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Everything posted by missy4gordon

  1. missy4gordon

    Going to New Orleans!!!

    Thanks everybody! You have all made it easier for me now to know what to expect! I appreciate it!! :welldone:
  2. missy4gordon

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    MMMMM.....he is definately yummy!!!
  3. missy4gordon

    Going to New Orleans!!!

    Definately, I'm always on my toes in unfamiliar places. I was completely on edge the whole time in Mexico where I had my lap band surgery. This thing with New Orleans is weird, no disrespect to the city or anybody who loves it, but I've never had any desire to visit, so I am at a loss on what to do when we get there. I'm not particularily fond of jazz, I'm very picky about food I eat, rarely try new or different food, so I will be completely out of my element I think. That is why I am trying to pick 'yall's brains to find out more about it.
  4. missy4gordon

    Going to New Orleans!!!

    Thank you! I will make note about the bathroom thing, as strange as that is?! LOL
  5. missy4gordon

    Going to New Orleans!!!

    Thank you! This was very helpful!!
  6. missy4gordon

    Going to New Orleans!!!

    I don't even know what gumbo is???
  7. missy4gordon

    2006 Movies

    :pop2: Loved Loved Loved - Talladega Nights - The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby Best Movie Ever - Laughed Until I Almost Peed My Pants!!! Super Funny!!! :target: I really liked CARS too.
  8. missy4gordon

    I think it's time

    Hi Tim Welcome! I just wanted to tell you that there is a Doctor on this board who goes by the screen name of DR.C, you can usually find him in the complications section of this board. He is from Ohio and seems like a fantastic doctor and guy. I wish I lived near him so I could be his patient!! Good luck! Missy
  9. missy4gordon

    View First Unread??

    It is not just you. Happens to me too so I have been just avoiding using it. It was handy though and I do miss it, especially on the really long threads with many pages!
  10. missy4gordon

    President Gerald Ford

    That was a very nice tribute TOM, very nice! I was born in 1974 when he took office, so of course I don't know much about him, but watching the news reflecting on him, that is exactly the sentiment they are expressing. How he healed the nation. We do need the next president to do something similar as we are again a nation divided. Rest in Peace, Mr. President.
  11. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Like a thief in the night......
  12. missy4gordon

    What's in a Name

    My name is Missy I am a fan of race car driver Jeff Gordon Missy4(for)Gordon Lame, I know.....lol
  13. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Please do show me where I said that? I can't seem to find it.....
  14. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    So I'm weird? Thanks.
  15. missy4gordon

    Rosie vs Donald

    In my opinion..... What Rosie said that started the whole thing was that Donald should not be the moral compass for her. Guess what, he's not. He's her boss so to speak. He has every right to do what he did, he owns the title, the crown, the job. He can expect things of his "employee" and if she/he is not performing to his standards or whatever the case may be, he can fire them or do like he did, give her a second chance. Her behavior was unbecoming of her position. Now don't get me wrong, he shouldn't have gotten that personally nasty, but she did start the war of words. He just should have left the personal attacks out of it.
  16. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    I never said I knew of any, yet I wonder why that is? The mainstream media (sorry, not just tv) doesn't report much of anything other than fatalities, bombings, and such. I don't know why our military would say they wish the news would show the good things, positive things, if there really wasn't any. Oh, wait, GWB must have MADE them say that to make it look like there actually are things going on other than killing. Yeah, that makes more sense.
  17. gadgetlady: I absolutely, 100% agree with you!
  18. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    I wouldn't know, they don't show that on tv.
  19. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Hi everybody! Last night I was watching a program that showed clips of the Kurds thanking the US for all that they've done in freeing them. They also showed clips of some guys in our military saying that the media only shows the bad things that happen over in Iraq, but never the good and they wished they would show more of the good. Just thought that I would throw this in for some good 'ole flaming!! LOL!
  20. Fetus=ok to abort (kill) Infant=not ok to kill Tell me please, how can a one month old, three month old, etc.... sustain itselft on its own??? It needs somebody to feed it, change it, clean it, everything for it, does that mean it can still be killed because it could not live without assistance? Ok, you might be saying that is totally different and I would ask why? Those of you that think that if it can't live w/out machines, it is a-ok to abort, what is the difference with machine assistance until it is strong enough to live w/out them than assistance by feeding, cleaning, clothing???? Please, I really want to know.... My cousin was born sooo early, can't remember the exact # of weeks, but she was so little that 3 of her could fit in the old velveeta box. This was more than 20 years ago and machines kept her alive until she was strong enough to live without them. But guess what, I was born without the need for machines but definately wouldn't have survived on my own if somebody hadn't fed me. Maybe this is rambling and making no sense to any of you but I get so worked up about this.
  21. missy4gordon

    Little People, Big World

    It made me so mad when they were doing their re-model of the house and doing the deck and the inspectors came and said the hand rails weren't to code. That is so unfair that they have to build to average size people code in their own home. I know they got around it somehow, but that made me angry.
  22. Children aged 2 or younger fly free also......
  23. I said it to be sarcastic, in response to the sarcastic comment you made to me about "sex not just being for making babies, etc.". I see now that you took it personally and literally and I am apologizing, that is not the context it was meant. I'm sure killing a baby is not an easy decision, it certainly shouldn't be, anyway. If my boys do impregnate a girl, I will most certainly look you up to tell you what happens if that is what you want. Wait, I guess I can tell you now, they will have no rights, it will be completely up to the girl. But I would take their babies in a HEARTBEAT if I could, no matter what. That is how I feel now, and that is not going to change. But maybe that is just us "back woods" folk that would do that?
  24. I didn't mean to get personally nasty, I apologize.
  25. Really, no kidding?? Wow, I had no idea.....................:rolleyes Carelessness can result in baby making, whether or not you were only in it for the good time. Let's just hope that at least the sex was good, so it was worth having to kill a baby for, right??

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