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Everything posted by Maincat

  1. Maincat

    reached my goal (swimming)

    That's great Ann - you must be so pleased. Really well done. The trick now is to sustain that level. Now I'm in weight maintenance instead of weight loss, my exercise has changed to every other day instead of every day. I'm maintaining very well and it's sustainable. Try to find a way to sustain your swimming and make your exercise a natural part of your week. I'm sure you will.
  2. That's great and I hope it puts your mind at rest. You're bound to be nervous about this operation as so much is at stake for you. You probably has invested so much hope that this is the answer and turning point in your weight loss journey. It makes perfect sense for you to be anxious about it. So you might as well look to the positive aspects of the operation. When you've got over the procedure itself, you'll be on the road to more confidence, greater energy and a happier life. That's got to be worth thinking about and to Celebrate. Smile, then smile again. There's a whole new life ahead for you with your wonderful family.
  3. If I were you I'd give them a call to find out. Explain that you need your husband to be with you when you go down. They should be able to help you. I guess it depends on where you are on the operation list. I know that my wife and daughter were with me when I got ready for my operation as it was visiting time. As it was, I sent them away because I was getting too nervous! I'm sure you'll be fine.
  4. Great your pre-op went so well. I had to go in the morning and my operation was about 3.30pm. The waiting on the ward is tough, so take an iPod/book etc. I think your husband will be shown the door soon after you get there. It might be worth checking what the visiting hours are on the ward. We'll all be thinking of you when you go for your operation. Good luck with it, I'm sure it will go well for you.
  5. Maincat

    Band date 31st Jan 2009 Shaw Somers Chichester

    That very kind of you to say. Thank you very much. Take care and don't forget there's always support for you on these forums.
  6. Maincat

    This is my story

    I'm very sorry to hear of your story, but frankly I'm not surprised by it. The only responsibility private health companies have is to their shareholders. Like any business. Contracts, legal opinions, really what place should they have in terms of a person's quality of life? £150 for a fill?? It took my nurse about 20 seconds to do mine. If I were you I'd go to the TV program Watchdog, on any BBC local radio station and tell your story. I bet you'd get your situation sorted out for free then. Sue them!
  7. Maincat

    My Weight Loss Journey - Work In Progress

    Here are some of my weight loss images, from the early days to the present. What I can't show you is how I felt at the time.
  8. You don't have to go to the gym to exercise. I've done all my post op exercise at home with little equipment. Try some of the exercise videos - I use them for about 15 minutes a day. I also have an exercise bike and an outdoor bike for when the weather gets better. You can do this! I don't think that you're lazy, just not motivated as much as you'd like. Exercise gives you energy. Start off with a minute a day like I did. Before you know it, you're doing regular exercise in an enjoyable fun way.
  9. Maincat


    That's really great Ann - well done and keep it up.
  10. Maincat

    Band date 31st Jan 2009 Shaw Somers Chichester

    First of all, good luck with your operation. That represents the start of an exciting weight loss journey that will transform the quality of your life. It's natural to have doubts/reservations about WLS. Everyone asks questions before they decide to have the surgery. I certainly did. Then I realised that unless I had the surgery, my life was going downhill fast with no hope of happiness in sight. You are not alone in having these feeling prior to surgery. As for will power, you will need plenty of it after your operation. The band, by itself, will not lose the weight for you. It requires work and effort on your part to succeed. As it's so often said, the band is a tool. It still requires will power to make the necessary lifestyle changes that you will need to make in order to lose the weight. Portion control, exercise, not cheating... these are tests of your will power. If you believe that your weight loss is of such great focus in this part of your life, then you'll do it. Support is vital. Family, friends, this forum, there's always someone to support you. Give yourself a reasonable length of time to lose the weight. I gave myself a year. You will have ups and downs, but overall more victories than defeats. Make your weight loss journey something to Celebrate and be proud of and don't beat yourself up. So prepare yourself for the new you. Be confident in yourself to lose weight and enjoy the journey.
  11. So sorry to hear that you've been unwell. I've got away with it until now and I hope my luck holds! You've got to eat. Soup sounds good to me in that you can manage it. Why not give Kay Cresswell at Derby a ring and ask her? I'll PM you with the number. Hope you feel a lot better soon.
  12. Maincat

    Body Issues Help!

    You are certainly not alone. I too have the image of a fat person entrenched in my mind, even when I look in the mirror. I can't rationally explain it, as everything suggests I have lost the weight - 30" waist instead of 44", 147 pounds lost etc etc. I am though getting better at seeing the thin person, after constant reinforcement from my family. I'm not there yet, but it's coming. So you're not going bonkers! It may just take a little time and self belief.
  13. Maincat

    NHS aftercare..??

    NHS Direct give information about health issues as well as advice about illnesses. Try them. At least go to the website. You probably didn't get referred by your doctor as you didn't meet the criteria for NHS funding. Am I correct? If so, I doubt that you would get NHS funding for fills. At least that would be my guess. You won't know until you ask them. I had NHS funding as I met the criteria and was lucky in that my PCT supported me.
  14. Maincat

    NHS aftercare..??

    Ask the NHS on 0845 4647 NHS Direct at NHS Direct - We're Here Whenever You Need Health Advice & Information
  15. Maincat

    anyone reach goal yet?

    I reached my goal weight back in September, but have continued to lose weight. I'm now in a maintenance phase, which has taken some getting used to. I'm loving the new found freedoms in my life and the ability to do what I want to without having to think negative thoughts about my body. The aim now is to stay fit and healthy - no more sleep apneoa, high blood pressure and general lack of motivation.
  16. Maincat

    shrinking liver

    My advice is to go with the diet as supplied by Derby. I have a memory of going on a liquid diet, but perhaps I was wrong. I certainly went on a liquid diet after the operation.
  17. I was sore for a few days after the operation. Getting out of bed was a chore, but then the soreness went and all was fine. Expect to feel a bit tired for a while. The aches and pains are soon forgotten. Prof Larvin is a great man. You're in good hands there.
  18. Maincat

    shrinking liver

    It may be a new diet, but I wouldn't have thought so. If I were you I'd give them a ring or email on Monday to ask them. They are very friendly. Give Kay Cresswell a ring - she's the wonderful bariatric nurse. I'll PM her number to you.
  19. Maincat

    shrinking liver

    Hi Debbie, I had my operation at Derby too. I followed the pre-op diet (mine was a liquid diet) for two weeks and everything was fine. You don't know if your liver has shrunk - just follow the diet that Derby has given you and all should be fine. There's a thread for people who have had their operations at Derby at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f85/who-banded-derby-city-hospital-69940/ You've made a great start with your weight loss and exercise - well done.
  20. My second operation was to replace the tube between port and band and resite the port. The tube had become detached from the port. I didn't have a fill for about six months after my band was fitted, but you usually know in advance if you're going to get a fill. I didn't count calories at all, or carefully measure my portions. I just took about a third the amount I used to have and I eat very slowly. That's a good thing to do. Just take your time eating. The food tastes much better when you eat slowly.
  21. Maincat

    NHS Referral - What happens next ??

    I ate Soups for the four weeks. If you vary them, and make home made ones, they can be interesting even after four weeks. I didn't have jelly, but I guess you can have it. Before my fill I could eat alot if that was my choice, but it wasn't. You don't have to wait for the fill to get a grip on portion control. You will soon begin to feel the benefits of portion control. The fill itself didn't hurt me at all. It's just an injection into the port and if you have someone experienced and skillful doing it, it's a breeze.
  22. Maincat

    whats everybody reading?

    I'm reading 'Russia Under The Old Regime' by Richard Pipes. I like to read political history.
  23. Do you eat Breakfast? I have oats for breakfast - they are great as they release their energy slowly and see me right through to lunch without problem. I can also recommend bananas for that in-between meals snack.

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