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Everything posted by luvsrocks

  1. luvsrocks

    Long and Winding Road?

    Jim-thanks! I don't have a pre-op, just the day before a light breakfast then clear liquids till 8:00 PM. They want you to lose prior to surgery but if you maintain ok, but absolutely no gaining. I'll be ok. I want this and I will do what I need to do. If I remember right you are 1/9, only 21 days? It will be here before we know it. Is your pre-op all liquids? Best wishes to you on your journey. Carol
  2. luvsrocks

    Long and Winding Road?

    Hi January Bandsters! I haven't posted in awhile. How is everyone holding up? I am out of control. I need to be exercising & at least maintaining if not losing....and I'm eating like there is no tomorrow. I'm stuffed to the miserable stage tonight. Appointment with surgeon tomorrow and I'm sure I've gained since 1st appt 11/9. Breathe! and I need to get with it! CallMeJim & RedTulips! Thanks for getting the name started for our group. Some great ideas! January is so close! I'm so excited for us all!
  3. I am so overwhelmed today! I went to my seminar 11/3, 1st appt on 11/9 included exam, dietician, phych testing & evaluation. They required bloodwork (did last week) & a stress test and that would be it. They gave me my schedule that day for the Pre-op Education Class, Pre & Post Surgery Appt, Surgery Date,Post-op Education Class and my 1st fill. I'm fine with all this and prepared to be able to take the time off so as not to be away too much from the office and not raise suspicion. Yesterday, I get a "Pre Surgery" Packet in the mail with all the instructions of what has to be done the week prior to my appt with surgeon. More blood & urine tests, EKG, complete physical & chest xray and all the week before Christmas. Today the cardiologist called to reschedule my stress test that same week! I'm just like "how am I going to do all this?" more time off work to explain AND they told me at the office visit that most people go home the same day and NOW the paperwork says "be prepared to stay in hospital 2 days"! I'm self pay.......was not planning on that. I'm doubting myself today, my decision, can I do all this and can I do everything I need to do AFTER my band! I'm overwhelmed, tense, stressed (if they did my stress test right now I wouldn't even need to get on a treadmill!)....and I bought a Body Bugg and they keep calling & emailing me for my free couching session and I haven't even had time to wear it yet...........AND I'm supposed to lose 15 lbs before surgery.......had to TELL SOMEBODY!:omg: My Dad always told me "if you're going to say something bad....say something good too"....................I'm thinking................................... got it! I did my Christmas shopping early and only have to wrap it. I must have done that for a reason. That's as good as I can do today. Thanks for listening...........I REALLY needed to get that off my chest. Carol
  4. luvsrocks

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Denise, glad to hear you got your fill today. I know you've been ready for some time. Hang in there with the head hunger. I was just searching threads for emotional/head hunger. That is going to be my biggest challenge. Best of luck with your new fill....you're so close to your goal. You'll get there now! Carol
  5. luvsrocks

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Hi guys! I'm still catching up and wanted to respond to the Oprah show about "transfer addiction". I did not see it, but unfortunately, my DH & Brother both saw it sometime during the night while I was peacefully sleeping. DH never watches O. Both are supporting me, but do not like the idea of WLS, so this did not help. I found myself, once again, defending my decision & trying to explain it. You know what? DH could lose 30/40 lbs, but my B is morbidly obese & I couldn't even make him understand. They both say, that I'm obcessive about food....when you can't eat, you're going to do something else. Your life works, why do you want to change it? My response...."because I believe with all my heart this is the tool I need to change my long time bad habits." There is nothing else I can say to them. But...I agree, O is definately one sided on this subject. That said, I did a thread search on "obcessive behavior" and did find a few threads to read through. Thanks everyone. I enjoy this connection with you. Carol
  6. luvsrocks

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Phyllser! Down 50+ lbs! Congratulations! I know that was a few days ago, but I'm trying to catch up with everyone....haven't been on in a few days. Good job!
  7. luvsrocks

    OVERWHELMED January Bandster!

    SJK, congratulations on your surgery date & welcome to LBT! I'm self pay also & I know what you mean. But I'm doing this for my future. I've read here about others that have mortgaged their homes, taken it from IRA $, etc....so many stories, but I haven't read one that wouldn't do it again. I have my Pre Op Education class tomorrow from 7:30 to 1:30, so I'm anxious to see what that's all about & get more info. Best of luck to you in your journey!
  8. luvsrocks

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    :omg:I took the plunge! Are you sitting down? I did some weight training exercises last night, about 25 minutes! yeah THEN, I got up at 4:30 (that's AM) and it took awhile to get myself to do it, but did 20 minutes on my exercise bike! Hope I can walk tomorrow without knee pain....but I finally got started. Surgery is in 5 weeks, I know it will help if I'm stronger for the recovery process. Just had to share. I haven't moved in way too long. Hope you all have a great day! I think maybe I found some of those endorphin guys! Maybe? Denise! Hang in there! Only a week until your fill!
  9. luvsrocks

    OVERWHELMED January Bandster!

    Bobbi, thank you for the pep talk! I know I can do it, but I am still in my old mode......I need to move on and get the weight off & START exercising. I love it when I do it, but never stick to it. I'll try some peppy music. Thanks so much. Best wishes to you on the 17th! Carol
  10. luvsrocks

    OVERWHELMED January Bandster!

    Penny2 - how frustrating for you! We all have to stop sometimes and recognize our blessings. I hope you'll find a center you are comfortable with soon. All of us sisters have to stick together, right? Keep us informed. Sorry I don't have any knowledge of your area. Best wishes.
  11. luvsrocks

    OVERWHELMED January Bandster!

    Hi all! Thanks for your support & responses. I'm thankful for this site & thankful for all of you! I will take it all as it comes & deal with it. Bless you all!
  12. luvsrocks

    OVERWHELMED January Bandster!

    Hi Hilary, wow you had quite a week yourself! I'm glad it all worked out. Don't you just amaze yourself sometimes? You know, I was so embarrassed the next day when I read my post. But I had to spill it to move on and I'm wanting to keep the surgery quiet for now, so I came here to let loose. I went to bed that night really early and woke up to a new day, knowing that I can and will do whatever it takes to see this through. Nothing I know I can't handle. Jan 10th will certainly be a special day for us both. My doctor's diet requirements are so easy compared to everything I've read here. Light Breakfast the day before surgery, Clear Liquids the rest of the day and a clean out (can't remember the name of the laxative) and lots of Water. Nothing after 6:00 PM and I have to be at the hospital at 6:00 AM. Best of luck to you. I'd love to keep track of your journey! You have a great weekend too! You deserve it after all that! Carol
  13. Hi all! I haven't been successful losing more than 10 or 15 lbs in the past 10 years. I was successful losing 60-65 lbs when I was younger, but gained it back within a year both times. It's always hard, but when you're older and the damage from being overweight so many years starts to gain on you and continued failures and then pain .... it really slows things down. The important thing is young, old, surgery or not, we can't ever give up! I truly believe I can do this with the help of a band. I have hope for the first time in SO many years. Congrats to all of us for taking control of our health & our lives.
  14. luvsrocks

    OVERWHELMED January Bandster!

    Thanks Amber. I actually felt better after I let it all out. I just need to remember to breathe!
  15. luvsrocks

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    :clap2:Glad you made it through the day without sugar! It's hard to crawl out of those down times (depression). Thank you for sharing. We can all learn from it. You concentrated on one thing you could change for one day, you made it and you'll feel better and stronger today! Hope you have a great day today! I'm going to walk today instead of sitting here until it's time to get ready for work. Uh....think I just made a commitment too. One day at a time.
  16. luvsrocks

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Thank you Ingyrob. I know I just have to commit to it. Did you build up to an hour or just go for it? Maybe I just need to do it and get over the aches & pains. Thx again for your response.
  17. luvsrocks

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Hey! back at ya Poodlecamper! Our stats aren't the only thing we have in common....I'm Carol in AZ! My doc does not have a restrictive diet, unlike almost everything I've read on LBT, so I feel blessed. They do want you to begin applying the behavior changes into your daily life right from the getgo. I was given a list and asked to pick 3 of the changes to work on until my next appt. I picked drinking all the H20, small bites (small plate & fork too) and only 3 meals/no snacks to get started. I decided to add no liquid during meal and the dreaded exercise this week. So far this morning: I forgot to not drink at breakfast & didn't get up with the alarm to walk....but I still have the rest of today, right? The only diet restrictions are only liquids only after noon the day before surgery, clear liquids post surgery for 48 hours, then slowly adding foods. But no beef or pork for 4 weeks. That is all I know from my first visit with the dietician. Thanks for your response! Let me know about your insurance. When do you expect to hear back from them. Thx again, Carol
  18. luvsrocks

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Sharon, Thank you for your response! I'm sure you were amazed with the changes on your plate. Congratulations on your band & I look forward to watching your journey.
  19. luvsrocks

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    QUESTION for all you over 50's! I have enjoyed reading this thread but I don't think I've posted yet. I am scheduled January 10th! My questions - now that you have your band, know the good, bad & the ugly......do you love your band? Would you do it again? You are an inspiration.....to know after years of abusing our bodies, we have an opportunity to work at changing our lives with the help of the band. I have been working on some of the behavior modification but the one I'm having the hardest time with is exercising.....I hate it....everything hurts....so many excuses. Also, can relate to some of you with husbands that sabatouge. Mine is not happy of my decision and I know the changes are going to be difficult for him. I'm 56, H 313, C 303........and full of HOPE. Thank you all!
  20. luvsrocks

    Long and Winding Road?

    ACALPN - I don't know anyone, but you might go to the Surgery Forums under Doctors & Hospitals.....there is one thread called Mexico Dr. and might be other threads there. Good luck to you!
  21. luvsrocks

    Long and Winding Road?

    You have such a great attitude! Positive attitude is so important. You are to be congratulated on taking control of your life now, at a young age. Great job!
  22. luvsrocks

    Long and Winding Road?

    Red! You're doing great with your weight presurgery weight loss! What are you doing to prepare? The center gave me a list of behavior modifications and told me to choose three to work on ..... I think it's been two weeks and I had lost 1 lb which now I''ve gained 2 this past holiday weekend. Have lost 10 since Sept on WW. Great start for you! I wish you the best on your sleep test. I look forward to watching your journey...I'm the day after you!
  23. luvsrocks

    Long and Winding Road?

    RuthE & RedTulips3! Best of luck with your scheduled sleep tests. I somehow got passed on needing the sleep test but I have to see a cardiologist on Thursday (29th) to set schedule a stress test and if that is good I'm scheduled for surgery Jan 10th! Thoughts & prayers for you both to have good results & no CPAP
  24. luvsrocks

    Long and Winding Road?

    FLMAN! My surgery is Jan 10th.....they only made ours different days because Gators & Sooners can not have surgery the same day! LOL You are blessed to have such great support. And YES we can do this and we will have renewed life! Best wishes!
  25. luvsrocks

    Long and Winding Road?

    Sunshine2, thank you so much for sharing your incredibly inspiring story! You give so much hope to us all. The "new meaning to the bedroom now"! LOL Who couldn't use that? I'll check out your journal too. Thanks again.

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