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Everything posted by missy4gordon

  1. missy4gordon

    What do you drive?

    I got me a sweet ride!!! A 2004 White Chevy Tahoe LT, loaded and the kids got the DVD Entertainment System! I love it, except when it comes time to fill the tank....not so great. I highly recommend XM Satellite radio too, it is awesome!!! My husband drives 60 miles everyday to and from work so he has to drive an economical car, 1995 Dodge Stratus.
  2. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    I voted for the first time ever last night. Since Chris was in the bottom last week, I wasn't going to take any chances of that happening again, he did AWESOME last night!!!! I think I wore out my cell phone voting so much!! KELLIE MUST GO ALREADY, PLEASE!!!!!
  3. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    That is cool, thank you! I will put it as wallpaper on my computer!
  4. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    OMG, I just read that 2 men were killed at Talledaga when they were setting up their fan flag pole thing! Their pole hit an electrical wire and they were killed. That is terrible.
  5. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    WHAT???? HOLY COW! What is up with that, that is awful! They didn't take your money did they? UNREAL!!!!!
  6. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    I didn't have Dr. Ortiz, but from what I've read it sounds like his patients had good experiences with him. Good luck in your decision, it is a really hard one. There are so many doctors to choose from and it is hard to make that decision based on facts you are reading about on the internet, as opposed to meeting with them in person, going home and thinking about it, you know? It is a HUGE decision, good luck!!! Missy
  7. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    KELLIE???? Wow, that is unexpected. I was expecting maybe Ace to try it. Wish I could have seen it!
  8. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    I missed the show!!! Was it actually entertaining or boring like the last 2 have been? I love Queen too, dang. Did anybody sing Bohemian Rhapsody, my favorite song of theirs???
  9. missy4gordon

    ATTN: tacwoman NASCAR #8 Jr Avatar

    NOT EVEN!!!! I know you are just kidding, but that is just plain wrong!!! :faint: Hold on, I'm looking for the puking face thing.... there we go. Good one..... I see on other posts you are going to Tennessee. What part? My sister lives in Memphis, actually a suburb called Arlington. I really like going there to visit, except the humidity, wow.
  10. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    After watching some of the race yesterday, maybe that wouldn't be a bad place for him!! What happened to him, he used to be the king of consistency!?!? Good job cutie Kasey! Gotta love him, he' too cute. His car owner is none other than the former Gordon crew chief! Maybe that's the problem, Gordon needs Ray Evernham back. I didn't see much of the race but I did see the girlfriend go up to the other girlfriend and start bitching at her, never seen that before! Good entertainment during an otherwise boring caution flag.
  11. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    Ok, and I will promise not to wish Tony gets taken out by ANYBODY on the track....well, I will try! :heh: I'm not going anywhere, I don't know why I was whining like that, it really is unlike me to be such a baby! I apologize again. You know, I heard somewhere that when Gordon first split with Brooke, him and Tony got to be really good friends. Maybe they still are, so if they can be friends with each other, maybe I can find room in my heart for him too......hmmm, probably not. That's racin!!!!
  12. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    Queen songs next week? Awesome!!! I hope somebody sings Bohemium Rhapsody (sp?), that is my fave ever since the movie Wayne's World. I didn't get to watch the elimination but I caught a little bit at the end and saw Mandisa singing so I knew what happened. I think we have all said it, SHOCKED!!! But at this point they are all very talented in their own unique ways, it could be anybody.
  13. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    Ouch! That's harsh. Have you seen Chris in the pictures where he had hair like Ryan Seacrest? I much prefer the bald lookon him, not many people can pull it off, but I think he totally does. I personally don't think 29 is "old", my goodness. Kellie may be beautiful on the outside, but is she on the inside? Isn't that what counts? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Anywhooo....I can't wait to see who gets eliminated, I have no idea who it will be.
  14. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    I had to look twice at the TV when Bucky started singing, he really surprised me! I don't think the judges gave him the credit he was due, they way they fawn over others. He really stood out last night. Kellie did good, but it was her genre, of course she would. Poor Taylor, not his night. I thought Katherine did very well, but I love Faith Hill and recognized the song right away, she had me singing along with her! Elliott did well, so did Chris. Who's going home???
  15. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    :huggie: YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!?!? SO DO WE!!! It is old and from his rainbow color days, but he is still standing! OMG, how funny is that! We are moving and I am trying to talk my DH into letting it go, but he can't part with it. He's more fanatical than anthing I've seen before. My Dad also likes Gordon, nobody in our family doesn't, but we have plenty of friends who don't like him!! There was something about his ex, Brooke that I just didn't like, couldn't put my finger on it though, she was always smiling and picture perfect, but.....Not that I think it is ok for him to cheat, if he did. I don't know how anybody can say Gordon and Jimmie are bullies, I think they are a couple of the wimpier guys racin, they're just that good!! :nervous I really hope Mark Martin wins the Championship before he retires, he deserves it. Has anybody heard anything about Sprint buying out Nextel, and Sprint doesn't want to take over NASCAR? I just got used to saying Nextel and now they are going to change??? It should go back to Winston Cup, has a great ring to it.
  16. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    That is what is great about NASCAR, you really get to know who the driver's are and what they care about, It's not all about money like the other pro sports, it's a great big family. AWWWW!!!
  17. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    I used to think Gordon was the sexiest, but not anymore. He IS nasally, I've noticed that too. I think that Kasey is a super cutie and Jimmie Johnson is hot. (I think I must like the goody two shoes!) Remember Ward Burton? We used to make fun of him because he never moved his lips when he talked!!! He has that deep southern drawl and never moved his lips!! Too funny. I love love love the NASCAR commercials, my favorite is Dale Jr, Gordon, Stewart and can't remember the fourth guy sitting at a nice restaurant in tuxedos and toast each other, then dump the champagne on their heads. This sport really has the best commercials, I'll watch these over the super bowl ones ANYDAY!!!
  18. missy4gordon

    Time off after surgery

    My port is positioned a few inches above my belly button so the arm rest on my chair is no where near it. Good luck with your surgery!!!:clap2:
  19. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    Thanks Kim! I'm not offended AT ALL, I just don't really have anything in common with the Tony people to talk about, know what I mean? It is hard to explain. It is SO ok that people don't like Gordon or whoever, but I don't have much to say when you all are STEWART fans! Just kidding, anyway I'm gonna stick around, I'm done pouting about it! Sorry about that, I don't know what made me post that. Feel free to say what you want about who you want, I will not be offended, and if I am...SO WHAT! I will fire back from now on, with sarcasm and humor, nothing serious!!! Sorry for being stupid, now on to the little pet names...... Tony, in our house we refer to him as "Crybaby Stewart". Rusty was Crusty. I will try to think of more, this is fun! P.S. Why do you call Tony Smoke, where did that come from?
  20. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    Well, looks like I am the lone Hendrick fan and Non-Stewart fan (to put it gently), so I'm going say goodbye to this thread. It's not so much fun to read stuff hating on your guy whenever I come back to see what's going on here. See you guys! Enjoy the season!! Good luck to all your favorites.
  21. missy4gordon

    Time off after surgery

    My surgery was on a Tuesday and I went back to work the following Tuesday. I also have a desk job. I was fine, except my bra wire was practically right on top of one of my incisions so that was uncomfortable.
  22. missy4gordon

    American Idol

    Isn't it funny how we all LOVED Ace in the beginning and now we are all (well, some of us are) really sick of him? Wierd! Katherine was a big shocker!!! I can't wait to see what Taylor, Chris, and Elliott do with the country theme! I hope they do something really awesome!
  23. missy4gordon

    Dr.Aceves Or Dr.Huacuz?

    I live in North Dakota, but thanks anyway! There is a doctor only an hour away that does the lapband surgery but won't do fills for non-patients. BUMMER!
  24. missy4gordon

    Dr.Aceves Or Dr.Huacuz?

    I can tell you MY experience with Dr. Huacuz. I have no idea what being "Inamed Certified" REALLY means, some people have said there is no such thing as being "Certified" by Inamed, however they have to be Proctored or trained in some way before Inamed will let the doctor purchase from them?? I don't know. I DO know that I was given an Inamed band, we took pictures of me holding it, I have the little card with the serial number on it, I signed some seal on the box. As far as his stitches, I have no idea why he doesn't use the ones that dissolve. I did go to a local doctor to have my stitches removed. As far as not being very good at stitching, I'm not sure if you mean the incisions or the placement of the band and port, but my incisions were stitched very well, even my local doctor thought they looked really good, he managed to say that in between his lecture about going to Mexico in the first place! It ended up being a good thing that I had to go have the stitches removed because it helped me relax about my decision about going to Mexico, having my doctor say things looked really good made me feel more at ease. I won't bore you with my whole story but to sum it up, I really liked Dr. Huacuz, he was the best. I didn't have any complications, not even nausea that some people say they experience. I haven't lost as much weight as I would have hoped by now, you may see that in my ticker, but that is completely my fault because I have only gotten one fill because the distance between me and the doctor that will do the fills for Mexican patients is a 4 hour drive one way. I need to get another fill soon!!! If you would like more details about my experience with Dr. Huacuz, please let me know. I would not hesitate to recommend him, I think he was wonderful. Good luck with your decision, I'm sure Dr. Aceves is an excellent doctor as well!!

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