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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lucy0911

  1. I had my surgery in January. I am pretty much to goal. I will have my consultation for skin removal in a few months. So here's the thing. Maybe this sounds strange, maybe not. I get dizzy. I understand that part of it. However, in addition to that, whenever I pick something up, my puppy and gallon of milk, anything that weighs anything, my legs feel funny and I get warm from the waist down. I get weak and have to sit. I am doing well with my Vitamins. I could probably use a bit more Protein but is there something else i should be adding to my diet? Has this happened to anyone else or am I just a freak. lol....Thanks much vets....appreciate it.

  2. So I am a nurse by education. I had my sleeve January 20, 2015. No real problems to speak of since. I am at work yesterday and I get asked to help with a simple procedure to put in a central line on a patient. For those of you that don't know, this is a line that is inserted into the artery of the neck when an IV can't be established. I have done this thousands of times. it was roughly 4 in the afternoon when this happened. My office (because i am not typically a floor nurse any longer) is blasted cold. I had a scrub on with a long sleeve shirt underneath. I live in WI and it's colder now so this isn't strang anyway. The room I was in was 74 degrees during the procedure. I had my latest drink of Fluid at around 3 pm. In the middle of the procedure, I asked the other nurse to come over by me and that's all i remember. She said i mumbled something about a light and then proceeded to hit the ground. I had passed out...but not only that. I seized.....twice.....they flipping called a rapid response on me. I probably freaked out the patient. I had the surgeon yelling into the hallway for help....what a fuss......All I can attribute this too is that we must loose electrolytes much faster than normal. I guess I didn't get that in the summer becasue I always had a drink with me. So yeah...i have to go back to work now and face all these people....how embarrasing....lol

  3. For the first time in so many years that I can't remember, I wore a swimming suit. Took my kids to Wisconsin Dells and I actually participated. It was kind of cool because first off, I never would have considered going prior to my surgery...secondly...there are weight restrictions on some of the Water slides and I was well within the restriction limit...and yes...they have a scale at the end of the line and if you think you can sneak past, you cannot...there were quite a few making the walk of shame back down the line...not me.......felt........amazing!!!! (and my suit is sooo cute)

  4. So the past few weeks have been super busy so i haven't checked it as often as i should. That being said...i missed posting my entrance into one-derland. I am now well into it and feeling great...but doesn't that just lead to other issues...lol...For the first time in years....i would like to fully enjoy summer. That being said...wondering what you all lthink of wraps? Has anyone done them. I can get four of them for about $60 I think and I am wondering if anyone has used them? If so did it help with the loose skin on arms and thighs? It would be great to wear a tank top or pretty halter this summer.

  5. Give it one more try. I find that somethings my body just doesn't like any longer but you have to try twice to be sure.....I am positive I cannot eat ground beef or shredded pork any longer. Gave them each a try twice before putting it on the no list. Could have been funky egg salad or your body may have decided no more egg salad for you..

  6. If that is how you really feel then you have already been defeated. I understand depression but attitude is key. Excersize will release the endorphins in your brain that combat depression as well plus it will kick start the weight loss even more. Walk of that's what you can do but walk quickly if you can. See a counselor. Get your mess adjusted. You say you are trying to stay positive and you may think you are but to say you are fighting a losing battle just emphasizes that you you aren't truly being positive because your heart and soul aren't in it. What do you have to lose at this point. Give in and give it a try. Tell yourself every morning how amazing you are and how great of a day is going to be. When you hear or feel the negative start to creep in. ..stop it. .even yell at it out loud. ...and to combat the missing food part...chew your liquids and soft foods. Not kidding. Your brain misses that. I know it's silly but it works. the brain will recognize the chewing. . Associate it with eating and be satisfied with that. Good luck. . It is all up to you. No amount of positive thoughts we send your way will help unless you are willing to go there with us.

    Attitude is everything.

    Change your thoughts and you can change your world!

    --Norman Vincent Peale

    I'm afraid I don't believe that! Considering I have been fighting a losing battle for years of think more positive and I wud b more positive!

    If that is how you really feel then you have already been defeated. I understand depression but attitude is key. Excersize will release the endorphins in your brain that combat depression as well plus it will kick start the weight loss even more. Walk if that's what you can do but walk quickly if you can. See a counselor. Get your meds adjusted. You say you are trying to stay positive and you may think you are but to say you are fighting a losing battle just emphasizes that you you aren't truly being positive because your heart and soul aren't in it. What do you have to lose at this point. Give in and give it a try. Tell yourself every morning how amazing you are and how great of a day is going to be. When you hear or feel the negative start to creep in. ..stop it. .even yell at it out loud. ...and to combat the missing food part...chew your liquids and soft foods. Not kidding. Your brain misses that. I know it's silly but it works. the brain will recognize the chewing. . Associate it with eating and be satisfied with that. Good luck. . It is all up to you. No amount of positive thoughts we send your way will help unless you are willing to go there with us.

    Corrected my typos....sorry

  7. I haven't been able to consistently tolerate my Vitamins so I am totally expecting my labs to bite this month but I am still shopping for the right ones to take that don't revisit me if you know what I mean...lol.....I also have no idea how to get all the Protein in that I have to, even with the unflavored Protein powder added to stuff. I am just doing the best that I can and I figure as long as I am doing that, I can't be angry with myself.

  8. I am so glad that you are on the right track to health. Everyone's surgery and experience is different. I had a horrible post op and could have easily ended up depressed so I applaud you for recognizing and overcoming. The scale will have it's moments when it doesn't want to move and that's ok. My doctor has told me to worry less about the scale and more about how my clothes fit and how I feel so don't get disappointed at all if the scale doesn't move or moves a bit slower at times. One thing that may help and you may already be doing this is to switch up your routine from time to time. I know when i hit the gym I did the same things over and over again and your body needs some variety so try something new every once in a while. Keep your muscles guessing. Congrats again and good luck. Have a blessed day!

  9. Well I am back to the doctor this morning for my 6 week check up. Things to report....after some tips I have figured out how to take my Vitamins without puking and I am sick of tuna and chicken. Today my doctor will tell me I can add fruits and veggies to my diet. I am sooooo excited. I bought some powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury unflavored Protein Powder and i am so looking forward to making Soups and smoothies. I like meat, don't get me wrong but beef and I since surgery have not been friends and I am slowly learning to like fish but chicken and tuna have been able to keep best not only in the fridge but in my gut. I have lots of questions for the dietitian. LIke seriously...i was told I could have black bean Soup but have you seen the carb count...even in the organic, so yeah...carb counts confuse me. Need clarification as to where I must stay. Anyway. Looking forward to cooking actual recipes and being able to eat a bit of everything. Feeling good. Loving my closet..(btw...most of my clothes rented from gywinnee bee- just saying) and rocking my smaller size jeans which now need a belt as well. Have a blessed weekend everyone. My daughter talked me into putting a picture of me on FB (yes i take a ton of other people but never post my own photo so it is entirely possible that at some point i may actually put up a profile picture there and here maybe :D ...lol

  10. Ok....looking for hints. I am taking Celebrate Bariatric Vitamins. I am trying to get them all in but it's 13 pills a day and I am trying to find the right order to keep me from vomiting. It seems to be the Calcium I think that is making it horrible. They have a very "cleanser" type of smell that goes along with them. Any of you out there have any types/tips you would like to share on Vitamin taking? Because I know all surgeons can be different, my surgeon has me taking

    B12 three times weekly

    Vitamin D daily

    B complex with thiamine daily

    Calcium with D three times daily (thats 6 pills a day)

    Mulitvitamin (3 pills a day)

    the last is just my omeprazole which i may or may not keep taking--will find out friday.


  11. So.....I have a Christmas dinner for my husbands work this Saturday night. I was counting on Gywinee Bee to send some pants but they didn't (which was a good thing turns out) and I checked Good Will...no luck. Well Old Navy is having a jeans sale. I figured I guess I could try. So I go in and grab two pairs of pants. On that is a size smaller than I usually wear and one a few sizes smaller. I figure I will try the smaller ones on first and get the depression over with (what I am used to when I shop) but oh no...not this time. I put on, looked awesome and felt great in a pair of jeans 4 sizes smaller than i usually wear. First time in years I didn't mind shopping. Yeah me!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
