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LaLa Lady

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LaLa Lady

  1. Congratulations on your VSG surgery, it sounds like you are feeling okay so far, which is great. Being nine months out from my sleeve I've learned it's a bit like the weather, if you don't like it don't worry, it will change! I remember thinking as you did and all of a sudden it changed, I wasn't hungry all the time. Although it wasn't right away it will, you are still in the healing process so focus on that. As far as head hunger, we are all human living in a foodie world so you will experience it. The thing that helps me Is to remind myself it is okay to be hungry, not as in starving but to recognize fullness really isn't normal, we are just use to feeling that way. You'll get it, patience. Good Luck.

  2. Hi all, I haven't updated in awhile so I thought my recent 6 month check was a good time. I am 65 pounds down and am feeling great. I have 40 or so pounds to go so I am more than half way there even though I have been losing slowly. My meds have been cut in half and I have recently started a Pilates class. No Hair loss so far and no complications so...I am happy. I hope everyone is doing well also, we all have our highs and lows but I am so glad I made the decision to live the sleeved life!

  3. Agree, Portion Control is easy early on with the sleeve, don't know how that works later on down the road. My experience is that carbs really slow the process down, at least this is my experience. I am a slower loser anyway so I avoid them most of the time. I had a sweet tooth before surgery but am glad to say I really don't miss them much, I do occasionally have a dessert if I am out but a few bites and I am good. Certainly follow your program but it's very individual as to how you choose to eat. I try to always remember why I did this to start with and I really do not want to have to experience of being overweight again or have any of the health complications that come with obesity. Good luck.

  4. Wow that's a great one! Congrats. I had an unexpected NSV this past weekend when my brother and sister-in-law told me my voice and the way I talk was even different since weight loss. I was surprised and asked what they meant and they said there was more pep in my voice and less breathiness when I spoke. Didn't expect that but I'll take it!

  5. Exercise does not have to be joining a gym. Just move, walk, run, swim, use a home tread mill, hike, walk the dog (if you don't own one the Rescue is full of dogs needing walking) or anything else you might incorporate into a daily routine. I agree with the others, the only one that needs to approve of your looks is you and how you feel about yourself will project to others. Good luck you seem like your on track to a healthier you!

  6. I just had my three month check and was told I'm right on track at a 45 pound loss. I eat small amounts but I can eat most everything now. I always get my Protein and Fluid in but need to work on getting into an exercise routine. I recently have seen a few people that I haven't seen since surgery and they instantly noticed the weight loss! It's good to hear since I know I'm losing but I don't always realize how much it shows to others. Most people are complimentary and that's it but a few do go on longer than necessary which can be awkward.

    It sounds like we are all at different places but all headed in the right direction...healthy!

  7. I also have a sleeve of steel, there is very little that bothers me at three months out. My restriction is what limits my eatting. I am rarely hungry and have had to get used to wasting food! It is awkward in restaurants at times but I always say it was great I'm just full. As far as straws I was allowed to begin using them after the first month. I've had no problem with them as long as I don't drink with my meals, I will occasionally sip if I have dry mouth.

  8. Wow, sorry you are experiencing these emotions and regrets. Are you in a support group or have you considered a therapist who specializes in WLS that can help you through this? You are not very far out so yes you should be able to eat more in the future but remember why you started on this journey, if we could have done this w/o surgery we would have. This is your best chance to learn to eat healthy and avoid all the horrors that come with obesity. As far as vitiamns I use Celebrate brand as they come in chewable, soft chew, sublingual or pill form and they combine vitiamns so you don't need to take so many individually. This has helped me as I also have multiple meds for medical complications due to obesity which are greatly decreasing! Hang in there and focus on the future not the past. Move forward in your new life and give yourself some time to adjust to your new lifestyle. Best wishes!

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