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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by missy4gordon

  1. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    I went to Dr. Huacuz on 8/30/05. I did not anticipate having to get my stitches removed, but yes, I did go to my local doctor and he removed them. I do not know why he doesn't use the ones that dissolve. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find a doctor to do it, so I was considering doing it myself. I chickened out and called, they got me right in no problem. I also felt good seeing the doctor so he could check them and make sure everything was healing ok. Dr. Huacuz was absolutely wonderful, would recommend him to anyone! Good luck! Missy Banded 8/30/05 Dr. Huacuz - TJ Mexico
  2. missy4gordon

    Dr Daniel Huacuz He Is Inamed Certified

    Dr. Huacuz did my surgery also, I was banded on 8/30/05. I love him, he was wonderful. To my surprise this morning, I received a "Happy Thanksgiving" E-Card from him! What and absolute sweetheart and great doctor. He sends me e-mails regularly, but a card?! It was a nice surprise. If I wasn't married.......(joke) Missy
  3. missy4gordon

    Great chocolate snack that's healthy!

    I am just like you LaMadam, I have been eating the chocolate cherry whips and a banana a day too! About the chocolate dipped bananas, in high school, I worked for a local Tastee Freez (fast food place) and we made those all the time and called them Monkey Tails! They are delicious and I haven't had one in probably 10 years! We also dipped them in butterscotch and rasberry. Yum!! Missy
  4. missy4gordon

    August Bandsters Updates....

    I was banded on August 30th, so far I've lost 26 lbs and feel great. I think this band was placed on my brain as well because I have been able to make much better food choices than I ever did before. My pants are almost falling down, I am walking faster, and there is a spring in my step that hasn't been there in years. I am having so much more fun with my kids, and I am only down 26, I can imagine how good I will feel once I lose even more! I have not had a fill yet because I am still losing. Great thread, it will be nice to see where everyone is that was banded around the same time! Missy North Dakota banded 8/30/05 Dr. Huacuz - TJ
  5. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    Shirley, you must have been misinformed because I can assure you that I do have an Inamed band and Dr. Huacuz was the surgeon who put it in me. I have no bad things to say about him at all, he was great! He came to my room and spent over an hour talking to me, explaining everything, asking me over and over if I have any questions. Then he came in shortly before my surgery and brought me my band, showed me everything as it was sealed up, we took pictures, he gave me the serial number card and the little booklet thing. The next day he personally took me to do the barium swallow, sat next to me (and my mom) in the waiting room talking and explaining things, brought my mom in a special room to see the screen as I was swallowing and I was able to see it on another screen while he was explaining what things were. Then he personally took us to our hotel room and brought a ton of juice and Jello. He then came back a couple of hours later to our room to check on me and he brought me my operative report, gave me his home phone and cell phone in case we needed anything. His driver picked us up the next day and took us to San Diego. I couldn't have been happier with him as a caring and skilled doctor. It is extremely unfortunate what has happened to others at the Molding Clinic, but I am more suspicious of this Andre person since he ultimately was the one people would deal with and schedule with leading up to their surgery. I read in an earlier post that business men, like himself, rather than the physicians, own these clinics there and make the decisions, and I know what it is like when business people make decisions, they are only thinking about the bottom line, $$$. Anyway, I feel the need to defend Dr. Huacuz because I would have missed out on a great man and surgeon had I read all this stuff BEFORE I scheduled my surgery. It is hard for me to believe that he could be so different at another clinic, which leads me to believe there were underlying issues within the organization and possibly other people making the health care decisions. Of course I really have no idea what went on there, I am totally making assumptions. So anyway, I'm so sorry others had terrible experiences with him but there have been others that have had wonderful experiences with him and those stories need to be told also. Thanks for listening! Happy patient of Dr. Huacuz at Huacuz Surgical Center Missy North Dakota banded 8/30/05 so far 23 lbs gone!! YEAH!
  6. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    Dr. Huacuz has his own clinic and it seems to me that all these problems seem to involve this Andre guy. Gee, who do you think was making those decisions not to give the Inamed band, could it be that Dr. Huacuz was doing what Andre set up??? I have no idea, but maybe it is for those reasons that the good Doctor is not with Molding anymore, ya think?? I was very pleased with Dr. Huacuz at his own surgical center and was given the Inamed band, even took pictures with it. I was given the serial number and card from the band before I paid him. Interesting that all these problems were at a clinic he is no longer a part of. Happy patient, Missy banded 8/30/05 Dr. Huacuz - TJ Mexico (Huacuz Surgical Center, not Molding Clinic)
  7. missy4gordon

    How did you pay for your banding?

    I am VERY lucky, my wonderful mom gave me $5000 and I financed $2000 and we were off to Mexico. She even bought her own airfare, she's the best! If it weren't for her, I'd still be wondering how to pay for it because with 2 young kids and a husband, the guilt would kill me to spend $7000 on myself when I know we could use that money for other things, especially when my husband drives a clunker to work. I feel guilty enough about the 2 G's. Good luck with your journey, hope it all works out for you and soon. Missy banded 8/30/05 Dr. Huacuz - TJ Mexico
  8. missy4gordon

    Bad Cough

    I was banded on 8/30/05 and now have a terrible cough. Does anybody think this will harm my band, coughing so hard? I cough so much that I can't sleep at night (which is normal for me when I get a cold). I am worried that my band will slip or something? Anybody have this happen so soon after banding?? Missy
  9. missy4gordon

    Bad Cough

    Wow, I never considered it band related. (I don't have a fill yet.) I thought it was just my luck to get a cold right after surgery. It seems to be getting a little better. I have never had allergies, so I hope I am not developing them now! If it doesn't get better soon, I guess I will have to pay a visit to my doctor. Thanks for all your replies! Missy
  10. missy4gordon


    I quit smoking 2 years ago and I REALLY don't miss how much time they took out of my life. I am free! BUT, since I quit I have been sick with colds, flu, anything that's out there, I was NEVER sick when I was a smoker. Anybody else notice that? Missy
  11. missy4gordon

    question about the recovery.

    I just had my surgery on 8/30/05 and I have a 16 month old. I probably could have lifted him if I had to, but I was afraid he would hurt me or my stitches so my husband took complete care of him for the first 2 weeks. I can now hold him, carry him, hug him and bathe him. It was really hard not to be able to hug him, it hurt my stomach when I tried. It hurt me to bend down to him too. I have never had surgery so I was probably just a wimp! I don't know how physical you are at school, but I went back to work one week after my surgery, but I have a desk job. Occasionally I have to lift 20# books but luckily not very often. I feel back to normal now, 3 weeks out. Hope this has been of some help! Missy
  12. missy4gordon

    Bad Cough

    Thanks for your posts, that makes me feel better. I hope my cough goes away soon. I quit smoking 2 years ago and I swear I have been sick more in these 2 years than ever before! Almost worth starting back up again! Just kidding! Missy
  13. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    Congratulations Lynette! Have you met Dr. Huacuz yet? He is so nice, I really liked him. You must live in San Diego? I was not crazy about TJ, I thought about going back to Dr. Huacuz for fills, etc. but I don't want to go back to TJ. Keep us posted on your progress! Missy banded 8/30/05 Dr. Huacuz - TJ
  14. missy4gordon

    Self Pay HELP!!!

    I went to Dr. Huacuz in TJ Mexico and I think he is great! I have been banded since 8/30/05. The total I paid was $100 deposit and $6700 when I had the surgery, plus airfare. I think Dr. Huacuz was extremely comforting and he was always trying to be funny! He took a lot of time to thoroughly explain the surgery and answer any and all questions I had. The day after surgery he took us to the flouroscopy and then checked us into our hotel, then later that night he came to my room to check on me. I was pretty scared about being in Tijuana, but he made me feel better. So that is my story. If you want his website just let me know. Missy banded 8/30/05 Dr. Huacuz - TJ Mexico
  15. missy4gordon


    thanks guys, just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I should be concerned about! Missy banded 8/30/05
  16. missy4gordon


    I have a question, I am 11 days post op. My largest incision is about 2-1/2 inches up from my belly button and is about 1-1/2 inches long. Around this incision it feels like there is something hard under there, about the size of a baseball around the incision. Is this normal??? What is it?? Will it go away?? Missy banded 8/30/05
  17. missy4gordon

    August Bandsters Support Line....

    I started to be able to take in deeper breaths yesterday, what a relief! Now I am downstairs while my family is eating their supper, and it smells delicious! Guess I better get used to it. Still wondering what I did to myself..... Missy banded 8/30/05 Dr. Huacuz TJ
  18. missy4gordon

    August Bandsters Support Line....

    I was banded on 8/30/05 and am wondering what the heck I did to myself?? I can't wait to feel "normal" again. I am in some pain and can't find a comfortable position to sleep. I am still in San Diego and can't wait to get home, maybe that will help. My mom is with me and is making me walk but all I want to do is sleep! She keeps saying that the more I walk the quicker I will heal and feel better and I know she is right, but I just want to sleep!!! I sure hope it is worth it, I don't want to fail after all this. Thanks for this thread, feels good to let it all out! Missy banded 8/30/05 - TJ Dr. Huacuz North Dakota
  19. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    Oh yeah, just wanted to say that Dr. Huacuz himself took me and my mom to do the barium swallow. He brought my mom in the room and showed her while I also watched on a screen. He was there the whole time and showed us again the picture of it when it was printed up. Missy
  20. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    I had my surgery with Dr. Huacuz 2 days ago. I have complete trust that he did a fine job. It was not in a clinic as stated in a previous post, it was in a small hospital. When we got there a baby had just been born and we were watching the new dad take video of his new baby in the nursery. There are other doctors there other than Huacuz. I have had no nausea or vomiting, the only thing is that I am very tired because it is hard to find a comfortable position to sleep in a hotel. I am a bit sore and there is some pain that comes and goes, I think it could be the gas they put in? He gave me all the operative reports and a card with my Inamed band serial number, I watched him open the box and take out the card and we took some pictures. (And no, I don't believe that he "switched" the band and surgery) My experience has been good and I would recommend him for others as well, and I feel bad that there are such negative comments about him. He was extremely sweet and caring. I was terrified but he instantly put me at ease. So far I have heard one bad experience first hand, the rest is rumor, possibly trying to damage his reputation and put the fear in anyone that is considering him, for whatever reason. So basically I just want to let people know that I am fine, Dr. Huacuz is great and I could care less about what anybody has to say about him now because I know first hand. Thanks for listening. Missy North Dakota banded 8/30/05 Dr. Huacuz, TJ **Can't wait to get home!!**
  21. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    WELL PUT!! I absolutely agree and am so excited for my surgery on Tuesday with Dr. Huacuz! Now more than ever I have complete trust in him! Missy Wish me luck next week!!
  22. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    I am still going to go through with the surgery with Dr. Huacuz. While I truly do appreciate all the information given, I have decided to stick with him. Wish me luck!! Let me know who you decide! Nice to see another North Dakotan!
  23. missy4gordon

    Starting Up

    I am from North Dakota. I am set to be banded on August 30 in TJ Mexico. I considered Dr. Schmit, but the $$ and experience led me to Mexico. Glad to see other North Dakotans here!
  24. missy4gordon

    Looking For August Bandsters....

    I will also be an August Bandster, my date is August 30 in TJ Mexico. CAN'T WAIT!!!
  25. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    I am soo glad to hear that. Thank you too Ginazzz, for putting my mind at ease.

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