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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FindingSassy

  1. FindingSassy

    Not fun

    Jess - I had my surgery on January 8th, I've lost 20 pounds and now i'm stalled. We can't let the scale rule our lives, it's not fair to us. This morning I put on a pair of pants that used to be perfectly snug and now i can pull them two inches away from my belly. At least I now know I'm losing inches which makes me feel so much better. I'm not getting all my Protein in because I'm getting sick after most of my meals. Stick with the plan and it will work. Think positive. This is still a new tool for you to use.
  2. FindingSassy


    Wishing you and your surgeon the best!
  3. Sorry, not able to change the title from pre op to post op... I had gastric bypass surgery on January 8, 2015 I had my first post op appointment with my surgeon this afternoon. My Dr may be good but he has terrible bedside manner. He was asking questions that he should have already know the answers too and he waived off my concerns as if they were nothing. Asking questions on bariatric pal is so much easier and I get better answers. So, here goes... 1. I'm throwing up at least once a day after my meal. is that normal? 2. How am i supposed to track my Protein when I'm throwing it up? These were my big questions and he basically shrugged them off and said i'd be fine in a few weeks. I don't think this is normal at all, do you??
  4. FindingSassy

    First Pre Op Appointment, Dr blew me off

    So far so good with milk, no problems. The P.A. is calling me this afternoon and we'll see what happens.
  5. FindingSassy

    Sick when I eat!

    Sounds like we could be bopsie twins. I'm getting sick during and after my meals at least once a day. I too am sick of being sick. I asked my surgeon about it yesterday and he said it would go away in a few weeks. I'm almost three weeks post op myself, my surgery was on Jan 8, 2015. It's hard on our bodies getting sick like this. I can eat food on one day and be fine but I try to eat it again the next day and my body decides it doesn't like it and spits it out. It doesn't matter what food it is for me either. The Protein shake are starting to make me sick too, they aren't the greatest and are getting old real quick. I'm trying not to complain too much about it but still. I throw up enough when I have my migraines, I don't need to do it for this too. Fingers crossed it's only for a few more weeks and then my body will settle down and be happy again. We did go thru major surgery, let's not forget that. Our bodies need time to adjust to what the surgery did. Sounds like I'm giving myself a pep talk too :-) Good luck to you!!
  6. FindingSassy

    First Pre Op Appointment, Dr blew me off

    My screw up, I meant post op, sorry about that. The Dr. thought throwing up was normal yet his nurses thought otherwise. Either way it sounds like it is somewhat normal from what I'm hearing here. It still doesn't help when I'm trying to get protein in my body and my body spits it out. Only once since surgery have I gotten all my protein in and kept it down. It's just a little frustrating knowing that I've eaten my protein, only to throw it up, and not knowing how to account for it. How much of what I ate counts towards protein if I'm throwing it up.
  7. FindingSassy

    Should I or shouldn't I ?

    Only you can make this decision. I had my surgery January 8th and planned going back to work three days later. That didn't happen but each day gets a little easier. My biggest problem is that I tire easily, too easily. Your boss seems to have faith in you and you're taking two or three weeks off to heal. Don't turn it down because you are afraid of not being 100%, take it because you know you can do it. Good luck!
  8. FindingSassy

    Activity tracker

    I have the fitbit flex as well and love it. I constantly forget to put it to sleep or wake it up. Even so, it tracks everything else i need. I have a bunch of colors of the bands and they were all ugly, in my opinion. i found a necklace that has a little pouch for it on the back side and no one can see it. The necklace looks great and works better for me than the band. love the flex.
  9. FindingSassy

    Weight gain...

    What the heck? I had gastric bypass on jan 8th and have lost 10 pounds already. When I got on the scale this morning I'd gained 2 pounds. Nothing I ate yesterday stayed in my system, I tossed my cookies each time I ate. How do you gain when you're tossing you're cookies! I don't get it.
  10. FindingSassy

    Need more protein

    Excellent, thanks guys. I'll buy some tomorrow and start using it.
  11. FindingSassy

    Need more protein

    I'm a Week and a half post op not getting the protein I need. Does anyone have suggestions on how to add a large amount of protein to my diet?
  12. FindingSassy

    Weight gain...

    That sounds very possible as long as I can keep down the things I'm eating.
  13. Apparently my hunger pains were real and not totally in my head. I talked to one of the nurses at my surgeons office about my issue and was informed that i could eat more than Clear liquids only, which is what I thought I was supposed to be doing.Mashed potatoes, Soup, fruit juice and more. I felt so much better after i Heard that. I ran out of the office and up to the Chinese place wanting soup. My first choice was egg flower but they only had wonton soup and it was yummy. Honestly i had one little wonton and trashed the rest, the soup settled great in my tummy and I was happy. After work, my roommate and I hit mothers market. So many fruit samples, my favorite was red grapefruit, I think I had four samples.when I got home I was looking forward to soup and fruit for dinner, my body completely disagreed with my selection. I started feeling not so great and was kicking myself for my choices. I was having sharp chest pains and my food wasn't staying all the way down. I think it was a combination of eating too much too fast. The watermelon I was eating wasn't sitting well at all. There's no easy way to say it but I threw up and felt so much better. I was in bed the rest of the night and felt crappy enough this morning that I stayed home. I've always been the last one to leave the dinner table because I eat so darn slow and in this case still, not slow enough. For everyone... take your time eating and drinking and think what you are doing to your body. When you treat your body like crap for so long it's going to take a bit for your brain to relearn what's best for it.
  14. FindingSassy

    I'm so thirsty...

    Thanks for all the ideas ladies. I spoke with my Drs office and was informed i could drink more than the 1oz every 30 minutes and was told about the Popsicles as well. Im feeling much better now. even though i was following the directions i was given, it was time to add more to my menu. who knew hearing i could eat soup and mashed potatoes would be so exciting.
  15. FindingSassy

    I'm so thirsty...

    I can't get enough to drink to keep me happy. I'm constantly thirsty. I have plenty to drink during the day but I'm still thirsty. I don't want to over drink and cause problems but I'm so thirsty and it's causing my thirst problem. Any ideas???
  16. FindingSassy

    How long before you returned to work?

    A little ways back I was the first one to reply to this post. I did have my surgery a week ago today. I had it on a Thursday and took Friday off and expected to go back to this last Monday. Monday and Tuesday came and went, i was home both days. I finally went back to work on Wednesday, i didn't think it would be so bad. Think again, I'm home today. I was completely exhausted by mid afternoon and wanted to go home but didn't. One of my housemates works with me and I didn't want to be a putz and leave her there without a ride home. It was one very exhausting day and too much for me. I'm feeling better now. if I had this whole week off plus the Thursday and Friday I had off last week, i'd be much better prepared. Take you time(if you have it). Our bodies need to heal and rushing it doesn't help.You will know when you are ready.
  17. FindingSassy

    Hunger Pains

    I had my surgery last Thursday and I'm home recovering. I've been making a few business calls and with the t.v. on, I'm dying over here. Every other commercial is FOOD. I'm not a super huge fan of Sonic, I've been there once. They keep advertising this french toast breakfast sandwich that looks amazing. I know I'm not the only one that gets these phantom hunger pains, i"m still on liquids for heavens sake. My tummy won't stop growling now. Any advice, other than turn the t.v. off??
  18. FindingSassy

    I'm so thirsty...

    I'm drinking at least 6-16oz bottles of water
  19. FindingSassy

    Pre Op

    You've got a deal!
  20. FindingSassy

    Pre Op

    I'm all checked in and patiently waiting for my 9am gastric bypass surgery
  21. FindingSassy

    Hunger Pains

    Great ideas ladies. Tomorrow I will stockpile on your suggestions, they all sound delicious. I wish I didn't feel hungry since I wasn't expecting too. I'm holding everything down just fine, so far.
  22. FindingSassy

    Pain pain pain

    If you are having that much pain and have asked your Dr for help and got no results, jump in the car and go to the e.r. This was a major surgery and you have every right to know what's going on with your body. I had my surgery last Thursday, pain wasn't to terrible, thank goodness but once I got home my right hand swelled up the size of a softball. My nurse friends told me it looked infected and to get back to the hospital. I had my I.v. In that hand and knew something wasn't right with it when I left the hospital, I asked what to do with it and my nurse told me it was normal and not to worry about it. The swelled hand was so painful, even without touching it, my hand hurt worse than the surgery. Long story short, I had a blood clot in my hand. You are your own best advocate. If you think something is wrong, do something about it. Don't wait for it to get worse, get to the e.r. And have them do the tests. You will be much happier and settled when you know what the pain is from and how to handle it.
  23. I'm definitely a girl that likes flavor in her food. Nothing extravagant, maybe a hint of lime or butter or olive oil. There's nothing worse, in regards to food, than something with zero flavor. I don't want my food tasting like it came out of a school cafeteria. I'm only a few days out from surgery but the last four weeks of Protein shakes, liquids and Clear Liquids have taken a toll on my taste buds. No more more Jello, cranberry juice or tea, for today anyway:-) I have tonight's spin on chicken broth simmering on the stove as I write this. I pulled out my pot, heated it up and put just enough butter in to coat the pan - no more than 1/2 pad of butter. I added 1/2 tsp of olive oil and fresh garlic, large cilantro leaves, thyme, little garlic salt and salt and pepper to taste. I also added lime juice, to my liking of course. It has super yummy flavor and can't wait till it's ready. Hopefully this will be my first posted recipe that's a hit!
  24. FindingSassy

    Pre Op

    Anaxila, we do sound like bopsie twins, don't we? Was your surgery 2 days before or after mine? If were this close we should be good buddies during this process. Check out my blog and maybe we can connect somewhere other than this forum. Www.Findingsassy.com is my blog.at this point it's just a great online diary about the the before during and after gastric bypass. I took all my pre op pictures and post op, of course. Hope to see you there!

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