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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Maincat

  1. Maincat

    What happened to your face?

    The changes in my face are perhaps the most dramatic of my weight loss. I expected to lose the belly, but the face changes took me by surprise. I'm told I look years younger, happier and healthier. Check out my signature - what do you think?
  2. Maincat

    N.S.V = size 16 jeans!!!!!!

    That's brilliant Ann. Well done. You see, success isn't just a number on a scale, it's all those NSVs that come along as well. Just flaunt it now!!
  3. Maincat

    dont know what to do?

    Hi Ann, I guess the grapevine works really well. This is big news to some people you have told and they could't keep it to themselves. If you ask your friend who told her, she may feel under some sort of pressure. I wouldn't bother. Don't get upset by it. For my part, everyone who knows me has seen me lose weight over the last year and has asked how I did it, so I told them. No big deal. They know what I went though before I had the band - diets, pills etc. - and they know they weren't successful for me. They're just happy for me and very supportive. If you felt that you should not tell your family that's your choice, but I guess that it's almost impossible to keep something like this quiet for any length of time. If I were you I'd tell everybody and if they have a problem with it, well that's their problem, not yours.
  4. Hi all, I have 5.5 cc in my band and it is perfect - the real sweet spot. I used to have 4.5cc in, and the extra 1cc made all the difference.
  5. Maincat

    Getting motivated....

    Kick in the pants time. You should look to change your lifestyle, not just what you eat. That includes exercise. Sometimes, I don't feel like exercising, but I just grind it out, because I want to get fitter bad enough. How much do you want it? How determined are you? How much support do you get from your family and friends? Don't see exercise as a chore, but part of your normal activity. It's fun, and as you get better at it, the more fun it is. How much are you doing? Start small and slowly build up. I started with a minute a day. Look to NSVs to reinforce your progress. It's remarkable how much effect doing up your belt one more notch can have on your confidence. Come on, you can do this. Every minute you do is money in the bank.
  6. Just thought you would like to know that I'll be on BBC Radio Nottingham on Wednesday 5 November at 9.30am to talk about my weight loss. Tune in if you can.
  7. Maincat

    Booked Op

    Hi, First of all, welcome to the forum and I hope that your operation goes well for you. As for pre-op, I had to go on a liquid diet for two weeks before the operation. This wasn't as bad as it may sound, as I love soup! Also, spend the time getting as much information as you can about the procedure and how it works. Get your support network in place if that's possible - family, friends etc. Life is going to be very different and change can be stressful. Really though, be happy with your decision, excited about the future and prepare as well as you can.
  8. Maincat


    Yep, I'm on Facebook. Name is Steve Milward, Rainworth Nottinghamshire. I used to be a teacher and some of my pupils keep in touch this way. I've only really used it for two days!
  9. Maincat

    Gonna' Do It!

    Hi there Slim, Welcome to the forum. You'll get lots of support here and answers to any questions that you may have from people that have had different experiences of the band. You're bound to be a bit apprehensive - change can be stressful. But you are both about to go on a great weight loss journey. I think it's great that both of you are together on this. The pre-op diet was no problem to me. It needed doing so it was done. Simple as that. I remember having lots of different Soups, which was great. It's a year today since my pre-op. Perhaps you would like to give more information about yourself? Where are you, ages, that sort of thing.
  10. Maincat

    Hello! brand new here

    OK, only 6000 miles away. It's a small world:lol: Before you go to the GP, get organised with information and questions. Write down all the diets that you mentioned earlier. Any other weight loss moves you've made - eg weight loss tablets. Co-morbidities that you have - very important. Diet issues - do you keep a food diary? Weight records over a period of time are useful. I am a NHS patient here in the UK, meaning I didn't have to satisfy the requirements of an insurance company, just of my local Trust. I understand that your insurance companies require all sorts of information before they agree to pay for the operation. Be very thorough. Sorry I won't be able to help you with specific issues regarding insurance approval as I don't have experience of that. Anything else though, just ask away.
  11. Maincat

    Hello! brand new here

    Hello Harli, Welcome to the forum. You will meet a lot of people here who are keen to support and advise you. There are sometimes problems with the lapband as there are with any procedure, but they are minimised by good education, preparation and post op care. Have you talked to your GP about the band? Can you tell us where you are please?
  12. Maincat

    Nymphs Weight Loss To Date

    Today is 52 weeks since pre-op. Latest weight loss is: 63.9kgs/140.58 pounds/10.04 stones. BMI: 22.1 Body weight lost: 46.3% Feeling good, two pounds to go to revised target.
  13. Maincat

    Is My GP getting my hopes up

    Mine was no problem. BMI 41.2, no diabetic condition. Band on NHS. We all know it's a lottery. Some PCTs will do it, some won't. I was lucky. The ones that don't offer the operation after you meet the requirements need exposing. They think they're saving money, but in the long run they aren't.
  14. Maincat

    Surgery TODAY!

    Good luck with your operation. It's the start of an exciting time for you and I'm sure that everything will be fine. Let us know how you get on.
  15. Dr Ahmed did my second operation. Very good guy, very calm and professional. Didn't know that about bypass. Thought they had started them. Still, it represents an expansion in their services that will appeal to some people when it comes. I'm glad that I had the band and would do it again, even if the bypass had been offered. Certainly my general health has improved as I've lost the weight - blood pressure, sleep apneoa, aching joints. A huge reason to justify the weight loss surgery in itself.
  16. Maincat

    new girl on the block

    At my first fill, it was discovered that the tube between port and band had become detached. I had a second operation to replace the tube and port (which was resited). One night stay in hospital, very straightforward.
  17. My goals have changed over time. First one was to get to BMI 24.9. Then it was 80kgs. Now I want to get to 161 pounds. Can't really explain why they've changed, they just have. I think that the reason may be that I gave myself a year to lose the weight, so I'll fill a year up and see where it takes me. I just hope to maintain that weight when I get there.
  18. Maincat

    Banded 9-9-08

    I remember the pain! It was bad for about two weeks after the operation, then went quite quickly. You don't have to put up with pain. See your doctor for pain relief, especially if it affects your sleep, which of course is vital for your body to repair.
  19. Maincat

    new girl on the block

    Hi Anniegirl, It's never too late to start a new life. Just go for it, work hard at your weight loss and look forward to an exciting future. Good luck on your journey.
  20. You are doing fantastically. We all plateau, at times when you least expect it. That's the nature of the beast. We are doing all the right things so keep it up. I'm certain that your mental health is closely aligned with your physical health. That being said, sure your emotions can play a part in weight loss. You will experience more plateaus on your weight loss journey. That's a gimme. Try to remain positive throughout, even though that's difficult at times. Make your exercise sustainable. In other words, can you do it when the weather is against you? Just go for it and look forward to a fantastic new life.
  21. Maincat

    Hello from liverpool uk

    Hi Linda, Welcome to the forum. You'll find lots of people here to give you advice and support. It's hard to say whether or not your band is working properly, as really only you can judge if the restriction is there. However, there is lots you can do. Are you exercising regularly? What about portion control? Can you give a few more details - how much fill have you got in what size band? How much weight do you want to lose? Sorry about the number of questions, just trying to help. Some people, myself included, only needed one fill to get good restriction. Some others need more fills. Try not to be disappointed, but keep a positive outlook, even in the tough times. It's not easy I know, but it does help.
  22. Just thought you would like to know that the next two support group meetings are on October 29th and November 26th, starting at 7.00pm at Devonshire House, Derby Royal Infirmary. Good chance to ask questions of the team and meet others who have either had the band operation or are preparing for it.
  23. Maincat

    At hom dvds or videos

    Hi, I use old 'Mr Motivator' videos. The exercises are about 15 minutes each and are great fun. Just Google it for information and use eBay. I also got my exercise bike on eBay for next to no money. Brilliant!
  24. Best of luck to both of you for your operations. It's a really exciting time for you and the future can be very positive. Thinking of you on Wednesday.

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