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Everything posted by missy4gordon

  1. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    I think it was a joke about the Titanic thing. He was talking about Chris doing ballads and I think just threw in Celine Dion's name which led to Titanic somehow.
  2. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    Definately a boring show last night, much to my surprise. I think this show could have really rocked with all the amazing song choices they could have had. I thought Elliot did fantastic, he was the most entertaining for me because he really changed the song to be something really funky. LOVED IT. Ace is really getting creepy, I'm tellin' ya, perfect Soap Star. Kellie is totally getting on my last nerves. I thought Taylor did a nice job because he needs to show that he can, like Paula said, just stand behind a mic and sing, and he definately can!! The rest for me were not memorable enough to comment on?!
  3. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    Hey guys, you have to go to foxsports.com and read the article The Top 5 Rivalries On and Off the Track. It is really good. Here is the link www.msn.foxsports.com/nascar/story/5398788?GT1=7934#
  4. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    UGH!!! What a crappy ending, not only Kurt Busch winning which really sucks, but Gordon got spun out and ended up 21st. OOH, that Matt Kenseth! I would have shoved him too, he's lucky he didn't get a fat lip! But that was nice of Matt to apologize and take full responsibility, I have nothing against him normally, but that bump was uncalled for, Gordon made a clean pass on him. I heard he may be suspended for a race, oh please! Points and a fine I can understand but suspension??? Whatever?!?! Ok, that's my rant. Sorry, I'll cool down now. I LOVE Bristol, especially the night race.
  5. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    I actually teared up when they did the Kevin flashbacks before he sang, he is just such a sweet kid. More kids should be that innocent and sweet. He took it very well, he knew it was coming. He was very gracious too. His parents must be very proud.
  6. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    You summed it up really well KIMBER-LILLY! Oh, except Taylor, I think he is so entertaining even with the, ok we'll call it dancing, around! He's just fun!! I think Kelly talks too much, I was really pulling for her in the beginning but she is losing me. I still think Kevin is adorable, but he should sing theme songs for Disney movies. Ace really needs to get into the soap opera business, he is fantastic with that dramatic stare!!!
  7. missy4gordon

    BMI 32 lookng for inexpensive surgeon

    Umm....I wouldn't have recommended any surgeon that I feel would take somebody's life (for a small fee). I was simply stating what mine cost and I don't think it is fair for you to dismiss it because you consider it too cheap, so therefore it must be substandard. That is what I paid and I have not died, I have not had any complications so far (knock on wood). My surgeon was absolutely wonderful and skilled, despite the low cost. Any surgery could cost somebody their life, no matter what the price tag.
  8. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    I missed the race. Isn't Kyle Gordon's teammate?? What the hell is he thinking? I don't like the Busch Brothers AT ALL!!!! But, at least my man got 4th and it looks like he led a lap too! He shot up to 6th in the points, thank goodness he is finally in the top ten!!
  9. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    I think the show has put her story out there to be good TV. She doesn't choose what they edit and air as far as her life story. I'm sure each and every contestant has told the producers their life story and the producers then make the decision about what gets on TV. So basically I don't think SHE is using her hard luck story, I think the producers are putting out there.
  10. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    I'm sorry to hear that about Bobby Hamilton, that's always a tragedy. Well, we'll chat about the race on Monday! GO GORDON!!!!
  11. missy4gordon

    Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity

    These are my favorites!! HILARIOUS!!! :funnypost:
  12. missy4gordon

    Would paying for someone else's band be offensive?

    That is one of the nicest things I've ever heard! What a wonderful daughter you are! I got to thinking if I was the mom and my son wanted to pay for me, I don't think I would be able to accept either, even knowing it is out of love and concern, I dunno. Good luck, I hope you can convince her one way or the other.
  13. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    HOLY S@!T! My jaw about hit the floor when Ace and Lisa were in the bottom three. I really thought it was going to be Bucky and Melissa (I thought there would only be a bottom 2) with Bucky going home. Wow, I was in shock!!!!!
  14. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    I could watch Chris and Taylor sing all day, they are so good. Ace should be in a Diet Coke commercial or something, maybe a soap opera, he is really good at the long stares! I think Mandisa is amazing but realistically I don't think she will be in the final two, not because anybody is necessarily more talented than her, but just because. I hope I'm wrong. I think the bottom two tonight will be Bucky and Melissa because I think Kevin has a strong following, but who knows! I can't wait to see. What was with Paris singing all her answers to Ryan's questions? That bugged me....
  15. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    I totally agree. Besides, it is fun to go back and forth about the drivers and try to "one up" each other, until it gets nasty, then it has to stop because people really can get worked up! Just like when they race, they get mad at each other on the track and the next day their buddies again, well some of them anyway!!
  16. missy4gordon

    Ridiculous thing we?ve believed

    Well, this isn't mine but a friend of mine does this and I thought it was funny.....cuz I get sick of eating at these places too...... When they go out to eat as a family, their kids want to go to Burger King or McDonalds. To get out of eating there without them whining or begging, the parents tell the kids that all the cars in the parking lot are farmers and they are having a big meeting so nobody else can go in there. The kids don't question it so it works! Only in North Dakota!!
  17. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    Too funny cuz it's so true!! I think Jeff Gordon has kind of lost his edge or something, he is definately not as ummm....what's the word I'm looking for.....dependable as he used to be? I think he may have too much going on being a car owner and stuff like that, when he just focused on driving he was much better. Last year was the first year he was not in the top ten in points! Anyway.....It was fun watching him and Dale Sr. in the mid to late 90's. They seemed to dominate.
  18. missy4gordon

    Ban Food Ads?

    I disagree. At least not my kids. I don't think a warning would do anything to take away their desire for candy, it hasn't for me and I know better......Although I sure wish that it would be so easy.
  19. missy4gordon

    Ban Food Ads?

    Wow, I can't even believe what I'm reading. When do WE take responsibility for what we buy and eat? When I started smoking as a teenager, I certainly didn't do it because of a cartoon camel or great commercials or print ads. Who knows why we do what we do, but we have to take responsibility for it. It is an age old question and it is also what makes the world go 'round. When I eat, it is not because of a commercial but it is what I think looks delicious on the menu and that is where my control needs to take over (which I am still waiting for)!! Kids are going to want things, that is not going to change, commercials or no commercials. I grew up watching commercials and wanting everything I saw but that doesn't mean I got everything I wanted. It is a fact of life. Parents need to make good choices for them. Let's take away the beer ads, the liquor ads, the clothing ads (because if we don't fit into the size 2 on the ad it makes us feel bad). Let's just do away with advertising, then what? Is that going to solve anything? Oh, I continued to smoke regardless of the fact that they put warnings on the packages (I am proud to say that I have been smoke free for almost 3 years now).....I still eat at McDonalds even after I saw the documentary SUPER SIZE ME and know the statistics. CHOICES, I chose to smoke, I chose to quit. I chose to eat junk and got fat, now I have to quit that too. My sisters and parents don't have a weight problem and they are watching the same commercials I am..........
  20. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    Hi everybody, this is a great thread, except for one thing.....am I the ONLY Jeff Gordon fan??? Oh, I love Jimmie Johnson too, he's way cute! My husband has been to Michigan before he met me, he stayed in the infield and says it is AWESOME. I have never been to a race, SOMEDAY... I think Bristol would be the one to go to, I love night races and I love small tracks. So many Stewart fans on here, I better hold my tongue!! Kasey Kahne is adorable! I hope Mark Martin can win the championship before he retires, he deserves it. Anybody miss Rusty??? NOT! Great to find others to talk with!!
  21. missy4gordon

    BMI 32 lookng for inexpensive surgeon

    I went to Dr. Huacuz in TJ-Mexico. I don't know what his rates are now, but this is what I paid back in August 2005.... $100.00 deposit to hold my Inamed band and surgery date. $6700.00 the day of the surgery which included hospital stay for one night and hotel stay for 2 nights (I opted to stay at the hotel only one night and had them take me to San Diego to stay the second night) for me and a companion which was my mom. I think my airfare was like $300.00 round trip at the time, and I didn't have to buy any food!! Of course my fill with the US doctor was $355.00, so make sure what you can afford to pay for the after care. I have only had one fill so far, only due to the distance I have to travel to get there. I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to find the time to go, it is around a 5 hour drive one way. Anyway, this was what I paid and I LOVED Dr. Huacuz. He is awesome. Good luck with your decision!!!
  22. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    Wow, can you believe that Kevin didn't go home! He wasn't even in the bottom 3, wow. I was very surprised about Gideon. No surprise about the girls. Everybody is talented, it will be hard to see any of them go home from now on.
  23. missy4gordon

    ATTN: tacwoman NASCAR #8 Jr Avatar

    Can you tell by my screen name who is my favorite driver?????
  24. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    I love watching the guys! They are so entertaining, especially Taylor, he's such a natural! And of course Chris and Ace are way easy on the eyes!! Well, sadly I think it is time for sweet Kevin to go home, and Will should go too. Girls, hmmm.......not sure who should go, maybe the girl who sang "Unwritten" but I can't think of her name.
  25. missy4gordon

    Home Treadmill VS Fitness Club

    Unfortunately, I do not have to make that decision. We have one gym, and I use that term loosely, in my tiny little town. They do not offer child care or personal trainers. The aerobics, when they have them, is at 6:00 am to 7:00 am, which doesn't work for me even if I wanted to go to them. BUT, if I GOT to choose with what Paula mentioned, I would definately choose the gym. I would absolutely love it! I spend enough time in my house, I love to get out and that would be a great excuse to go. Plus, to have a personal trainer! That would be awesome, for someone to show me what to do to gain the best results, just what I need. But, I don't get to make that choice, bummer. Our "gym" is sad, I joined once and quickly grew tired of it.

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