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Jennifer Newman

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Jennifer Newman

  1. Hi all. Just found this site today and I've been reading, reading, reading. I will be having Bypass on December 26th and here is my story...

    I have been heavy my entire life - literally. I as a 9lb 16oz baby, a chubby kid, a chunky teen, an obese college student and morbidly obese as an adult. I've done almost every diet known to man (and a few I made up along the way). I have been successful in taking weight off previously (as much as 92 pounds in 2003) but have never found success in making it to goal and keeping the weight off.

    At age 40, I hit a cross roads in my life - I was tired of being fat, tired of not being able to participate in activities, tired of wearing the biggest uniform in my chorus and tired of being tired. My insurance would not cover surgery and had enough money in the bank to cover it or grad school (a life long dream to return to school and get my Masters of Music in Voice). I choose school. Two years later I was in a new job and lo & behold, surgery is covered in our insurance. I knew that was confirmation that I made the right choice.

    So why surgery? The one constant in my life is that I have never experienced the sensation of feeling satisfied with the amount of food I eat. I know what it feels like to over eat but have no sensation that tells me to stop. Whether I eat 3oz of food or 23 oz of food - I feel the same when I'm finished. Having surgery will give me the tool I need to learn how to eat what is needed to live. I can't wait to Eat to Live instead of Living to Eat.

    I know I have other food issues that I need to address during my journey. My addiction to sweets ends now. I will no longer be held slave to my cravings -- my will is greater than my eyes!

    It's time for a lifestyle change -- I'm ready - I'm committed... Let's go!



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