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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by toastedink

  1. toastedink

    Keen Olfactory Senses Post Surgery

    Oh man. I could smell my coworkers breath something awful yesterday. I felt bad because I kept holding my breath when he talked to me. Here's hoping he didn't notice. Lol
  2. My tastes for things have changed. But I also can't do certain smells. There was a woman next to me eating Doritos and they were terrible. Cigarette smoke has gotten to be too much. I've gone out and had to leave early because the smokiness in the venue makes me gag. Is anyone else having these issues?
  3. toastedink

    Keen Olfactory Senses Post Surgery

    I hope it will die down for me as well. But yeah, I can smell everything
  4. I am super excited about my "new life". So far I'm 12 lbs down. And hello everyone!
  5. Well, I have to say things are going well for me. I went to the doctor for my 6 week follow up and he told me I'm right on track. I also go to my PCP on Friday. I'm fortunate because both my primary and endocrinologist were super supportive of me having surgery which I'm learning isn't always the case.
  6. toastedink

    Surgery scheduled with second thoughts

    I had nervous thoughts about my DS, but I didn't have second thoughts. I think if you are really apprehensive, talk to the doctor about having it the way you want it... And if you still feel iffy.. Don't have the surgery. It is your body. Do (or don't do) the surgery that's right for you.
  7. toastedink

    Life post op DS

    Ya know, I had loose stools in the beginning but not anymore. And I don't regret this decision. I am 30 lbs down and I feel amazing. As far as food is concerned I pack Protein in all the time. For instance, I just went out to lunch with a friend and I had salmon sashimi. Salmon is the fattier fish so that works out better for me.
  8. toastedink

    Approaching surgery, have questions.

    Oh please do! And definitely keep me in the loop on your progress as well!! 28 lbs down as of today.
  9. toastedink

    Advice from the experts please? :-)

    Your reasons are why I chose the DS as my surgery. It's your body. Tell him you want the DS. I would also go over your reasons with him. Show him you have done your research. I also have Cigna. And they approved me no problem. But I would call them and discuss it. And make sure you note the times and who you spoke with.
  10. toastedink

    Scheduling soon

    I had a Psych evaluation too. Some of the questions were hilarious. My fav was "Do you think you're fat because you are short?" I had to ask the woman what that even meant. Oh and they also made me take a gambling addiction test.
  11. toastedink

    Approaching surgery, have questions.

    Hello! I'm doing really well. I did have a mishap New Year's Day. I had a fever due to a respiratory infection. This also probably had to do with me running around without a hat or a warmer coat on and completely brushing off the fact I had major surgery which makes me susceptible to everything. So don't go doing that. Lol. I was okay after a couple of days with the help of Theraflu. I'm entering the soft foods phase tomorrow and I am so flipping excited!! And I'm 21 lbs down
  12. toastedink

    Preparing for Surgery

    Welcome and congratulations!! I was scared too, but it really was better than I expected. One thing though: Don't go feeling so great that you forget that you had major surgery like I did. I was feeling so good I went out with some friends for a couple of hours at week 2 after surgery.... I got an upper respiratory infection and a fever.
  13. toastedink

    Just had DS surgery 12/29

    Congrats to you!!
  14. I've gotten rather creative. I'm having mashed potatoes (thinned with lactaid), green Beans, carrots and shallots (both blended with vegetable broth) and blended salmon... For desert I have blended sweet potato that I'm going to put on white chocolate pudding with cinnamon. And I'm excited about it ????
  15. toastedink

    Approaching surgery, have questions.

    Question ohclementine, will your surgery be laparoscopic? Mine was so I was only in the hospital for 2 days.
  16. My fav Protein now is nectar. It's 23g of protein but you only need 8oz of water/milk. So I could drink it in less time. I also like Jay Robb Proteins as well. The orangesicle is pretty good. Both taste like desert. And nectar is sugar free. I went to the Vitamin shoppe and bought about 10 different protein samples. So I'm test running all of them.
  17. toastedink

    Approaching surgery, have questions.

    I decided on the DS because I need to loose 150 lbs (my original weight was 293). I didn't want to have sleeve surgery and then turn around and have the DS done later if I started creeping back up. I want to be done with being overweight once and for all. . One of my close friends has also had it done with amazing results. It has been at least 5 years since her procedure and she is doing great. She currently lives out of the country as well and hasn't had issues. Also, the DS isn't as "radical" to me as people make it out to be. I been on high protein/fat/low carb plans before with much success. Now I'm eating this way permanently, so no biggie. As far as the Vitamins, big deal. I take those anyway and would have been taking them for the rest of my life anyway. Being fat though, that's going to cause WAY more problems in the long run.
  18. toastedink

    Approaching surgery, have questions.

    It's only been 8 days for me. But at least I can tell you about the pain. For me it was like recovering from the worst ab workout ever. I was sore. But I was up and moving. I'll put it to you like this: I had foot surgery this past July. It hurt worse than the DS. As far as food, just plan. And don't be afraid to experiment with blended things. Blended green Beans with vegetable broth is pretty good. So are carrots. Grits are awesome. I had an incident this morning. I threw up my Breakfast but it was my own fault because the cream of wheat I made was too thick. So definitely make sure you thin everything down. Oh and take those Vitamins.
  19. I wish someone would come up with protein water. Why can't that exist.
  20. I like isopure, the fruity drink ones anyway. I've never tried the powder. I've been also drinking Crytosport whey isolate as well.
  21. I am not getting in my liquids yet but I'm working to it. I am now up to 50 oz of Water. It's weird because My old routine was 150 oz a day but obviously I can't handle it now. The Protein is hard too. So I've been trying to switch it up a bit with the more fruity tasting clear "juice" style wheys and the powder wheys.
  22. Merry Christmas to you too! And fingers crossed for you. I was worried as well but the stars aligned for me. I'm sure they will align for you.
  23. I know I'm super late with this (I just signed up to this forum) but have you thought about the Nuvaring? This was my birth control before my surgery and I loved it. Low dose of hormones and not any weight gain.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
