant, Water is vital.....I was dehydrated alot and had to have IV fluids sometimes for 7-10 days and would gain 10 lbs off the bat! YIKES! Frustrating....After about 7 months and showing great weight loss I was able to drink more water but still had bouts of dehydration but not as often....

    I am 1.5 yrs post transplant and feel wonderful. My health issues that were damaged from the complications of diabetes are still with me, but I DO NOT have diabetes, am not on insulin nor dialysis, naturally from the txp. However, I do still have severe back pain that may have lessened (but not enough for me!) :) I am visually impaired and had to give up my career as a Realtor and cannot pass a driver's sight exam! So am dependent on my husband...

    In Summary: The sleeve is the best procedure out there, for me! I would suggest it to anyone who is not certain which procedure to go through. The band has some side issues that were not good for my new organs as it could 'come loose', float around and worse. I used the website Obesity Help when I was questioning which procedure to use--the band people exploded with why I should not have that one..as mentioned above. I am happy for their advice and I know I did the right procedure.

    I am new to this site and am happy I found you.

    Take care and Be Well.

    alese or alese-inFL


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