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Everything posted by Maincat

  1. Maincat

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Chrissy4, That's the postcode lottery for you. Our PCT has taken obesity seriously whilst others don't. It's a decision for them to make whether or not to fund obesity surgery. I find it difficult that the NHS in London, a world city, can't find the will to fund this highly preventitive and cost effective surgery. If Derby has the money to do it, so does London.
  2. Maincat

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I'm sorry to hear that it's two years. For me it was six months, and now the waiting list is three months.
  3. Maincat

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thank you for your kind words. I had it done on the NHS with a six month waiting list. That waiting list is now three months. I wouldn't have considered having it done anywhere else, mainly because I didn't have to. If circumstances were different and I went private, then I would have stayed in the UK. I do speak French and German, so going to Europe wouldn't have been a problem, just don't see the need for it.
  4. Maincat

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Check this thread out. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f85/want-go-abroad-band-check-out-78092/
  5. Maincat


    Hi there, Well done on getting your band - on my birthday too - and I hope it all goes well for you. You are starting out on a really exciting journey which can transform your life. Stay positve and go for it!
  6. It is totally normal to be nervous and nothing to be ashamed about. You are going into the unknown and that's not nice. But, let me try to reassure you, everything will be fine and you won't even remember the surgery in the future. You will experience discomfort and pain. That said, it doesn't last long and is easily managed. Everyone's experience is different. For myself, I had discomfort for a few days. No wind/gas problems. You are about to start a wonderful journey, full of excitement and achievements. Try to stay positive and focussed on the future life you are giving yourself. Keep a diary/photos/spreadsheet of your weightloss. Give yourself the time to lose the weight. I gave myself a year. Most of all, enjoy it!
  7. Hi, Well I was out on my bike the other day and had to stop at some traffic lights. Two lads coming the other way shouted 'You can do it Granddad!'. I replied that I was trying, really trying. Then I thought, they see me as as Granddad, and yet my weight loss means I look years younger (according to my DW). I'm not ready to be a Granddad at 51. I only feel 23!! Holy smoke, how old must I have looked when I carried 303 pounds?? Could it have been my grey hair?
  8. Maincat

    Banded 1/10/08 an excited

    Well done and I hope all goes well for you in your weight loss journey. You really can look forward now as you say.
  9. Maincat

    Just Banded at Derby

    Hello Ally, Glad to hear your operation went well. Yes, Prof. Larvin is a great man. Now you can look forward to your weight loss journey really beginning. I felt sore for a few days after my operation, but it soon goes. Just try to be patient. You may find that you lose quite a bit of weight quickly, but that slows down. Did you meet the wonderful Kay Cresswell and Lisa Rickers during your stay? They have been so much help to me during my weight loss.
  10. Maincat

    Nymphs Weight Loss To Date

    Lost 131 pounds, 43% bodyweight, BMI 23.3.
  11. Maincat

    I lost an elephant's Penis!

    I'm up to a newborn giraffe. The giraffe has better knees than me too.
  12. I was banded 14 November 2007. I have had one fill and am at 5.5ml in a 10ml band. I reached target in September. I've set myself another loose target of 161 pounds.
  13. Maincat

    Acckk!! A week away!

    You all are about to start the weight loss journey that will transform your lives. Of course you're nervous and excited - that's natural. The future holds so much change for you, not only in terms of the physical weight loss, but also in a general sense of greater well being. Always stay positive, even when it would be easier to get down. You will have ups and downs, times when you question your decision to have the band, and times of great excitement when you realise the changes that are happening. Enjoy the ride, stay disciplined and focussed and be patient. Give a reasonable time scale to lose the weight. Best of luck with your operations and weight loss.
  14. Hi, You have to be realistic and patient. I gave myself a year to get to target and came in just under that. I also found the journey very enjoyable, with NSVs littered along the way to keep me motivated. Sure, sometimes I just had to grind it out when it came to exercise, but it's a price worth paying. Stay positive, look for the good aspects of your great weight loss so far and just go for it!
  15. That's a bizarre state of affairs. Sure, losing weight has a cosmetic factor, but it is surely outweighed by the general health benefits and preventative aspects. Katie, try the Reductil. I did and it did nothing for me. But, I had to be seen as trying it before surgery was an option.
  16. Maincat

    I'd like to help someone

    Hi Vickie, Thanks for your post. You have made a great start to your weight loss journey. You should feel more restriction after your fill - good luck with that. I've only had one fill and that was about five months after the first operation. I needed a second operation as my port and tubing were faulty and needed replacement. As for what I eat, I have a pretty set regime. Always eat breakfast, which is either oats or muesli. That is never missed. lunch is usually soup of some type. dinner is what everyone else eats, just a lot less of it. I don't eat bread, fried foods, sweets etc. I also don't drink fizzy drinks at all, just tea, coffee, Water and sugar free squash. I eat bananas and apples after lunch and dinner. I really never feel hungry. I used to eat mountains of food, but now it's Portion Control and I'm used to it. I don't really calorie count, but I suspect I come in at around 1500 a day. I also exercise every day - conditioning for about 15 minutes and then cardio - cycling or exercise bike - for about an hour. You should do well with your gym and trainer. I really love the exercise. I'm sure that your journey will be a good one, just be patient and continue to work at it. Stay positive, even during those difficult days when the weight refuses to budge. You can do this!!
  17. Maincat

    I'd like to help someone

    Hi Sherry, Sorry to hear that you have had problems with your band. The reason I had a second operation was that when Fluid that was injected into my band at the first fill went into my chest cavity as the tube and port were faulty. I had a new tube and port fitted and all was well again. I had the operation on our NHS, which means that it was free at the point of delivery, paid for in our taxes. Why do you feel hungry? Is that head hunger? Are you eating Breakfast? My routine is breakfast, usually oats or muesli, then lunch, usually Soup. The main meal is the same as everyone else, just less of it. I eat plenty of fruit. No supper. I also drink lots of Water and sugar free squash, no fizzy drinks. What I do eat is quality food, no rubbish. For me the most important factors are breakfast and Portion Control. I never feel hungry. I have a 10ml band which is filled to 5.5ml. I also exercise every day. Usually that is a bit of conditioning work and about 45 minutes of cardio (cycling). I love the exercise. I'm sure the weight will start to move again for you. Try to stay positive and enjoy the process.
  18. Maincat

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    That's really great. Many congratulations for your tremendous achievement. I don't remember doing anything remarkable when I passed the 100 mark - just got a big hug from my wife, that was all I wanted. I'm now at 130 pounds lost and feeling great. Really well done.
  19. Ally, Good luck for Friday, I'm sure everything will be OK for you. Because I had sleep apneoa, I had to stay in hospital for two nights for my first operation. I stayed in overnight for my second. I think Derby likes to keep you in at least overnight to monitor your post op progress. To be honest with you, I'd sooner have that than come home the same day. You are about to start a wonderful journey and it's natural to be nervous - I certainly was. It's also exciting. Let us know how you get on and we'll be think of you on Friday.
  20. Maincat

    Reached your personal goal???

    I reached my goal weight on September 24th, 47 weeks since pre-op. I've set myself a new goal, just for the fun of it, to get to around 160-162 pounds. No big deal, just want to see if I can do it. Congratulations to everyone who has made their goal weight. I have a great sense of achievement now, although on the day I made goal I had a sense of anti-climax.
  21. Maincat

    Holy Shiat!

    That's brilliant - well done. You have to feel proud of that!
  22. Maincat


    I use Firefox with Adblock Plus. No adverts at all. Perfect.
  23. Maincat

    Op 1st Oct, Excited & Nervous.......

    Didn't know Pepsi Max is sugar free - my mistake. Steve, not to be drunk if fuzzy. Thanks Vixon.
  24. Maincat

    I'm Saying Goodbye...

    Good luck with your operation Maranda. You are about to take a giant step towards the new you and it's an exciting, positive time. Thinking of you tomorrow.

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